第二队查尔斯Boorady信用瑞士去年Quanked,Charles Boorady回到了2009年举行的2号现货。然后,他代表花旗;these days he’s with Credit Suisse, which he joined in June 2010. In February, Boorady pounded the table on Humana, a benefit-plan provider headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, on the belief that the company would continue to enjoy healthy margins even if the per capital Medicare Advantage reimbursement rate for 2012 would be lower than in recent years. (That rate rose 1.38 percent, on average, in 2010 and was frozen for 2011.) The day after Boorady’s call, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced a preliminary rate hike of 1.6 percent, on average, for 2012. Humana’s stock shot up 26.1 percent, from $61.59 to $77.64, and beat the Standard & Poor’s 500 managed health care index by 18.6 percentage points, through August.