

自1978年从北卡罗来纳大学获得MBA以来,洛克菲勒基金会Cio Donna Dean在养老基金,养老金和基金会世界中无缝地移动。


自1978年从北卡罗来纳大学获得MBA以来,Donna Dean在养老基金,禀赋和基金会世界中无缝地移动。经过五年的2号职位,院长在2000年沿着洛克菲勒基金会的CIO进入了当前的角色。1913年成立,约翰D.洛克菲勒斯的捐款2.5亿美元捐款,以促进人类的福祉,该基金目前在今天的美元中价值平等 - 尽管有超过160亿美元的实际美元兑换了35亿美元。

Dean, whose mission is to preserve the corpus, in 2003 began to increase commitments to what she calls the fund’s “Alpha Core” — private equity, hedge funds and real estate — raising it from 18.3 percent to 58 percent of the portfolio by 2010. As these investments grew, she instituted an annual liquidity exercise to ensure there would be enough cash in a downturn to fund the foundation’s programs. In the second quarter of 2008, concerns about private equity led Dean to sell 10 percent of the foundation’s private equity holdings in the secondary market, while prices were still robust. That helped keep foundation programs afloat, producing a 6.8 percent annualized return over the five years ended December 2010.
