
能源 - 替代能源:一


    瑞银(UBS)的斯蒂芬·钦跳两级,抓住了他的第1号A“勤奋的人”谁是“不断地在所有太阳能空间的消息流接触,”作为一个基金经理所言,钦升级GT先进技术从neutral to buy in August 2010, at $7.81, convinced that the Merrimack, New Hampshire–based company’s new LED-equipment business would spur order growth. In early August, GT announced that it had booked nearly $1 billion in LED-equipment orders. The stock had lit up a gain of 56.3 percent, to $12.21, and overshadowed the Standard & Poor’s global clean energy index by 77.6 percentage points, by the end of that month. Chin, 40, joined UBS in 1999 after earning an MBA at Cornell University’s S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management.
