欧盟最高经济官员誓言秉承成员国的预算赤字严格限制。但与柏林的Pedro Solbes'不良摊牌意味着欧盟缺乏执行自己规则的意志。这是运行金钱联盟的任何方式吗?
欧盟最高经济官员誓言秉承成员国的预算赤字严格限制。但与柏林的Pedro Solbes'不良摊牌意味着欧盟缺乏执行自己规则的意志。这是运行金钱联盟的任何方式吗?
By Tom Buerkle
April 2002
Pedro Solbes喜欢通过规则发挥作用。在20世纪90年代初,担任菲利普·甘齐齐斯亚慱体育app怎么下载社会主义政府的农业部长,他发现西班牙超过其欧洲联盟的牛奶生产配额。尽管避免避免欧盟委员会的愤怒,但是,正如许多部长都会这样做,索克斯飞往布鲁塞尔才能承认,而不是避免欧盟委员会的愤怒。面对他的奉献者,委员会不仅可以罚款,还同意提高西班牙的牛奶配额。
Now, as the EU's commissioner for economic and monetary affairs , Europe's top economic policymaker and, as part of his brief, chief enforcer of fiscal discipline , Solbes remains a stickler for the rules.
The unwillingness of EU finance ministers to back up Solbes dealt a significant blow to the credibility of the EU's Stability and Growth Pact, the agreement that sets deficit limits. That it was Germany , the author of the stability pact , that rebelled against the rules underscored the EU's lack of discipline.
Schroder Salomon Smith Barney的高级欧洲经济学家JoséLuisAlzola,欧盟第一次有一个大国家的问题,[金融部长]偷偷摸摸。““这基本上是另一示范,决定在欧盟,特别是宏观经济政策制作,非常困难。”
Solbes, however, is unbowed. He remains determined to uphold the spirit and letter of the pact, even if his enforcement powers appear inadequate for the task. "We have done what we had to do," Solbes said in a recent interview with Institutional Investor. "If a situation similar to this one is presented, of course the commission will react in the same way."
The 59-year-old Solbes will need all of his tenacity in the months ahead. The showdown over Germany's intractable budget deficit highlighted one of the inherent weaknesses of the euro: Although 12 of the 15 EU countries share a single currency and a single monetary policy, they still can't manage to coordinate their fiscal policies well enough to support the currency and foster a robust rate of growth.
尽管他的政策套利,但Solbes不是一个寻求对抗的人。如此柔软的话,有时几乎听到,他通过安静的持久性和努力制作他的标记。“Pedro不像其他西班牙人一样,”西班牙驻法国西班牙大使Javier Elorza说,过去与布鲁塞尔的高级外交官密切合作。“他总是平静;他总是很酷。他没有攻击人,他使用它们。他可以与地球上的任何人合作。”
他同意排除任何可自由支配的个人开支ncreases before Germany's parliamentary elections in September, to stay within the 3 percent deficit limit this year. He also promised to bring Germany's budget "close to balance" by 2004. Many economists doubt that he can achieve this. Portugal made a similar pledge, and economists are equally skeptical of Lisbon's ability to bring its budget near to balance.
然而,欧洲央行总裁Wim Duisenberg和持续的赤字支出批评,赞同,至关重要,妥协。德国和葡萄牙对赤字减少的承诺“清楚地走出了另外要求的,”Duisenberg发言人ManfredKörber说。
"The debate in Germany has never been this intense about fiscal problems," says Klaus Regling, director general for economic and monetary affairs at the commission, who co-drafted the stability pact with Stark at the German Finance Ministry in the '90s. "I would have preferred all this not to happen, but the result was good, so I have no problems with it."
对于Solbes,事件以特征性的正票据结束。他的决心甚至在德国赢得了他的奖金,这是对对抗的批评克鲁塞德。法兰克福州Allgemeine Zeitung将讲道朗克斯,为“一项无礼的权力政治展示”。
会员协议包括了七年德尔ay in Brussels' reduction of a customs duty on Spanish exports to the rest of the EU, from 17 percent to the EU average of 5.5 percent. Naturally, many Spanish industrialists opposed any delay, but Solbes stuck to the agreement, considering the duties a spur to Spanish productivity.
