

Rwanda's fledgling stock market hosted two successful IPOs earlier this year, the country has become the third-most-competitive economy in Africa, and it was recently named East Africa's leading IT nation. Finance Minister John Rwangombwa recently spoke with Institutional Investor.

除了可能卢旺达之外,它几乎到处都是卖方的卖家令人艰难的一年。卢旺达?内陆东非国家的逃离股票市场今年早些时候举办了前两项首次公开募股,其中两者都沉重超额认购。卢旺达的主导啤酒厂布拉鲁瓦,2月份售价25%的股票2950万美元。高利市金融机构银行筹集了6250万美元,以8月份为45%的股份。这些只是卢旺达金融部长约翰·卢旺默姆瓦在上周末访问华盛顿国际货币基金/世界银行年度会议的两项成就中的两个成就。他的山区国家为1100万,最为符合1994年杀害多达100万人的部落种族灭绝运动,是在两年前荷兰教育经济学家加入了内阁的改革道路上。卢旺达现在是南非和旅游避风港毛里求斯的非洲最竞争力的经济,据世界经济论坛称。根据世界银行排名,它去年去年去年去年去年的任何其他国家都提升了更多的国家。“我们的政策是基于财政纪律和切割繁文,以促进私营部门的增长,”Rwangombwa在国际货币基金组织会议暂时讲述机构投资者。亚博赞助欧冠 “You can open a business now online.” Rwanda aims to become a technology and financial hub servicing a broader East African region of 150 million, including more-populous neighbors such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burundi, the finance minister says. The government is laying fiber-optic cable across the country and has persuaded the U.S.’s Carnegie Mellon University to open a graduate engineering program on its soil. “Rwanda was named East Africa’s leading ICT [information and communications technology] nation by the U.N. with heavy investments in technology infrastructure,” a university statement explained. Reformist energy helped carry Rwanda through the global economic crisis, Rwangombwa says, even though exports, led by minerals and tea, dropped by one quarter in 2009 and top currency earner tourism has slackened. Economic growth skidded from 11 percent in 2008 to 4 percent in 2009, then rebounded to 6.5 percent last year, near its ten-year average. One big fan of Rwanda is Lado Gurgenidze, ex–prime minister of the former Soviet republic of Georgia and now chairman of Bank of Kigali. The country’s determination to reinvent itself reminds him of his own nation, which blossomed under radical market reforms after the so-called Rose Revolution of seven years ago. “Doing business in Rwanda is straightforward and gets progressively easier,” Gurgenidze tells II. “Something rather unique is afoot in Rwanda, not dissimilar to the transformation of Georgia after 2004.” Rwangombwa says his government’s strategic goal is to turn Rwanda into a middle-income country by 2020. That seems too much to expect. Per capita gross domestic product is just $1,100 per year, compared with $6,200 in Egypt, for example. Nine out of ten Rwandans still eke out a living on small farms. Foreign aid from the World Bank, European Union and elsewhere makes up 40 percent of the national budget, about $800 million, though that is down from 60 percent a few years ago.

