
医疗保健 - 生物技术:2011第三



    Geoffrey Porges.桑福德伯恩斯坦&Co.

    客户说桑福德C.伯恩斯坦&Co.的杰弗里诗,第三个直接一年,是“独立的思想家”,“谁不怕从人群中脱离。”Porges重申他在1月份的顶点药物上的尊贵呼吁,35.99美元,并将其作为第一季度的最佳伯尔尼斯坦名单。In March — with shares of the Cambridge, Massachusetts–based outfit up 38.8 percent, to $49.95, and ahead of the sector by 36.7 percentage points — Porges pounded the table, on the belief that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration would approve Vertex’s hepatitis C treatment, Incivek. He was right; the FDA approved the drug in May. Vertex’s stock price surged in the days following the announcement before starting to slip; it closed August at $45.27, for a loss of 9.4 percent that trailed the sector by 15.9 percentage points since the March reiteration — but it was still up 25.8 percent since the original call, putting it 17.1 percentage points ahead of the sector and 30 percentage points ahead of the broad market.