Events proved him right. Companies streamlined, investment in Spain soared, and Spanish exports to the EU surged. The EU subsequently cut the delay to five years. "He was clever enough to know what was important and what wasn't [in negotiating with the EU]," ambassador Elorza says.
Solbes' success in smoothing over hundreds of niggling trade issues during Spain's early years in the EU won him the admiration of his boss, Francisco Fernández Ordoñez, then foreign minister and one of the handful of people around prime minister González who helped bring the Socialists to power. Having such a patron was critical in a country where personal loyalty can loom larger than ideology. Thus Solbes, although a technocrat rather than a politician, was tapped by González to be agriculture minister in 1991. Two years later he was named finance minister even though he was not a Socialist Party member.
At Finance Solbes had a rude initiation. Within weeks of his arrival, Spain was forced to devalue the peseta during an intense bout of European currency speculation. "I suffered personally," he says, noting that he will go down in history as the last man to preside over a Spanish devaluation. But the experience made him determined to get Spain into the monetary union, to banish exchange rate instability once and for all.
Solbes made deficit reduction his top priority, a wrenching change for a Socialist government that regarded deficit spending as a tool of progress. "We had to change the culture," he says. Unfortunately, he had little success in controlling spending by Spain's regional Socialist Party barons, and the deficit remained a massive 6 percent of GDP in 1995. "He didn't have the power in the party [to control spending]," one official says. When José María Aznar's Popular Party government took power in 1996, it had to impose austerity measures to qualify Spain for the euro.
“我的第一反应不是非常积极,”Solbesacknowledges. He was then focused on winning agreement on a changeover strategy to switch from national currencies to the euro. It covered everything from establishing the European Central Bank to introducing notes and coins to finding a name for the single currency. Waigel's sudden insistence on new budgetary rules risked a political confrontation that could have derailed the entire project, and Solbes initially sought to quash the demand.
Solbes was instrumental in forging an EU consensus behind the stability pact. Stark, who was present at the Valencia meeting as Waigel's deputy, recalls Solbes telling his fellow ministers, "We have to agree on rules to bind our successors."
But unlike most finance ministers, Solbes is not a true politician. He never did join the Socialist Party, even while serving as a minister under González. Although his calls for budgetary restraint, pension reform and other difficult measures were laudable, his lack of political clout curbed his effectiveness.
Solbes showed political naïveté in proposing the warnings without being certain he could get them approved by the council of finance ministers. Portugal immediately opposed the action. Eichel, however, initially hinted that Germany might accept a warning, presumably to try to minimize any policy prescriptions.
"The commission didn't have any support at all," says one British official. "They made a mistake. They've lost credibility."
Schröder has posed a more serious criticism: Why did the commission propose a warning when the agency had endorsed the economic policies that produced the deficit in the first place? Germany introduced the first round of a five-year tax cut package last year that is projected to add the equivalent of 1 percent of GDP to the deficit. That was a violation of the spirit of the stability pact, given that the German budget wasn't yet close to being in balance.
For all of his determination to respect the rules, Solbes proved adept at compromise when he realized he lacked support for the warning. While Eichel lobbied fellow ministers over the phone during the week before the February ministerial meeting, Solbes met with ECB president Duisenberg to test his support for a deal. Duisenberg suggested the outlines of the compromise in a February 7 news conference, saying, "If there are ways to extract certain definitive and well-defined commitments from the governments concerned, that might replace the early warning."
A draft of those commitments was hammered out the following Monday by ministerial deputies at a meeting that Germany and Portugal boycotted. That evening, after six hours of heated debate among the euro group, consisting of finance ministers from the 12 euro-zone countries, Eichel signed on to the package. He was reconciled to his fellow ministers' not rejecting Solbes' proposal outright, as Germany wanted.
