

Russia's woodlands harbor half of the world's evergreen, or softwood, trees. Yet Russia's forests account for only 3 percent of the world's annual softwood harvest. International companies are increasingly seeing an opportunity.


在相邻的餐车里,一群瑞典投资者厌倦了等待服务,他们霸占了厨房,为自己准备了一顿烤鲑鱼晚餐。他们的足智多谋是经验的产物。瑞典人正在为期四天的考察他们对俄罗斯最大的外资林业公司之一俄罗斯森林公司的投资。到达该公司位于西伯利亚偏远地区的房产并在那里运营所涉及的后勤工作令人望而生畏,但RusForest及其年轻的首席执行官Martin Hermansson却乐此不疲。

“It is easier to take initiatives in forestry here than in Sweden or the rest of Europe,” says the 28-year-old CEO. “You try to be a first mover and take the best areas early and consolidate them into strongholds.”

在该地区,瑞典投资者远不止这些。包括芬兰UPM Kymmene公司和斯道拉恩索(Stora Enso)、瑞典Svenska Cellularosa和美国重量级国际纸业公司在内的多家世界领先的纸制品公司都在积极推进对西伯利亚森林(Siberia forest)的投资,相信其利润潜力大于风险和挑战。根据华盛顿美国大学出版的在线期刊《贸易与环境数据库》(Trade&Environment Database)的数据,俄罗斯的林地——大部分位于塔伊加——拥有世界上一半的常绿或软木。然而,俄罗斯完全国有的森林仅占世界软木年产量的3%。“林业是俄罗斯最后一个尚未私有化的重要自然资源,”Vostok Nafta Investment首席执行官perbrilioth说,Vostok Nafta Investment是一家在百慕大注册、总部位于斯德哥尔摩、控制俄罗斯林业的机构。

Anticipating eventual privatization, RusForest has snapped up 49-year leases on 2.4 million hectares of woodlands — roughly the size of New Hampshire, or slightly smaller than Belgium — for a mere $75 million over the past five years. In Sweden, where it is difficult to buy more than 1,000 hectares of forest, such an enormous expanse would cost $25 billion if it could be obtained. “Russian forestry reminds me of 15 or 16 years ago, when you could buy Russian oil in the ground for 10 to 15 cents a barrel, compared with valuations elsewhere in the world of $5 a barrel,” says Ranjan Tandon, head of New York–based Libra Advisors, a $2.5 billion hedge fund that owns 8.3 percent of RusForest.

然而,俄罗斯林业投资的陷阱可以与回报相媲美。森林偏远,几乎没有维护良好的公路、铁路和港口将木材运往市场。熟练的劳动力和有效的管理也供不应求。官僚机构错综复杂的规章制度使公司很难采用现代林业做法并进口关键的外国机械。芬兰林业工业联合会是芬兰林业公司的研究和游说组织,总部设在赫尔辛基的俄罗斯林业专家Jukka Halonen说:“就连俄罗斯公司也抱怨经营环境不可预测或不稳定。”。


不过,这一数字在未来几年将大幅增加。总部位于赫尔辛基的全球公司Pöyry Forest Industry Consulting 2008年的一份报告显示,林业部门已承诺在大约30个大型木材和木材加工项目上投资约300亿欧元(430亿美元)。俄罗斯企业占了投资的大部分,但外国企业的作用越来越大。芬兰三大林业公司斯道拉恩索、芬欧汇川和梅特斯波尼亚已经投资了10多亿欧元,并计划在未来几年再投资20亿欧元。瑞典家具制造商宜家(IKEA)和挪威-爱沙尼亚合资企业爱沙尼亚纸浆(estonianpulp)也宣布进行大规模投资。

One of the largest forestry projects, with more than 5 million hectares under lease, is Ilim Group, a 50-50 joint venture between St. Petersburg–based Ilim Holding and International Paper. The U.S. company has invested about $2 billion in the venture. A big plus for IP and other foreign investors is the fact that President Dmitry Medvedev was Ilim’s legal director between 1993 and 1999. “It’s a good thing that the president has roots in the forest industry,” says the Finnish Forest Industries Federation’s Halonen. “He understands the problems and language of forestry investors when he meets with them.”

俄罗斯森林公司的目标是到2014年成为俄罗斯第三大外国林业公司,仅次于国际纸业和UPM。该公司得到了俄罗斯动荡经济中资深投资者的支持。该集团由Vostok Nafta Investment牵头,其最大股东是已故瑞典矿业和石油企业家Adolf Lundin的家族,持股27.7%。自20世纪90年代初以来,沃斯托克北美自由贸易协定(Vostok Nafta)一直在俄罗斯投资,当时该国开始对后苏联经济的大部分进行混乱的私有化。“多年来,我们艰难地学会了如何衡量俄罗斯的风险,”首席执行官布里利奥思说。“你必须仔细观察那些表面上看起来很便宜的资产,然后将风险与潜在回报进行比较。”



