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    By Jinny St. Goar
    October 2001

    It's a sobering statistic: More than 50 percent of working Americans do not have a retirement plan.

    The percentage of covered workers has actually declined slightly over the past 20 years, from 52 percent in 1979 to 49 percent in 2000, according to the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College.


    Many industry executives agree.

    For much of this year, the ERISA Advisory Council on Employee Welfare and Pension Benefit Plans, under the auspices of the Department of Labor, has been considering how to most effectively expand pension coverage. A group of council members is preparing a report that will be published in November.


    该行业越来越兴趣为低收入和中等收入人民提供新的退休计划证明了其初始焦点的成熟度,确定了贡献市场。大约85%的员工拥有100多名员工的公司有一些定义的贡献计划,主要是401(k)秒,报告了美国芝加哥的利润分享/ 401(k)理事会代表1,200家公司。这为产品提供商留下了较少的增长机会。

    In contrast, only 15 percent of businesses with fewer than 100 employees now offer their employees a retirement plan.

    “宽泛地说,任何合理扩大覆盖范围的东西,我们都会有利于,”富达投资的副总律师John Kimpel表示,管理或管理约4000亿美元的裁定缴费资产。但Kimpel还谨慎劝告,并等待看到作为布什总统纳税包的一部分颁布的退休改革的影响。

    NAF's Calabrese and the Corporation for Enterprise Development, another Washington think tank, have both advocated a refundable tax credit for contributions to retirement accounts made by low-income individuals. The CFED has also proposed a 100 percent tax credit to financial institutions to provide 1-to-1 matches of up to $500 per qualified individual per year.


    Two programs are currently attempting to address the difficulties of encouraging low- and moderate-income workers to save for their retirements. Individual development accounts that received a big boost in funding under the Assets for Independence Act passed in 1998 are managed by community organizations and held at local financial institutions. These targeted savings accounts are not necessarily for retirement. For example, in Bremerton, Washington, the local housing authority sponsors an IDA program that matches savings 2-to-1 for low- and moderate-income residents of the surrounding county. These savings may be used to purchase a house or fund tuition at a community college, as well as for retirement.

    The nonprofit community organizations that help manage IDAs include the Alternatives Federal Credit Union in Ithaca, New York; the Community Action Project of Tulsa County, Tulsa, Oklahoma; and the Women's Self-Employment Project in Chicago, Illinois. Typical monthly savings are about $25, with a 2-to-1 match from the sponsoring community-based organization that is held in a separate account until the individual reaches the savings goal. At that point, the recipient pockets the group's matching funds.

    Another federal program could be used as a template for expanding pension coverage to low- and moderate-income wage earners. That's the Thrift Savings Plan for all federal employees. Since 1987 this savings vehicle, which now boasts about $60 billion in assets, has enabled federal government workers to supplement their federal defined benefit plans. The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board administers the TSP and contracts with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Finance Center to serve as the TSP recordkeeper.

    Barclays Global Investors has been the sole manager of four investment options for these accounts - equity, small-cap equity, fixed-income and international funds - while the FRTIB manages a government securities fund.

    Like other defined contribution accounts, thrift savings can be rolled into a private savings account. "These TSPs are often called IRAs on training wheels," says NAF's Calabrese. "The mutual fund companies don't want small accounts, but if the federal government can shepherd these savings to about $7,500, then the accounts become more attractive [to manage and administer]."

    How important is expanded retirement coverage to the typical uncovered worker? "It's a shop-floor question," says the ERISA advisory council's Ray. "Do employees want pension coverage? Or would they prefer higher salaries and better health insurance?"

    The Employee Benefit Research Institute in Washington recently reported that 20 percent of employees in small firms are more concerned about their salaries and health insurance. That's the most common reason for not having a retirement plan, the institute has found.

    政治障碍也在养老金覆盖范围内受到阻碍的进展。“当普通储蓄账户 - 类似于个体发展账户时 - 首先在克林顿管理局下提出,我们担心这些可能会虹吸低收入储蓄者[来自雇主赞助的界定缴款计划],从而危及雇主的歧视测试 -亚博篮球怎么下串亚博篮球怎么下串赞助计划,“参议院财务委员会人员说。歧视规则规定,计划无法为更高收入工人提供不成比例的福利。