Still, the outcome of the confrontation casts serious doubt upon the willingness of EU members to actually enforce the stability pact. After all, the pact explicitly calls for a warning if a country's deficit diverges significantly from its planned level or if it approaches 3 percent. Germany's deficit last year exceeded the government's budgeted level by more than 1 percentage point and was less than half a percentage point from the ceiling. If the EU wouldn't issue a warning under those circumstances, what are the chances that ministers will take action if Germany violates the 3 percent limit?
“信誉通常涉及可预测性,”伦敦信用瑞士信贷第一波士顿的经济学家Christophe duval-Kieffer说。“妥协尚不清楚德国失败的后果来遵守其新的预算承诺。可能是妥协,可能是妥协吗?”
Solbes admits to being frustrated that the early-warning procedures weren't followed but pronounces himself "quite satisfied" with Eichel's commitment to balance the budget. Will EU countries enforce his recommendations if Germany falls short again? "I don't know," Solbes acknowledges. "But we in the commission have the obligation to work on the basis of the existing legislation."
"The aim of the warning was achieved," concurs the Spanish Treasury's director general, Gloria Hernández, who played a key role in forging the compromise. "Germany and Portugal committed themselves to avoiding a breach of the 3 percent." She adds that there was "no doubt at all" that ministers would take action were Germany or any other euro-zone country to break the 3 percent rule.
比利时财务部长Didier Reynders在去年担任欧洲欧元集团时,他竞选较近的预算合作,他感到遗憾的是,德国践踏了早期预警程序,但欢迎妥协的实质内容。
But it remains doubtful whether Germany can live up to its end of the compromise and bring its budget close to balance by 2004. Since the February meeting Germany has issued revised figures showing that growth was slightly lower last year, at 0.6 percent, and the deficit slightly higher, at 2.7 percent of GDP. With growth expected to be very sluggish at 0.7 percent this year and to recover to no more than 2.5 percent in 2003 and 2004, Germany would need to take serious belt-tightening measures of the kind it has ducked for years to bring its budget anywhere near balance. And yet Germany has already programmed a second round of tax cuts for 2003, worth E18 billion ($15.9 billion), the equivalent of just under 1 percent of GDP.
Eichel started to address the problem late last month by negotiating a national stability pact with the German Länder, or state governments, whose red ink is mainly responsible for the country's deficit woes. The federal deficit, which Eichel controls, remained effectively unchanged last year at E26.9 billion. But the combined deficits of the 16 Länder ballooned to E25.6 billion from E7.9 billion. Add some red ink spilled by local governments and the social security system, which also count under EU rules, and Germany's total deficit hit E56.3 billion last year. In 2000 Germany posted a surplus of E23.9 billion, but that was only because of a one-time windfall of E50 billion from the auctioning of mobile telephone rights.
Solbes welcomes the agreement as potentially significant but says, "We have to follow what happens in reality." Many outside analysts remain skeptical that the German pact will meet Eichel's tough budget goals. "There is no way the federal government can arm-twist regional governments," says Moritz Kraemer, an analyst in the sovereign ratings group at Standard & Poor's in London. "The fiscal situation in Germany is at a point where it is hard to see, without an economic recovery, how a catch-up with its European peers could occur."
Germany's difficulties revive questions about the economic merits of the stability pact, which have persisted ever since it was proposed. Most economists agree that some form of budgetary discipline and coordination is needed in the euro zone, but many regard the pact as a crude and potentially counterproductive tool. For one thing, the 3 percent ceiling is arbitrary; it simply corresponds to the average deficit level in the early 1990s, when the Maastricht Treaty was signed. The pact also restricts the ability of governments to quickly respond to economic downturns like the one that hit the euro zone last year, while failing to guarantee long-term fiscal discipline, as Germany's case shows.