Now, Brilioth is hoping the lessons learned at Black Earth Farming will benefit RusForest. Vostok Nafta created RusForest in 2006 by teaming with another Swedish investment company to acquire three Russian forestry companies for $22 million. It subsequently bought out the Swedish partner, then raised 441 million Swedish kronor ($70 million) by floating a 57 percent stake in the business on First North, the Nordic stock exchange operated by Nasdaq OMX Group. Over the next four years, Vostok Nafta sold off coal interests on the properties, built up RusForest’s reserves under lease from an initial 724,000 hectares to today’s 2.4 million and acquired five sawmills. But the financial crisis hammered RusForest’s share price along with much of the Russian market. The company’s stock fell from a January 2007 high of Skr50.97 to a March 2009 low of Skr9.67. (It was trading last montheds: update in mid-August; quote is from July 28 at Skr 10.65.) RusForest has been able to attract money to finance its expansion, though. The company raised Skr437 million with a rights issue last year and sold Skr500 million of three-year, 11 percent bonds in May.

沃斯托克北美自由贸易协定(Vostok Nafta)已将其在俄罗斯森林(RusForest)的持股比例降至29.7%,主要是通过引入与之有业务往来的其他投资者。2011年5月,参与黑土耕作、拥有50亿美元俄罗斯资产的瑞典投资公司East Capital Asset Management以1.16亿瑞典克朗的价格收购了俄罗斯森林公司9.8%的股份。东方资本驻莫斯科的合伙人雅各布•格拉彭吉塞尔(Jacob grapengieser)表示,林业比农业更简单。他说:“你基本上是把木材砍下来,送到锯木厂,然后把成品卖了,所以出问题或被偷的风险要低得多。”。此外,他补充道,由于RusForest的股价已经下跌了80%以上,“我们以非常高的折扣购买资产。”亚慱体育app怎么下载

Alecta, Sweden’s largest pension fund, with Skr500 billion in assets under management, is another principal owner in RusForest, with a 9.5 percent stake. It previously invested with Vostok Nafta in Black Earth Farming and Gazprom, among other Russian ventures. “Those investments have experienced ups and downs,” concedes Leif ?Törnvall, a Stockholm-based portfolio manager who runs Skr50 billion in midcap investments, including Russian businesses, for the pension fund. “But forestry is an asset that has been around Sweden for a long time, and every investor here is familiar with it.” Most of the Skr100 million that Alecta sank into RusForest was invested in October 2010, after the company began shedding noncore businesses to focus on forest products. The pension fund is willing to be patient with its holding. “I would like to see continuous improvement at RusForest,” says Törnvall. “But we are not a quarterly focused fund. We have a long-term horizon.”


Much of the pressure for profits rests on the shoulders of Hermansson, RusForest’s chief executive. A boyish Swede with a thick mop of black hair, Hermansson was born in a forestry area of southwestern Sweden near Göteborg, where his family has been operating sawmills since the 19th century and owns some 3,500 hectares of woodlands. Hermansson’s father bought him his first chain saw before he was 12. “I briefly considered doing something else,” says the CEO, who graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science with a political science degree and fluency in Russian. That landed him a job in Russia with Stena, a Swedish oil shipping company, in 2005.

Excited by Russia’s woodland potential, he quit a year later to become an independent forest industry consultant. “It gave me a chance to see a lot of forestry operations,” Hermansson says. One of the best assets he came across was in the Arkhangelsk region: The million-hectare expanse had exceptional reserves of spruce and pine and fairly good access roads, and it sat in close proximity to the White Sea port at the city of Arkhangelsk, 600 miles (965 kilometers) northeast of Moscow. The forest’s 49-year lease and two sawmills were available for the rock-bottom price of $20 million. Hermansson took extensive photos, drew up a business plan and raised money from Danish and German private equity funds to buy the operation in 2007. At age 24 he became CEO of ?Nord Timber Group, and the future looked promising — until the global crisis sent wood prices tumbling to 40-year lows.

在2009年市场最低谷时,沃斯托克北美自由贸易协定(Vostok Nafta)与赫尔曼森接洽,提议他与诺德木材(Nord Timber)一道经营俄罗斯森林公司,直到两家公司合并。RusForest以5000万美元的价格收购了Nord Timber,这一全股交易导致RusForest股东股权稀释31%。合并发生在2010年5月,赫曼森被任命为首席执行官。他和父亲伦纳特(Lennart)曾投资Nord Timber,共同获得了扩张后的俄罗斯森林4.2%的股份。

Vostok Nafta and the other investors were impressed with the way Hermansson had resolved the kinds of problems at Nord Timber that plague RusForest on a larger scale. “Nord Timber was a Soviet-type organization with a lot of idle equipment and bottlenecks that he turned around into an efficient, Western-style operation,” says Brilioth. At Nord Timber, Hermansson was credited with repairing access roads, increasing the harvest and installing best business practices. East Capital partner Grapengiesser liked the fact that Hermansson was willing to spend up to 80 percent of his time visiting operations around the country. “Before Martin, RusForest was being run out of Moscow, and I don’t think it is possible for a manager to be respected out in the regions if he does that,” Grapengiesser says.

