
1 Reto Francioni / Duncan Niederauer



    技术上升了旧的交易秩序,与两种历史主动的能力有很大关系,并再次重塑自己的世界。2月15日德意志Börse和纽约证券交易所之间的合并协议本身就是市场震荡的东西;他们预计54亿美元的收入增长多年的业内工业巩固,远离此前宣布的伦敦证券交易所集团和多伦多的TMX集团的未宣布。作为纽约证券交易所首席执行官Duncan Niederauer,联合公司的首席执行官,后来说,这份“总理全球交易所”将是“不仅仅是关于您列出股票的地方。”He and his Deutsche Börse counterpart and future chairman, Reto Francioni, stressed their complementary strengths and synergies, adding up to what Francioni called “one of the deepest pools of liquidity for European and U.S. equities and the most iconic venue for capital-raising in the world.” Not least among the anticipated benefits: some $400 million in annual cost savings, largely from information technology, clearing and market operations. The Francioni-Niederauer tandem will be crucial to achieving such objectives — both personify three decades of rapid, technology-driven transformation.

    DeutscheBörse.CEO since 2005, the 55-year-old Francioni started his career with Credit Suisse and UBS before getting on the exchange track as deputy CEO of Zurich’s Association Tripartite Bourses from 1988 to 1992. After a stint in corporate finance at drugmaker Hoffmann–La Roche, he held several top positions with Deutsche Börse from 1993 to 2000, managing, among other businesses, the flagship Frankfurt Stock Exchange, noted for its Xetra electronic trading platform, and Deutsche Terminbörse, the options e-trading pioneer and predecessor of Börse’s Eurex derivatives subsidiary. In 2000, Francioni became co-CEO of German brokerage Consors, now part of Cortal Consors (see Olivier Le Grand, No. 13). He returned to his native Zurich from 2002 to 2005 as chairman of exchange operator SWX Group, now SIX Group.

    Niederauer,51,纽约证券交易所的父母首席执行官于2007年12月,八个月后,约翰·谢内克将他带到总统和共同体。在与Goldman Sachs Group的过去22岁期间,他和Thain是合作伙伴,Niederauer都有职位,包括股票部门的联合负责人,并将作为矛,利兹和凯洛格的执行和清算业务负责人。Niederauer担任前电子通信网络群道控股的董事,纽约证券交易所的2006年收购导致大委员会成为公开交易公司。