“在每一项严重的经济沉闷期间,这些门槛将被违反,”柏林研究所的研究所的经济学家Gustav Horn说。“我认为其他国家可能受到严重经济问题的国家。”喇叭认为,德国将疯狂地试图在2004年到2004年的预算:“Eichel必须在短时间内省大量资金。它会伤害恢复。”
At the February EU meeting, Britain's Brown mounted a strong attack against the stability pact, which U.K. officials regard as an obstacle to British membership in the euro zone. He argued that the EU should take greater account of the economic cycle and the debt levels of individual countries when assessing deficits. Brown was angered last year when the commission cautioned him about planning major increases in spending on health care and other public services. With a national debt of 39 percent of GDP, the third lowest in the EU, the U.K. can easily afford to spend more, Brown asserts.
"We believe there needs to be coordination between fiscal and monetary policy," one British official says. "But we don't think the way the pact is being interpreted at the moment is economically very sensible."
首先,然而,国家需要他们的预算s in order. Countries like Finland, which posted a budget surplus of 4.8 percent of GDP last year, have a lot more leeway to tolerate budget slippage than Germany. "What is rather clear is that even if the economic conditions are not good, you cannot trespass the 3 percent," says Solbes.
最近几个月,柏林在若干问题上冲突了布鲁塞尔,上个月总理格哈德·施德洛德要求他的政府与由委员会主席Romano Prodi领导的Eurocrats团队之间会议。
Sources say that Schröder regards commission actions as evidence that it is biased against the manufacturing industries that dominate the German economy. He is determined to stand up for manufacturers as vigorously as the U.K. defends the City and France its farmers.
"The German position has shifted since unification," one senior commission official says. "They absorbed 17 million people , a poor country , into their own. That has required a lot of state investment, which has altered their views about the role of the state in the economy."
The hope in Brussels is that Schröder is just talking tough before the national election in September and not signaling a serious shift to Euroskepticism. Klaus Becher, a German analyst at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, endorses this view. "It seems to be more and more common that one tries to raise one's profile by standing up to the bogeymen in Brussels," he says.
But the scope and intensity of Schröder's complaints suggest that Germany's economic woes are causing Berlin to waver on its EU commitments. "He would like to give aid right and left and be seen as the guy who manages industry,'' says Daniel Gros, director of the Center for European Policy Studies in Brussels. "You can't do that."
Maybe not under EU laws, but if Schröder persists in his truculence, those laws will be hard for the commission to enforce. , T.B.
By Tom Buerkle
April 2002
Pedro Solbes喜欢通过规则发挥作用。在20世纪90年代初,担任菲利普·甘齐齐斯亚慱体育app怎么下载社会主义政府的农业部长,他发现西班牙超过其欧洲联盟的牛奶生产配额。尽管避免避免欧盟委员会的愤怒,但是,正如许多部长都会这样做,索克斯飞往布鲁塞尔才能承认,而不是避免欧盟委员会的愤怒。面对他的奉献者,委员会不仅可以罚款,还同意提高西班牙的牛奶配额。
Now, as the EU's commissioner for economic and monetary affairs , Europe's top economic policymaker and, as part of his brief, chief enforcer of fiscal discipline , Solbes remains a stickler for the rules.
The unwillingness of EU finance ministers to back up Solbes dealt a significant blow to the credibility of the EU's Stability and Growth Pact, the agreement that sets deficit limits. That it was Germany , the author of the stability pact , that rebelled against the rules underscored the EU's lack of discipline.
Schroder Salomon Smith Barney的高级欧洲经济学家JoséLuisAlzola,欧盟第一次有一个大国家的问题,[金融部长]偷偷摸摸。““这基本上是另一示范,决定在欧盟,特别是宏观经济政策制作,非常困难。”
Solbes, however, is unbowed. He remains determined to uphold the spirit and letter of the pact, even if his enforcement powers appear inadequate for the task. "We have done what we had to do," Solbes said in a recent interview with Institutional Investor. "If a situation similar to this one is presented, of course the commission will react in the same way."
The 59-year-old Solbes will need all of his tenacity in the months ahead. The showdown over Germany's intractable budget deficit highlighted one of the inherent weaknesses of the euro: Although 12 of the 15 EU countries share a single currency and a single monetary policy, they still can't manage to coordinate their fiscal policies well enough to support the currency and foster a robust rate of growth.