Hermansson缺乏经营RusForest-Nord Timber合并这样大企业的经验。为了就俄罗斯森林公司的经营和财务决策向他提供建议,沃斯托克北美自由贸易协定建立了一个具有强大林业背景的积极董事会。他们包括三位资深的瑞典林业企业家:杰克尔·卡尔松(jecker Karlsson),他40多年的从业经历包括担任Svenska Cellulosa的首席执行官;肯尼斯·埃里克森(Kenneth Eriksson),Svenska Cellulosa的前首席运营官;弗兰兹·伯格斯特朗(Franz Bergstrand),他担任林业工程师35年,目前是瑞典木材集团的董事长。“马丁的年轻是一个加分,因为他需要吨的能量为长期,颠簸的旅程,”布里利奥斯说。


下车后,瑞典人另一个飞机for a 90-minute flight north to the river transportation hub of Ust-Kut. From there they take a five-hour bus ride southeast to their ultimate destination, the town of Magistralny (population 12,000), where RusForest will inaugurate a sawmill the following day on one of its largest leased properties. The bus has no air-conditioning, but the windows remain closed because of the dust stirred up by log-bearing trucks rumbling along the gravel road. Adding to the discomfort, the driver refuses requests to stop smoking and to turn off the overhead screen showing Russian porno-rap videos.

The taiga’s birches, pines and larches stretch from both sides of the road to the distant, hilly horizons. This forbidding forest, with its gnarled underbrush and mosquito-ridden swamps, has none of the magical charm of the Finnish woods that inspired the tone poems of composer Jean Sibelius. A thickening carpet of plastic debris on the roadside announces the proximity of human settlements, mostly villages of dull wooden slat houses relieved by brightly painted window shutters.

然而,瑞典人似乎一点也不为周围的环境感到沮丧。其中一位是62岁的Mikael Lönn,是RusForest的散户投资者,他之前去过西伯利亚和阿尔汉格尔斯克的其他公司设施。作为一名医生,他通过在瑞典创建并出售一家帮助管理私立医院的公司而赚了一大笔钱,Lönn喜欢从事金融旅游,参观?他在国外的投资。他说:“财务数据和预测很重要,但你必须到这里来,对一个项目的进展情况和管理人员有一个直觉。”。





总部位于斯德哥尔摩的投资银行厄曼股票(厄曼股票)的分析师埃德瓦尔德伦纳(Edvard Lenner)说:“对我来说,首要任务是证明收割作业足够顺利,可以使工厂自给自足。”。“目前,他们还没有做到这一点。他们被森林里成堆的原木困住了,因为没有足够的道路,他们无法进入。”总部位于斯德哥尔摩的专门投资中小型企业的基金Remium的分析师苏珊娜•赫尔格森(Susanna Helgesen)发现,设备进口出现延误。赫尔格森还参观了俄罗斯森林公司在西伯利亚的另一家工厂,位于博古恰尼以西更远的地方,他对这些工厂的俄罗斯中层管理人员也表示怀疑。她说:“当我在博古查尼(Boguchany)问外国老板离开地方法院或其他地方后会发生什么时,我对答案并不满意。”。“他们必须雇佣更多合格的员工。”


Further ahead, the biggest issue confronting RusForest and other forestry companies is land ownership. Although long-term leases have lured an initial wave of investment, outright ownership would attract more capital, allow companies to raise bank loans, spur much-needed infrastructure spending and create incentives for reforestation. But privatizing the taiga, a cultural icon that features in everything from medieval folktales to modern Russian novels, remains controversial.

“出售任何林地在政治上都是非常不受欢迎的,”治安法官安德烈·罗曼诺夫(Andrey Romanov)说,他刚刚称赞RusForest的新锯木厂是他的社区“新时代的开始”。“200多年来,林业一直是这里的主要生计,因此,让当地人民感到泰加永远卖不出去是非常重要的。”


But for now the forestry industry has yet to build up a lobby in the Kremlin or Parliament to match the clout of bankers and oil magnates. RusForest must depend on the advice of its executive in charge of government relations, Vladimir Gaidamakin. “He worked in the forestry area going back to Soviet times and knows how the bureaucracy works from the inside,” says Hermansson.




At meal’s end the investor group heads for the train station. Some members will head west on the Trans-Siberian for 23 hours to visit the sawmill at Boguchany, while others will get off at Bratsk, after a mere 13-hour trip, to catch a flight back to Moscow.

Hermansson, who calls a two-room rental apartment in Moscow home, will stay there only a day before his next business trip. He is on the road 280 days a year. “I don’t have a family or any personal commitments, which is an advantage for this job,” he says. “I have to consolidate operations, introduce new processes and build from scratch the relationships between the local managers and myself. The main challenge is finding good managers and keeping them. If I lose a manager, I often risk losing his entire team as well. That’s what really keeps me on the road.” • •