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ETF跟踪'博士Copper’ Launches Amid Economic Turbulence



    美国铜指数基金,纽约证券交易所与符号CPER交易,是由USCF与USCF与Summerhaven指数管理的第二次交易所交易产品(ETP) - 基于康涅狄格州的公司,由前基石成立于2009年定量校长Adam Dunsby,前UBS ETN产品Head Kurt Nelson,Yale教授Geert Rowenhorst,以及Ubs Ashraf Rizvi的Foremencity Trading Formentity Trading头。

    令人惊讶的是,尽管有几个copper exchange-traded note (ETN) products on the market already, CPER is the first ETF tracking the metal. The fund tracks the COMEX listed futures contracts, which SummerHaven’s Nelson says is the only practical way to gain exposure—unlike precious metal exposures which can more easily be held physically. “When converted into price per pound, gold is worth roughly $28,000 per pound. Compare this to the fact that copper has recently traded in a range between $3 and $4 per pound, and it’s easy to see that the relative cost of storing and insuring physical copper is much higher than gold, platinum or even silver,” he says.



    Longview全球分配的投资组合经理Christian Wagner--投资ETF和ETNS的共同基金,包括商品产品 - 认为市场有一个新的铜进入者的空间。“铜价是少数商品之一,作为全球增长和繁荣的良好指标。他说,这个简单的告诉推动了与其他珍贵和工业金属的股票的相关性。“


    Regardless of structure, the new product has arrived at a time of great uncertainty for base metals. Copper has declined by nearly 12 percent over the trailing 52 weeks, while gold is up 22 percent and silver has risen 8 percent over the same period. While several quantitative analysts have noted that the large volatile range that copper futures have traded in since the end of summer may indicate a price bottom, most market participants are more focused on recent reports that the Chinese Ministry of Industry has begun liquidating a portion of its massive reserves of the metal to further curb prices. For now at least, ‘Dr. Copper’ is sending mixed signals for global growth.