尽管他的政策套利,但Solbes不是一个寻求对抗的人。如此柔软的话,有时几乎听到,他通过安静的持久性和努力制作他的标记。“Pedro不像其他西班牙人一样,”西班牙驻法国西班牙大使Javier Elorza说,过去与布鲁塞尔的高级外交官密切合作。“他总是平静;他总是很酷。他没有攻击人,他使用它们。他可以与地球上的任何人合作。”
他同意排除任何可自由支配的个人开支ncreases before Germany's parliamentary elections in September, to stay within the 3 percent deficit limit this year. He also promised to bring Germany's budget "close to balance" by 2004. Many economists doubt that he can achieve this. Portugal made a similar pledge, and economists are equally skeptical of Lisbon's ability to bring its budget near to balance.
然而,欧洲央行总裁Wim Duisenberg和持续的赤字支出批评,赞同,至关重要,妥协。德国和葡萄牙对赤字减少的承诺“清楚地走出了另外要求的,”Duisenberg发言人ManfredKörber说。
"The debate in Germany has never been this intense about fiscal problems," says Klaus Regling, director general for economic and monetary affairs at the commission, who co-drafted the stability pact with Stark at the German Finance Ministry in the '90s. "I would have preferred all this not to happen, but the result was good, so I have no problems with it."
对于Solbes,事件以特征性的正票据结束。他的决心甚至在德国赢得了他的奖金,这是对对抗的批评克鲁塞德。法兰克福州Allgemeine Zeitung将讲道朗克斯,为“一项无礼的权力政治展示”。
会员协议包括了七年德尔ay in Brussels' reduction of a customs duty on Spanish exports to the rest of the EU, from 17 percent to the EU average of 5.5 percent. Naturally, many Spanish industrialists opposed any delay, but Solbes stuck to the agreement, considering the duties a spur to Spanish productivity.
Events proved him right. Companies streamlined, investment in Spain soared, and Spanish exports to the EU surged. The EU subsequently cut the delay to five years. "He was clever enough to know what was important and what wasn't [in negotiating with the EU]," ambassador Elorza says.
Solbes' success in smoothing over hundreds of niggling trade issues during Spain's early years in the EU won him the admiration of his boss, Francisco Fernández Ordoñez, then foreign minister and one of the handful of people around prime minister González who helped bring the Socialists to power. Having such a patron was critical in a country where personal loyalty can loom larger than ideology. Thus Solbes, although a technocrat rather than a politician, was tapped by González to be agriculture minister in 1991. Two years later he was named finance minister even though he was not a Socialist Party member.
At Finance Solbes had a rude initiation. Within weeks of his arrival, Spain was forced to devalue the peseta during an intense bout of European currency speculation. "I suffered personally," he says, noting that he will go down in history as the last man to preside over a Spanish devaluation. But the experience made him determined to get Spain into the monetary union, to banish exchange rate instability once and for all.
Solbes made deficit reduction his top priority, a wrenching change for a Socialist government that regarded deficit spending as a tool of progress. "We had to change the culture," he says. Unfortunately, he had little success in controlling spending by Spain's regional Socialist Party barons, and the deficit remained a massive 6 percent of GDP in 1995. "He didn't have the power in the party [to control spending]," one official says. When José María Aznar's Popular Party government took power in 1996, it had to impose austerity measures to qualify Spain for the euro.
“我的第一反应不是非常积极,”Solbesacknowledges. He was then focused on winning agreement on a changeover strategy to switch from national currencies to the euro. It covered everything from establishing the European Central Bank to introducing notes and coins to finding a name for the single currency. Waigel's sudden insistence on new budgetary rules risked a political confrontation that could have derailed the entire project, and Solbes initially sought to quash the demand.
Solbes was instrumental in forging an EU consensus behind the stability pact. Stark, who was present at the Valencia meeting as Waigel's deputy, recalls Solbes telling his fellow ministers, "We have to agree on rules to bind our successors."
