



    jeanne burke
    January 2001

    One of Richard Parolai's clients, Nomura International, won a mandate in 1999 to lead-manage the first securitization of champagne revenues for Groupe Marne & Champagne, the world's second-largest producer. Fittingly, the postsigning celebration included a tasting from a selection of Marne & Champagne's most coveted vintages. "This deal had some extremely pleasant moments," Parolai recalls.

    Besides enjoying the bubbly, the Clifford Chance lawyer had a more serious brief: to find a securitization structure that would protect bondholders in the unlikely event that 200-year-old Marne & Champagne lost its fizzle. During a tour of the champagne maker's production facility, Parolai couldn't help noticing that "the bottles don't really move very much," since they have to be cellared for proper aging and to meet the French government's strict standards for qualifying as champagne. The rows of bottles captured his attention. As he puts it, "Your ideas become clearer after some wine tasting."


    Parolai两家评级机构把他的主意,h, after a couple of months' deliberation, agreed that it could work. And so a company was hired to guard the champagne stores day and night, with instructions to lock the cellars if the bankers advised them to. Investors could thus rest easy, confident of a claim on the company's future revenue streams. And Marne & Champagne completed a successful E396 million (about $380 million at the then-prevailing rates) securitization in March 2000, ten months after the champagne tasting.

    Although his client and bondholder protection scheme is unique, Parolai's experience in the European asset-backed-securities market isn't. Because of the lack of uniform - or, in some cases, of any - legal standards, investment bankers, attorneys and rating agency analysts must test their intellectual mettle on almost every deal. It's quite a contrast from the U.S. cookie-cutter process that enables issuers to tap the markets in a matter of days, if necessary. Says Sami Tabbarah, a director in the European securitization group at Schroder Salomon Smith Barney in London, "Securitization is just a lot more fun in continental Europe."



    There are signs, however, that securitization may yet take a more dominant capital markets role in Europe, as it has in the U.S. It just may not happen in exactly the way many have envisioned.



    The first synthetic was actually created in the U.S. in 1997, when J.P. Morgan applied the concept to the so-called collateralized loan obligation structure in a $697 million transaction, the first of its Bistro series. Deutsche Bank's inaugural synthetic in late 1999 legitimized the European market, setting the stage for 2000's rapid growth trajectory. The German bank began securitizing its corporate loan portfolio in 1998 with a conventional securitization. Last year it completed two more synthetics deals totaling E2.5 billion. "We prefer the synthetic transactions because by using a huge credit swap, we decrease the cost of the transaction, and we have more flexibility," says JÙrgen Bilstein, divisional board member for corporates and real estate at Deutsche Bank.

    In a traditional securitization, a bank earmarks for sale a specific pool of assets - say, corporate loans. Normally, it would sell the loans to a legal entity known as a special purpose vehicle. That SPV would repackage them as securities and market them to investors. The loans would then be cleared off the bank's balance sheet completely, since classic securitizations are complicated by tax issues, says Bilstein, with SPVs having to be set up offshore.

    合成事件的不同之处在于,银行进入交换协议,只转入一些贷款的信贷风险,通常约为80%到90%到交易对手。剩下的10至20%是由银行持有或结构化为债券。“有两种分销渠道:下属关联的债券市场和高级裁员的信贷违约互换市场,”伦敦德意志银行欧洲证券化负责人Tamara Adler解释道。



    整个过程也比传统的ABS交易便宜;银行家表示,与定期证券化的几次相比,互换范围的交换范围之间的费用。发行人还节省了技术支出,因为它们不必在用于建立证券化和跟踪资产性能的人力,软件和计算机上度过近似。“传统证券化的关键问题是监管机构不允许我们养成樱桃挑选资产,”德意志银行财务主管Detlef Bindert说。他补充说,选择资产,需要大量的系统支持和漫长的过程,“与评级机构相比,仍比具有交换的同伴看起来更难。”

    虽然合成技术在其他地方开创,但欧洲银行已经扩大了所使用的资产类型和结构。例如,在德国,银行有时完全摆脱了SPV,这消除了任何税收问题。他们也超越了原有的公司贷款和债券,包括住宅和商业抵押贷款。该技术安全地交叉边界,最近进入荷兰,上个月ABN AMRO银行创建了第一个合成交易,面值为E85亿岁。

    抓住是,大部分交易,高级托尔,不筹集资金。但在一些国家,释放资本对许多银行比提高新现金更重要。“德国银行更需要资本和风险救济而不是资金,”Torsten Althaus解释为法兰克福标准贸易群体的结构性融资。




    Instead of competing, synthetics and traditional securitization could ultimately coexist to fit different needs. "Synthetics will always have a role to play, and securitization will always have a role to play," predicts Deutche Bank's Adler.

    限制人工合成材料的发展前景further are probable new capital requirements from the BIS. The proposed requirements, expected to take effect in about two years if approved, are likely to lower the amount of capital that banks must hold against their highest-quality loans. Thus banks will have less need for the capital relief that synthetics provide.

    If the synthetics structure helps familiarize issuers with securitization while allowing European regulators and policymakers time to iron out the legalities, it will have more than served its purpose. A pan-European securitization framework, though the ideal solution, is not high on the European Union's list of priorities - other cross-border issues, such as taxation, are causing more controversy and have a greater effect on government revenues. And how quickly individual governments will resolve their issues is uncertain.


    Continental legal systems, by contrast, favor the issuing companies. "In Europe the priority is to keep a company running and to keep the employment," explains Alain Carron, S&P director of securitization in Paris. That makes securitization on the Continent inherently more difficult.


    虽然荷兰政府一旦意识到这个问题,意大利金融机构就会争夺其计划,虽然有意识地,但意大利金融机构正在焦急地等待政府的一些补救措施。“投资者很难接受这个事实,因为在意大利的监管和法律变更,”Carron Notes“突然他们的投资可能会遇到麻烦。“我们需要监管环境中的稳定性。”

    Ironically, with so many asset-rich banks, Germany has proved to be an especially tough environment for securitization. A new securitization law took effect in 1998, but off-balance-sheet treatment remains difficult in part because no uniform approach exists. Recently, the government began to discuss the taxation of SPVs. A regulation addressing the taxation issue is expected shortly.

    Despite these setbacks, traditional securitization is being aided as laws change. In 1999, before the recent snafu, Italy's government passed a securitization law that led to a surprisingly quick flow of deals; the country was one of the most active in Europe last year. Spain, meanwhile, is hammering away at its laws to make securitization of nonmortgage assets more feasible. Portugal, already active in securitizing consumer loans, is revamping its mortgage laws to promote securitization in that area. And Greece made some legal changes last year.
