

Pension plans are standing fast in volatile times, but subtle changes to their asset allocations could still rattle some markets.

    Pension plans are standing fast in volatile times, but subtle changes to their asset allocations could still rattle some markets.

    February 2001


    The historic bull market may finally have ended: Nasdaq has tumbled, and predictions of recession abound. But don't try to scare the nation's giant pension plans. Compared with skittish retail investors and sector-hopping mutual fund managers, pension fund managers remain a portrait of calm - content mostly to stick with the investment strategies they put into place in the not-so-distant past.

    占据390亿美元的弗吉尼亚退休系统。去年夏天,其董事会在决定将70%完整的拨款之前大幅上拉回来。“这件事就像一个超级坦克。你不能把它变成一角钱,”弗吉尼亚州计划的首席投资官Nancy Everett说。

    “我们不是在市场时机的信徒,”罗伯特·斯特兰堡(Robert Stelben)增加了纽约综合爱迪生公司的90亿美元计划。The utility will reexamine its portfolio mix in the next few months, but Stelben expects it to leave intact its basic asset allocation, which has been in effect since early 1998: 45 percent in U.S. equities, 20 percent in international equities, 30 percent in fixed income and 5 percent in alternative investments. "I don't see a year's change in the marketplace as warranting a change in our structure," he says.

    Of course, standing pat on allocations can take some courage in tough markets. After all, as funds began their rebalancing process, a year-end ritual for most, many found themselves below their target for equity because of last year's market reversals. To stick to their established asset mix, they will have to start buying more stocks, even if, gun-shy, many have yet to pull the trigger.




    通过替代资产,养老基金经理希望生成与其余投资组合不相关的健康回报。在投资世界中相当于免费午餐,使对冲基金和私募股权投资成为许多计划渴望制造的明智的动议。根据Greenwich Associates研究小组的新调查,47%的养老金基金受访者预计将增加其对私募股权的拨款,该调查被定义为杠杆收购和风险投资,到今年中期。只有5%的计划预计会降低此类投资。

    许多资金,如5.6亿俄亥俄州公共雇员的退休系统,正在进行进入这些替代资产课程。“我们绝对期待私募股权的更好回报,而不是国内和国际公共股票,”该计划投资总监Neil Toth表示,这是去年对私募股权的首次承诺。

    利息不仅限于大计划。哈佛大学商业学院的工商管理教授Josh Lerner说:“我们从先锋中取得了进展 - 基础和禀赋以及更复杂的私人和公共养老基金。现在的公众和私人资金更小开始投资课程。“

    Nevertheless, experience indicates that pension funds would be wise to expect complications from their new investments. The hedge fund industry is already short of experienced managers, giving pension funds little choice but to invest with untested firms. And both hedge funds and private equity remain opaque, leaving investors to guess at what's happening to their money between monthly or quarterly reports. Indeed, many private equity investments are so illiquid that pension funds will have difficulty tracking their returns. Moreover, not all academics are convinced that private equity returns don't correlate with stock market performance. "If the public equity markets get killed, the private equity gets killed too," says Edwin Burton, an economics professor at the University of Virginia and the chairman of the board of trustees at the Virginia Retirement System. "Private equity is the tail on the dog."

    Certainly, last year's market gave all money managers reason to indulge in some serious reflection and to dabble a bit. After all, Nasdaq plunged 39 percent, and the Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 10 percent. That was a rude awakening for pension plans that had reported a median average annual return of 18.13 percent from 1995 through 1999, according to the Wilshire Associates' Trust Universe Comparison Service.


    Florida follows an automatic rebalancing system and has rejiggered its asset mix twice in the past six months, once over the summer and again in early December, to reach its target allocation. In both cases, the fixed-income portion of the portfolio became overweighted and U.S. equity underweighted, so the fund adjusted accordingly. "If we run ahead of our targets, the rebalancing kicks in automatically," says Herndon. "It amounted to several hundred million dollars in each case - not a lot for a big pension fund."


    For now, the fund intends to stick to its current asset allocation: 55 percent U.S. equity, 25 percent fixed income, 12 percent international equity, 4 percent real estate, 2.5 percent alternative assets (private equity) and the remainder in cash.

    自动重新平衡被证明是一个福发,为300亿美元的马萨诸塞养老金储备投资管理委员会,报告执行主任R. Scott Henderson。Twice in the past three years, the automatic rebalancing kicked in with exquisite timing for the fund, which, since 1996, has targeted 44 percent U.S. equity, 16 percent international equity, 25 percent fixed income, 6 percent real estate and 5 percent private equity.



    令人惊讶的是,许多经理人们已经疲惫不堪,试图让市场不思考,这是资金继续削减积极管理人员的一个原因。大约六个月前,最值得注意的举动之一,当时435亿美元的纽约市雇员的退休系统决定将其3亿美元的大帽子投资组合转储,并转向指数资金,这是一段时间。“我们将我们的积极管理美国股权与我们被动管理的资金进行了比较,我们发现我们的经理无法击败该指数,”纽约市的养老金副议长Jane Levine说。因此,被动管理占基金股权投资组合的92.5%,从一年前的约85%。


    Last year's market decline has also complicated private equity performance: Weak IPO markets have curtailed exit strategies for venture capital investors, and leveraged-buyout funds suffered from soured junk bond financing opportunities. Still, pension plans are attracted by the historical returns: 22 percent for private equity over the past decade, according to private equity research firm Venture Economics, versus 17 percent for the S&P 500, according to research group Ibbotson Associates.


    养老基金顾问Kelly Deponte of California的太平洋公司集团,“你将获得更多参与者参与者,但美元金额将低于过去几年。”

    根据Greenwich Associates的研究小组,这些日子养老基金在私募股权平均占私募股权的2.9%。像新罕布什尔州和弗吉尼亚州那样的冒险计划,其中包括高达班级总资产的10%。最具侵略性的计划,包括1700亿美元的加州公共雇员退休系统,5.9亿美元的华盛顿州投资委员会和420亿美元的俄勒冈州公共雇员退休基金,是第一个跳入该地区。在1979年的劳动裁决之后,他们很快就举办了举措,使养老基金只要他们被视为“谨慎”,就养老基金就私募股权投资。

    去年夏季卡片上涨了赌注,将其目标暴露在4%的百分比下。“如果您要投资权益,您应该投资所有频谱,包括私募股权,”Charpers全球股权投资官Mark Anson说。



    洛杉矶火灾和警察养老金制度代表了新品种的小计划,这些小型计划在私募股权中徘徊。“我们正在寻找回报,”托马斯·洛佩兹(Thomas Lopez)表示,运营120亿美元的投资组合。1998年底,该基金将其私募股权目标从3%增加到5%。洛佩兹说:“私募股权变得越来越成为一个接受的资产类别。传统上,最大的资金在其中。现在它正在涓涓细流到小型和中型资金。”



    坚定不移的养老金计划,worth remembering that despite last year's market problems, most funds are still sitting on outsize returns over the past decade. It remains to be seen whether they will get antsy if markets continue to perform poorly for any extended period of time.


    "We jacked up our equity exposure and we got lucky," says Burton, who advocated the increased equity allocation at the time. Adds Nancy Everett, "We didn't expect 20 percent returns."


    "The fund's managers have been hitting home runs the past seven years," says Burton. "It is hard to make an argument to switch gears."

    Another down year, of course, might add a little spice to that argument.