But unlike most finance ministers, Solbes is not a true politician. He never did join the Socialist Party, even while serving as a minister under González. Although his calls for budgetary restraint, pension reform and other difficult measures were laudable, his lack of political clout curbed his effectiveness.
Solbes showed political naïveté in proposing the warnings without being certain he could get them approved by the council of finance ministers. Portugal immediately opposed the action. Eichel, however, initially hinted that Germany might accept a warning, presumably to try to minimize any policy prescriptions.
"The commission didn't have any support at all," says one British official. "They made a mistake. They've lost credibility."
Schröder has posed a more serious criticism: Why did the commission propose a warning when the agency had endorsed the economic policies that produced the deficit in the first place? Germany introduced the first round of a five-year tax cut package last year that is projected to add the equivalent of 1 percent of GDP to the deficit. That was a violation of the spirit of the stability pact, given that the German budget wasn't yet close to being in balance.
For all of his determination to respect the rules, Solbes proved adept at compromise when he realized he lacked support for the warning. While Eichel lobbied fellow ministers over the phone during the week before the February ministerial meeting, Solbes met with ECB president Duisenberg to test his support for a deal. Duisenberg suggested the outlines of the compromise in a February 7 news conference, saying, "If there are ways to extract certain definitive and well-defined commitments from the governments concerned, that might replace the early warning."
A draft of those commitments was hammered out the following Monday by ministerial deputies at a meeting that Germany and Portugal boycotted. That evening, after six hours of heated debate among the euro group, consisting of finance ministers from the 12 euro-zone countries, Eichel signed on to the package. He was reconciled to his fellow ministers' not rejecting Solbes' proposal outright, as Germany wanted.
Still, the outcome of the confrontation casts serious doubt upon the willingness of EU members to actually enforce the stability pact. After all, the pact explicitly calls for a warning if a country's deficit diverges significantly from its planned level or if it approaches 3 percent. Germany's deficit last year exceeded the government's budgeted level by more than 1 percentage point and was less than half a percentage point from the ceiling. If the EU wouldn't issue a warning under those circumstances, what are the chances that ministers will take action if Germany violates the 3 percent limit?
“信誉通常涉及可预测性,”伦敦信用瑞士信贷第一波士顿的经济学家Christophe duval-Kieffer说。“妥协尚不清楚德国失败的后果来遵守其新的预算承诺。可能是妥协,可能是妥协吗?”
Solbes admits to being frustrated that the early-warning procedures weren't followed but pronounces himself "quite satisfied" with Eichel's commitment to balance the budget. Will EU countries enforce his recommendations if Germany falls short again? "I don't know," Solbes acknowledges. "But we in the commission have the obligation to work on the basis of the existing legislation."
"The aim of the warning was achieved," concurs the Spanish Treasury's director general, Gloria Hernández, who played a key role in forging the compromise. "Germany and Portugal committed themselves to avoiding a breach of the 3 percent." She adds that there was "no doubt at all" that ministers would take action were Germany or any other euro-zone country to break the 3 percent rule.
比利时财务部长Didier Reynders在去年担任欧洲欧元集团时,他竞选较近的预算合作,他感到遗憾的是,德国践踏了早期预警程序,但欢迎妥协的实质内容。
But it remains doubtful whether Germany can live up to its end of the compromise and bring its budget close to balance by 2004. Since the February meeting Germany has issued revised figures showing that growth was slightly lower last year, at 0.6 percent, and the deficit slightly higher, at 2.7 percent of GDP. With growth expected to be very sluggish at 0.7 percent this year and to recover to no more than 2.5 percent in 2003 and 2004, Germany would need to take serious belt-tightening measures of the kind it has ducked for years to bring its budget anywhere near balance. And yet Germany has already programmed a second round of tax cuts for 2003, worth E18 billion ($15.9 billion), the equivalent of just under 1 percent of GDP.
