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基金世界经济前景是全球经济最全面的预测,为本周晚些时候在华盛顿举行的国际货币基金组织和世界银行的年度会议上涂了清醒的背景。The slowdown makes it all the more urgent for policymakers to take action to support growth, fund officials said, calling for bolder measures by the European Union to contain the bloc’s debt crisis, further unconventional monetary easing by the Federal Reserve and an acceleration of efforts by China and other emerging markets countries to stimulate domestic demand.

“全球经济进入了危险的新阶段,”国际货币基金组织首席经济学家奥利维尔·布兰安德(Olivier Blanchard)说。“需要强大的政策来改善前景并减少风险。”


The downgrade represents an official recognition of what markets have been signaling over the past few months. Most private-sector economists have been reducing their forecasts in recent weeks. J.P. Morgan predicts the U.S. will grow by 1.4 percent this year and just 1.2 percent in 2012; it puts global growth at around 3.5 percent both years.

The global recovery was already slowing earlier this year but the worsening of the European debt crisis and the deterioration in the U.S. economy, exacerbated by the political brinksmanship over the debt ceiling in July and early August, have dealt significant blows to confidence, fund officials say. “Markets have become more skeptical about the ability governments to stabilize their public debt,” said Blanchard.


“The perception is that policymakers are one step behind the markets,” said Blanchard. “Europe must get its act together.”



Fund officials also warned of the risk that in the wake of the August debt ceiling deal, U.S. fiscal policy would tighten too much in the short term without making the kind of reforms that would reduce deficits and debt over the long term. Getting the balance right isn’t easy, Blanchard conceded. “Fiscal consolidation cannot be too fast as it would kill growth,” he said. “It cannot be too slow as it would kill credibility.”

许多私人经济学家担心美国不会达到正确的平衡。J.P. Morgan的首席经济学家布鲁斯·卡士曼预测预算削减将减少未来一百分点的增长。“政策实际上可以在这里造成伤害,”他说。


