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    养老金管理人员还重新核发了风险控制和老式的多样化。但随后,在任何风险控制教科书之外的两个高度令人不安的事件:9月11日的恐怖主义袭击以及第5次财富500强公司 - 安然公司的令人惊叹的崩溃 - 在一个丑闻中呼吁会计实践,从而报告盈利,在美国美国。

    结果:在一个增加的斗争中,在体面回报的斗争中,甚至更大的围栏风险的关注。“今天的计划专注于提取尽可能多的风险调整的回报,”波士顿州街全球顾问(资产:8080亿美元)的机构营销总监Christopher Pope。“我们看到了对增强索引的绝对兴趣。每个人都在争夺基点。”

    "The lesson from Enron," says Barbara Novick, head of institutional sales and marketing at BlackRock (assets: $238 billion), "was, Don't have too much exposure to any single security, no matter what your discipline." All that was pension management 101.


    The biggest percentage gain of any money manager in this magazine's 24th annual Pension Olympics (see box, page 86) was achieved by a value manager. Pzena Investment Management, the seven-year-old, New York-based value shop run by Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. alumnus Richard Pzena, saw its tax-exempt assets climb from about $1 billion to $2.4 billion.

    但价值的复出就像它强势一样普遍存在。For instance, Baltimore-based Legg Mason, heavily identified with portfolio manager and value impresario Bill Miller, saw its U.S. tax-exempt assets swell by nearly $20 billion, from $76.6 billion to $96.6 billion, for the largest dollar gain of any firm last year (see box, page 84). Not all of that pelf was hauled in by Miller and company, however; the firm's fixed-income subsidiary, Western Asset Management Co., collected $13.8 billion.

    担心一方面的风险越来越危险,养老金经理对另一方面的滞后回归很紧张。“突然,计划赞助商正在寻找8%或9%的精算目标,并询问,我可以从这里到达吗?”Legg Mason资本管理机构营销负责人詹姆斯·戴利,Legg Mason的机构股票军备架构。

    For both pension plans and large money managers, an increasingly popular strategy for augmenting returns is smorgasbord investing: making sure that you sample all possible styles because, as one veteran money manager puts it, "you never know what's going to get hot."

    芝加哥咨询公司资本资源顾问的经理研究负责人Sheila Noonan,报道:“很多计划都希望看到他们是否具有正确的经理组合,以提供广泛的覆盖和多样化。我们看到了三年摆摆动从大帽到小帽子,从增长到价值。“

    “这项业务往往遵循回报,”杠杆梅森的米勒同意。在90年代后期被称为“新价值”股票选择器 - 他举行了美国在线和Amazon.com - Miller已经引导了他公司的旗舰Legg梅森价值信托基金到11年的连续数年度优于标准和穷人的500指数。



    然而,近年来的经历是在这方面放心的东西,而不是在美国市场下降,欧洲和亚洲市场在分享痛苦方面过于同情的时尚时尚。摩根士丹利资本国际欧洲,澳大利亚和远东指数在过去三年中产生了平均年度返回-5.1%;这与MSCI U.S.索引的-3.7%相比。


    风格是国际授权的新扭曲。“对国际增长股权经理的搜索飙升,”诺数解释了中美养老金计划传统上雇用了一个或两个国际管理人员,这些管理者没有想到他们是否增长或价值。正如它所说,许多国际股市经理在20世纪90年代 - 爱尔兰银行资产管理,品牌投资合作伙伴和Templeton Investments等公司雇用了广泛的公司 - 拥有价值倾斜。因此,许多计划正在迁移以补充现有的价值管理者,Noonan说。她补充说,一些更尖端的资金,正在努力通过加入国际小型覆盖范围来挤压来自外国投资的“更多”。


    Fidelity, which had long neglected the defined benefit market, has increased from one to seven the number of salespeople it has calling on major consultants. The most recent add: well-known marketer (and former Buffalo Bills linebacker) Christopher Keating, who joins Fidelity from Deutsche Asset Management, which he helped to garner 17 net wins in 2001.


    Artisan, at the other end of the style spectrum, placed third with 22 new accounts. The seven-year-old firm was launched by Ziegler, formerly chief operating officer of Strong Capital Management, and his wife, Carlene, a small-cap portfolio manager at Artisan. This burgeoning boutique now has small-cap value, midcap growth and international growth products.

    In a year when bonds handily outpaced stocks - the Lehman Brothers aggregate bond index gained 8.43 percent, quite a contrast to the Wilshire 5000 index's 10.96 percent loss - it was perhaps not so surprising that many plans upped their targeted fixed-income allocation, to reduce risk exposure, cut back on fees and perhaps even bolster returns. Other plans, though, took money out of appreciated bonds and put it into stocks in routine asset rebalancing.

    ”他现在还不清楚torical 10 percent rate of return will hold up over the next several years," observes Richard Horlick, who heads up Fidelity's institutional business. "So you have some plans devising strategies to get a higher return on equities and others that are looking to get a higher rate of return out of nonequities, such as bonds and alternatives."


    Aggressive U.S. growth shops like Putnam Investments and Janus Capital have been hurt the most. Janus has forfeited half of its assets since March 2000 (they now total $150 billion), while Putnam's assets dropped by almost one third, to $303 billion.

    Another big growth manager, Alliance Capital Management, came in for sharp criticism - and the threat of a lawsuit from the Florida State Board of Administration - for its aggressive investing in Enron. Alliance allegedly bought 2.7 million Enron shares for the Florida fund in the six weeks before the company filed for bankruptcy in December. It sold Florida's entire 7.6 million-share Enron stake on November 30, at 28 cents a share.


    Alliance's bet on Enron probably didn't have much effect on its standing in this Pension Olympics, as most pension mandates for 2001 were assigned before the energy company's collapse. Nevertheless, Alliance lost ground. The firm's institutional unit, Alliance Bernstein Institutional Investment Management, which incorporates Sanford C. Bernstein, the widely admired value shop that merged with Alliance in 2000, pulled off only nine net account wins in 2001.


    纽约投资银行伯克郡首席执行官H. Bruce Mcever专门从事投资行业,提供了这一预测和警告:“经济和政治不确定性的结合可以证明行业持续拖累。这意味着它是比以往任何时候都更重要,拥有广泛的产品线 - 你想要一只手。“

    The Pension Olympics is based on data compiled by Port Chester, New York-based Nelson Information, then verified and revised for publication by Senior Editor Jane B. Kenney, Assistant Editor Erika Ihara and Staff Writer Rich Blake. The feature ranks firms that achieved the largest number of net new client gains from among the top 1,000 corporate, public and union funds in calendar year 2001. (All are major funds, the smallest of which had assets of about $607 million. Pension funds are not counted as gains unless they represent new relationships and were funded in 2001.) Defined benefit and defined contribution accounts are included; to be counted, the latter must include fund management, not recordkeeping or administrative services alone.

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