Eichel started to address the problem late last month by negotiating a national stability pact with the German Länder, or state governments, whose red ink is mainly responsible for the country's deficit woes. The federal deficit, which Eichel controls, remained effectively unchanged last year at E26.9 billion. But the combined deficits of the 16 Länder ballooned to E25.6 billion from E7.9 billion. Add some red ink spilled by local governments and the social security system, which also count under EU rules, and Germany's total deficit hit E56.3 billion last year. In 2000 Germany posted a surplus of E23.9 billion, but that was only because of a one-time windfall of E50 billion from the auctioning of mobile telephone rights.
Solbes welcomes the agreement as potentially significant but says, "We have to follow what happens in reality." Many outside analysts remain skeptical that the German pact will meet Eichel's tough budget goals. "There is no way the federal government can arm-twist regional governments," says Moritz Kraemer, an analyst in the sovereign ratings group at Standard & Poor's in London. "The fiscal situation in Germany is at a point where it is hard to see, without an economic recovery, how a catch-up with its European peers could occur."
Germany's difficulties revive questions about the economic merits of the stability pact, which have persisted ever since it was proposed. Most economists agree that some form of budgetary discipline and coordination is needed in the euro zone, but many regard the pact as a crude and potentially counterproductive tool. For one thing, the 3 percent ceiling is arbitrary; it simply corresponds to the average deficit level in the early 1990s, when the Maastricht Treaty was signed. The pact also restricts the ability of governments to quickly respond to economic downturns like the one that hit the euro zone last year, while failing to guarantee long-term fiscal discipline, as Germany's case shows.
“在每一项严重的经济沉闷期间,这些门槛将被违反,”柏林研究所的研究所的经济学家Gustav Horn说。“我认为其他国家可能受到严重经济问题的国家。”喇叭认为,德国将疯狂地试图在2004年到2004年的预算:“Eichel必须在短时间内省大量资金。它会伤害恢复。”
At the February EU meeting, Britain's Brown mounted a strong attack against the stability pact, which U.K. officials regard as an obstacle to British membership in the euro zone. He argued that the EU should take greater account of the economic cycle and the debt levels of individual countries when assessing deficits. Brown was angered last year when the commission cautioned him about planning major increases in spending on health care and other public services. With a national debt of 39 percent of GDP, the third lowest in the EU, the U.K. can easily afford to spend more, Brown asserts.
"We believe there needs to be coordination between fiscal and monetary policy," one British official says. "But we don't think the way the pact is being interpreted at the moment is economically very sensible."
首先,然而,国家需要他们的预算s in order. Countries like Finland, which posted a budget surplus of 4.8 percent of GDP last year, have a lot more leeway to tolerate budget slippage than Germany. "What is rather clear is that even if the economic conditions are not good, you cannot trespass the 3 percent," says Solbes.
最近几个月,柏林在若干问题上冲突了布鲁塞尔,上个月总理格哈德·施德洛德要求他的政府与由委员会主席Romano Prodi领导的Eurocrats团队之间会议。
Sources say that Schröder regards commission actions as evidence that it is biased against the manufacturing industries that dominate the German economy. He is determined to stand up for manufacturers as vigorously as the U.K. defends the City and France its farmers.
"The German position has shifted since unification," one senior commission official says. "They absorbed 17 million people , a poor country , into their own. That has required a lot of state investment, which has altered their views about the role of the state in the economy."
The hope in Brussels is that Schröder is just talking tough before the national election in September and not signaling a serious shift to Euroskepticism. Klaus Becher, a German analyst at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, endorses this view. "It seems to be more and more common that one tries to raise one's profile by standing up to the bogeymen in Brussels," he says.
But the scope and intensity of Schröder's complaints suggest that Germany's economic woes are causing Berlin to waver on its EU commitments. "He would like to give aid right and left and be seen as the guy who manages industry,'' says Daniel Gros, director of the Center for European Policy Studies in Brussels. "You can't do that."
Maybe not under EU laws, but if Schröder persists in his truculence, those laws will be hard for the commission to enforce. , T.B.