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    For the other markets in Greater China, there is no such air of inevitability — Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau must elbow their way into the spotlight through innovation, sound business strategizing, and supportive public policy. And yet these electrons encircling the nucleus formed by mainland China usually manage to do just that, seizing opportunities to participate in Beijing’s upward trajectory by involving themselves in a PRC-centered value chain.


    In land mass there is no comparison between Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland, and yet the World Investment Report for 2015, published by the UN Conference on Trade and Development, showed Hong Kong ranking second worldwide as a destination for foreign direct investment, behind only China. And the totals were quite close — USD$103 billion in cross-border investment flowed into Hong Kong, with the Chinese mainland registering inflows of USD$129 billion.

    通过在全球基准股权指数中包括中国股票,MSCI在延长了2014年开始的一个进程的意义上,当北京政府绿色的绿色港口股票连接时,这使得共计34亿美元之间总共达到34亿美元每天两个市场。因此,允许以前禁止中国证券的外国所有权。中国在这一点金融自由化增加了一倍 - 再次达到其长期伴侣 - 当它在同一模特上启动了34亿美元的计划,这是将香港联系在一起的股票市场深圳大陆市。

    在其他地方在大中华区,台湾被视为在新领导下返回政策绘图委员会。在台北的优先事项中,追求能够提供经济提升的贸易策略与跨太平洋伙伴关系的成员相比 - 始终是一个龙头可能性 - 似乎承诺。台湾和贸易协商谈判代谈判代的第一个女主席Ing-Wen Tsai博士接到办公室,并明确授权重新获得增长。

    Noted for the skill she demonstrated back in 2001, when she spearheaded Taiwan’s entry into the World Trade Organization, Dr. Tsai is intent now on fostering domestic innovation across an array of industries, meanwhile encouraging the world’s biggest markets to view Taiwan as a trading partner every bit as easy to deal with as South Korea, Japan, and other Asian nations.

    要高度重视它帮助作为一个贸易伙伴to have products and services in heavy demand. Government support for emerging or revitalized industries is thus an order of the day under Dr. Tsai, with no sector receiving more focus than green energy, according to a recent Brookings Institute report. By the year 2025, Taiwan’s nuclear plants, which currently supply 16 percent of all power generated — are targeted for phase-out, with renewables making up much of the difference. In Hong Kong, multi-year public construction projects are seldom in short supply — right now its portion of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge project is particularly prominent. Expected to hit its 2018 deadline for completion, the structure will unite the two Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau with the mainland city of Zhuhai, located in the southern Chinese province of Guandong. Described as one of the world’s longest bridges, it will make it possible for motorists to travel from Hong Kong to Macau or Zhuhai in a mere 30 minutes.

    The skyscraper-studded city self-identifies as a model of urban infrastructure — that image is only underscored by Hong Kong’s current batch of improvements. A recent report stated that public construction projects would be the biggest line item in the government’s spending budget in 2018, accounting for over 18 percent of all outlays. Hospital and medical-center construction, already in progress, are part of the portfolio, as are a new sports stadium complex, multiple railway projects and other brick-and-mortar additions to the landscape.


    The timing is good for investment in either Hong Kong or Macau, at least from the perspective of stability. The prosaically named Basic Law that returned Hong Kong to China in 1997 after 170-plus years as a British colony — and in 1999 handed Macau over to China after 400-plus years under Portuguese rule — has now had two decades to prove itself and will stand for several more as the status quo. The legislation creating the Special Administrative Regions (SARs) of Hong Kong and Macau has 50-year terms stretching to 2047 and 2049, respectively, which suggests there’s a good 20 years or more likely to be free of any creeping doubts or confusion about what may occur as the sunset period arrives.

    There’s a case to be made that the SAR legislation returning Macau to China in 1999 was no more impactful than the regulatory bombshell of two years later, which made gaming a competitive industry in Macau by ending the 40-year monopoly of Stanley Ho Hung-sun. The facility upgrade that resulted was immense and resulted in a boom period for Macau that transformed the city in dazzling fashion.

    澳门经济的平均年均增长在本世纪中有7.75%,虽然2014年到去年中期发生了粗略的补丁。据该国统计和人口普查局称,2014年2014年的GDP于2015年的比例下降了1.2%,然后在2015年下降了21.5%。2016年上半年,下降9.7%,其次是下半部分的阳性GDP增长5.7%。国际货币基金组织最近的一份报告显示,2017年澳门的经修订的阳性增长预测 - 国际货币基金组织在2018年对经济的持续扩张持续增长。
