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Plan Sponsors Remain Cool to Annuity Products

Annuities should appeal to sponsors of defined contribution plans by giving employees a guaranteed retirement income. But despite a wealth of such offerings by asset managers and insurers, plan sponsors aren’t biting.

太糟糕的计划赞助商不是咬人。In consulting firm Aon Hewitt’s latest survey of employers that offer defined contribution plans, 90 percent of the 546 respondents had no annuity or insurance products within their retirement plans and didn’t intend to add them in 2011. Asked if they would offer such add-ons as out-of-plan options, though, only 78 percent said no.
赞助商有理由保持距离。“If it’s an in-plan option, it’s permanently linked back to the plan,” Utkus explains. It’s expensive to fight even an unsuccessful claim that a plan didn’t deliver on its promises. “It’s hindered adoption among some employers,” Utkus says of the legal vulnerability.
计划提供商知道,年份是艰难的销售。“我们等待在其他计划提案国内看到更多采用,”纽瓦克,新泽西州纽瓦克议员收入高级副总裁Srinivas Reddy。10月份,雷迪公司通过在基金经理T. Rowe价格和先锋集团的基金管理人员中添加目标日期提议,扩大了审慎的收益汇率,了解裁定捐助赞助商的收入保障产品。
Reddy Contends,在2011年的大型和中等规划赞助商的所有25多个行业活动中,保证或永久收入是一个热门话题。“这是非常重要的,”他说。“我认为他们还在等待看到其他计划的赞助商。”
计划提供商通常与保险载体配对,以获得保证收入产品。这种合作伙伴关系是完美的意义:禁止资产经理担保保证结果,保险公司不能贸易证券,但后者专注于通过人寿保险政策支付预设金额。In a typical arrangement, as part of its LifePath Retirement Income program, New York–based BlackRock has teamed up with Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. BlackRock’s target-date-fund clients have the option of using money otherwise earmarked for fixed-income investments to buy an annuity from the insurer.
10月份,山谷福格,宾夕法尼亚州的Vanguard开始提供GLWB功能,作为其先锋变量年金的一部分,由塞瓦雪松迅速纪念人寿保险公司发布。随着Vanguard Center的utkus注意,传统和变量年金之间的主要区别在于,随着后者,客户仍可换取其主要费用以获得更高的费用。他们可以停止在没有罚款的情况下取款。
