

With economic growth of zero percent in the last quarter, Brazil needs a fully developed financial and physical infrastructure if it wants to keep pace with India or China.


But beneath the headline numbers, the data also shed some light on another long-term factor in Brazil’s growth—the relative weakness of its capital spending, which fell 0.2 percent from the second quarter. Meanwhile, industrial spending fell 0.9 percent, far surpassing the 0.1 percent drop in the consumer sector. The temptation might be to blame all of those industrial setbacks on the relatively strong local currency, the real, which made Brazilian exports more expensive. But another reason is the country’s still underdeveloped debt capital markets, which have held back infrastructure development, both a source of jobs and a foundation for economic activity.






To the extent that long-term financing exists in Brazil, it mostly takes the form of longer term bank loans. In most cases, banks hold those loans on their books, because securitization is limited, too, according to Aoude.

The local high-yield debt market is all but nonexistent, further limiting the pool of funds available for longer-term investment. “I don’t see a lot of money from the U.S. coming into Brazil, and the money that does get invested first goes to equities and the investment-grade debt market,” Aoude says.


At just 17 percent of GDP, Brazilian infrastructure spending is way behind that of China (44 percent), India (38 percent) and Russia (24 percent), according to a report last year by Morgan Stanley. Brazil’s infrastructure spending lags on a regional basis, too—spending levels in Mexico and Peru are in the 20s, according to Morgan Stanley.

