
47 David Mechner.


    David Mechner和Lee Maclin于2003年创立了Pragma金融系统,作为一家技术公司,他们创建了算法交易平台Tradeengine。Mechner, who had been a quantitative trader at a hedge fund, and Maclin, then a professor in the math finance program at New York University’s Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, formed an alliance in 2007 with full-service brokerage Weeden & Co. to distribute TradeEngine to buy-side clients. The partnership “was an inflection point,” says CEO Mechner, 40, who had been a doctoral fellow in neural biology at NYU before being lured into finance. “It opened up the institutional segment of the market to us.” The next year, Pragma launched OnePipe, which aggregates dark pools, crossing networks and other market destinations through a single conduit. By early 2009, Maclin had returned to academia, Weeden had taken an equity stake in Pragma, and the firm had its own broker-dealer, Pragma Securities. Back to its roots as a technology provider, the New York company this spring launched Hosted Algos for systematic traders, invested in new foreign exchange venture Ogg Trading and hired Jaime Jofre from Liquidnet Holdings as chief technology officer.