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为维持全球需求的增长able Investment Strategies [International]




“We see ESG factors as a vital aspect of the investment decision-making process,” says Cindy Rose, Head of Responsible Investing — Stewardship, Aberdeen Asset Management PLC. “Over the longer term, companies that manage their ESG opportunities and risks, along with their financials, will have a competitive advantage.”

摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场ESG领导者指数(MSCI Emerging Markets ESG Leaders Index)就是这种正差异的一个指标,该指数提供了相对于同行业同行而言,ESG表现较高的公司的敞口。过去9年,摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(MSCI Emerging Markets Index)的表现一直优于摩根士丹利资本国际新兴市场指数(MSCI Emerging Markets Index)。截至2017年7月,ESG指数上涨13.83%,而非ESG指数上涨11.6%。

瑞银资产管理公司(UBS Asset Management)董事总经理、可持续和影响力投资主管迈克尔•巴尔丁格(Michael Baldinger)表示:“可持续投资是目前金融业增长最快的领域之一。事实上,该行业的规模几乎翻了一番,从2012年的14万亿美元增至2016年的22万亿美元。



“Many Chinese companies now have ESG policies and disclose their ESG actions,” says Ruby Lv, Marketing Director, SynTao - Sustainability Solutions in Shanghai. “The Hong Kong stock exchange requires listed companies to disclose ESG information. If a company doesn’t do it, it must explain why it chose not to disclose.”

One of the challenges facing investors considering allocations to the ESG sector is the diversity of terms, definitions and meanings. “There are many funds with ESG or SRI in their titles, but none of them are the same,” Rose says. A carbon-friendly fund, for instance, will have different characteristics than a no-tobacco fund. In addition, fund managers may use different methodologies for assessing the quality of an ESG investment.


Reflecting the wide range of investor interest, understanding and commitment to ESG strategies, asset managers like Aberdeen and UBS offer different types of sustainability solutions. “We integrate material ESG considerations into investment decisions across our four asset classes, taking a risk-based approach when analyzing each investment,” Rose says.


“通过致力于提供可持续的投资解决方案,提供强劲的回报,大型资产管理公司可以在向资产所有者提供这一价值主张方面发挥关键作用,从而帮助可持续投资成为主流,”Baldinger说。—Richard Westlund

ESG Investing Finds a Big Home in China

Don’t be surprised if the next driver you hail with a smartphone app in Shanghai pulls up in an electric sedan.

Financial support is pouring into Chinese electric car manufacturing, ride-hailing apps, bike-sharing, and other zero-emission ways of getting around thanks to booming investor interest in environmentally sustainable transportation. One result is that drivers-for-hire with electric cars are increasingly common in Shanghai.

Transportation is just one of many sectors now supported by ESG (environmental, social, governance) investors, asset managers, government policymakers, and a wide range of manufacturers and service providers in China. Solar power, elder care, water conservation, and eco-friendly, pre-fabricated buildings are also on the ESG agenda.

By 2020, the government plans to have increased clean energy's contribution to the nationwide energy mix to 15 percent and boost pre-fabricated housing to 20 percent of all new residential construction, according to Kevin E. Lee, Executive Vice Chairman at CMIG, China’s first ESG-focused investment group.

China's investment community is clearly on board. ESG and “responsible investing” conferences drew large crowds in recent months in Tianjin, and at a Beijing event sponsored by the Asset Management Association of China.

Meanwhile, the government has been promoting credit instruments called “green bonds” as a right-thing-to-do financing channel for environmentally friendly infrastructure projects, consumer product manufacturing, and power generation.


A policy circular released in late 2016 by the government’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, put the onus on lower level governments in cities, counties, and provinces to support bond financing for infrastructure projects that protect nature and improve environmental conditions.


“Local governments should actively guide social capital to participate in green project construction” through “investment subsidies, subsidy guarantees, bond discounts, fund injections and other means,” according to the policy. Building projects pegged as “green” can involve water conservation systems and industrial parks with low-emission power sources.


A recent report by Deloitte predicted Chinese government preferential policies will continue supporting green corporate bonds and similar ESG investment initiatives for the long term. Beijing wants “all types of financial institutions, securities investment funds and other investment products, the Social Security Fund, and corporate pension and social funds” to invest in “green companies, enterprises and other institutional investment bonds,” the report said.