



ADP表示,由于卡洛斯·罗德里格兹于2011年被命名为CEO,因此股东返回总股东返回率为203%,但潘兴广场的分析索赔更适当的计算是141% - 远远低于ADP的竞争对手,纵城广场争论较高的62个百分点。对冲基金计划在星期一发布其分析的细节。

在一份声明中亚博赞助欧冠,ADP由其数字站起来。声明说:“舞蹈广场声称ADP已经表现得不佳,”陈述说。“由于卡洛斯·罗德里格斯近六年前的Carlos Rodriguez,因此,ADP已产生超过200%的股东退货,显着优于标准普尔500指数及其同龄人。”



Pershing Square’s analysis argues it isn’t Rodriguez who is responsible for all of the excess gains ADP claims, as a chunk of ADP’s returns is related to Ackman’s own investment, as well as efforts by another activist, former Pershing Square partner Scott Ferguson, whose Sachem Head Capital Management invested in ADP spinoff CDK. Nor does it include Rodriguez’s first day as CEO, when the stock fell 4 percent.


但最后一个数字高于ADP返回的,通过歌舞广场的计算,对冲基金公司表示,当看另一个,更现实,群体的直接竞争对手时,ADP甚至更高的表现,甚至更加百分比 - 24个百分点。

Rodriguez’s hire as CEO was announced before the markets opened on November 9, 2011. ADP’s stock fell 4 percent that day, his first as CEO, but the ADP analysis left out that day’s returns, with its starting point after the close, Pershing Square notes. It also ended the calculation at noon on July 27, after ADP missed analyst estimates on its quarterly earnings but the stock nonetheless had been shooting up on widespread Street rumors that Ackman was buying, leading other hedge funds to bid up the stock. ADP shares began to falter after it started its aggressive campaign against Ackman on August 4.

ADP的数据包括CDK的回报,它于2014年10月1日旋转.Ackman认为不应包括这些收益,因为CDK的变化并非由Rodriguez策划。只有在另一名活动人士毕业时,Sachem Head的Ferguson相信迅速的CDK改变了改变其利润率 - 就像Ackman正在为ADP提出建议 - 它的股票价格加倍,歌舞规范索赔加倍。

If ADP’s returns are calculated from the close of November 8, 2011, to May 9, 2017 — the day before Ackman started buying stock — and did not include the gains made by CDK after it was spun off, ADP’s total shareholder return, which includes dividends, is 141 percent, according to Pershing Square.

