


    各自的监察人纽约州和纽约市,考尔和海薇斯决定图注入数亿美元公共养老基金后摇摇欲坠的股市在本周恐怖分子摧毁了世贸中心的为期四天的关闭,迫使纽约证券交易所和纳斯达克。纽约州公共退休基金,考尔是唯一的受托人,注入10亿美元,少于1%的1120亿美元资产,投入股市。说:“这是一个很好的买入机会,考尔,65。“我不紧张。我相信市场。我的第一责任是随着时间的推移我们的投资者最佳的性能。”The state pension fund had roughly 45 percent of assets, or about $50 billion, in U.S. stocks before the additional investment. McCall, who is running for governor of New York, says the equity allocation won't hit 50 percent but adds, "We will go up. Probably more like somewhere around 47 percent." Hevesi, the adviser for the city's five major pension funds, which have combined assets of about $75 billion, put $800 million in the market after the attack. Time will tell if the comptrollers' bets were good ones: The Nasdaq composite index registered a 16 percent decline the week of September 17, and the Dow Jones industrial average tumbled more than 14 percent - its single worst week since the Great Depression.