
消费者 - 零售/宽线和百货商店:第二


    迈克尔·埃克斯坦(Michael Exstein)在过去的四年中排名第三。今年,他在自2001年以来的最佳表现中将一个档次提高到第二名。瑞士信贷分析师“在覆盖宽线零售商方面做了一份彻底而有见地的工作,当被要求提供支持或解释时,他非常有帮助。”In September 2010, Exstein pounded the table on Costco Wholesale Corp. — first upgraded from neutral to outperform in May 2009 — after a meeting with the Issaquah, Washington–based company’s executive team convinced him that the warehouse club operator would be able to sustain its growth momentum. He was right. At the end of August 2011, the company reported that year-over-year net sales for the fiscal year ended that month had increased 14 percent, to $87 billion. By then, Costco’s stock had rung up a gain of 27.5 percent, from $61.58 to $78.54, and led the sector by 21.3 percentage points.