


    在最近一个工作日的午餐时间,在祖科蒂公园(Zuccotti Park),游客,围观者和简单的路人以大量的保证金在轻快的占领华尔街抗议活动中超过了参与者。但是,这可能是完全远处的,因为抗议活动的持久力似乎与地面上一样多。华尔街人本身似乎认为抗议活动具有一定的意义,从他们对接近事物的显而易见的表现来看。On II’s visit the only person in the area who admitted to working on Wall Street was a protester in a pinstriped suit who enumerated his complaints about the financial system to any and all members of the press — but wouldn’t disclose his last name, occupation or employer. Asked if his views contradicted his interests, the apparent banker said no. “It’s not good for me, and it’s not good for my parents, to see the economy collapse,” the protester said. He blamed the banks, along with the derivatives market, for bringing the economy to that point in 2008 and said that nothing substantive had been done to prevent the same thing from happening again.