

New Brazilian president Lula shifted to the center to get elected, and he may find himself stuck there a while as he struggles with huge debts, IMF dictates and recalcitrant governors.但是,他肯定会在第一次机会推动他的改革议程。

    New Brazilian president Lula shifted to the center to get elected, and he may find himself stuck there a while as he struggles with huge debts, IMF dictates and recalcitrant governors.但是,他肯定会在第一次机会推动他的改革议程。

    By Lucy Conger

    Three weeks after union leader Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva scored a commanding electoral victory and fulfilled, after three failed attempts, a lifelong ambition of becoming president of Brazil, reality intruded on his campaign promise to end the country's grinding poverty. A November 12 government economic report revealed that inflation was running at an annual rate of nearly 7 percent, well above the 5.5 percent target for the year. Although the gap should be manageable, even a whiff of inflation brings back frightening memories of the 40 percent monthly price hikes that wracked Brazil's economy in the 1980s and early 1990s.

    总统选民和他的顶级中尉迅速迁移到Quashledledled对恶性通货膨胀的恐惧。虽然Lula是Partido Dos Trabalhodores的候选人,但在未来四年内削弱了最低工资的购买力 - 据报告发布后几天的储蓄众多,PT党总统和一位关键的卢拉副手,提出了一个适度的15%的徒步旅行,这将在2003年生效。该信息:卢拉制度将争取抵抗通货膨胀。

    The first leftist ever elected to rule Brazil, Lula has tried to reassure both foreign investors and local businessmen that he is no radical and that he has, in fact, moved solidly to the center. "Our administration will honor the contracts signed by the government, it will not overlook the control of inflation, and it will maintain a position of fiscal responsibility," Lula said in a speech the day after he amassed a remarkable 63 percent of the October 27 runoff vote. "The hard crossing that Brazil faces requires austerity in the use of public money and an implacable fight against corruption."

    无论LULA的真正议程是否可能会在1月1日拿出办公室之后,他的第一年将被捆绑在一起,部分由国际货币基金组织贷款限制要求,在2003年的国际货币基金组织资金释放240亿美元,是初级盈余(利息前的预算盈余)相当于GDP的3.75%。他也将受到他自己渴望平息外国投资者的愿望,其首都巴西如此拼命地需要。“新政府的目标是赢得投资者信心,”拉拉自1993年以来的经济顾问Guido Mantega和圣保罗市政规划部的前预算总监Guido Mantega。


    "I see no contradiction between stability and growth," Lula said during the campaign. "Growth has the virtue of increasing tax revenues and, therefore, improving public accounts. The nub of the question is to reduce interest rates, which impede greater growth of investments and GDP while increasing public debt." Adds Mantega, "Inflation cannot return."

    目前,至少,华尔街与卢拉制度协调。在竞选期间,外国投资者在何塞塞拉举行的右心候选人举行了胜利的希望,以便担任Fernando Henrique Cardoso的右侧候选人,在民意调查显示卢拉持续持有20分或以上的领先优势。事实上,在10月6日的第一批选票中,卢拉几乎赢得了50%,以四向赛量为46.7%,是他领先的对手的23.6%的23.6%。


    Abigail McKenna,摩根斯坦利投资管理公司的投资组合经理:“投资者似乎愿意为卢拉提供疑问,因为他们一直在积极地试图增加他们投资的风险和回报潜力。市场可以无论如何仍然存在合理的不确定性。“

    投资者可能是怯懦的,但国际货币基金组织递交卢拉对信心的更加坚定而不是预期的投票。“提出的经济政策是非常谨慎和合适的,”国际货币基金组织特派团首席豪尔斯·马克斯·卢阿特(Brasília)在卢拉的过渡团队主任的AntônioPalocci会议后,IMF Mission首席JorgeMárquez-Ruarte表示。“PT有一个金色的机会,”金融部长佩德罗·玛兰告诉圣保罗报纸。“如果他们提供了现在关于未来政策过程的适当信号,则享有真实的巨大空间。”





    承认转向中心的转变,许多商人都会上升到工人阶级的卢拉 - 出生于贫困,剥夺了高中教育 - 他们今天为他们的领导者欢呼他,因为他们认为在没有冒险的情况下激发经济增长的领导者不稳定。据联合国统计数据介绍,巴西的经济必须持续增长6%,直到2015年减少贫困的一半,折磨了2200万巴西人。SugênioStaub,CeugênioStaub,ChirienteEletrônica,Cometer Electronics Company,“Lula印象深刻,作为一个自制的领导者,他非常诚实。他没有正式的教育,但他有一个博士学位,他有情绪智力。这使得所有的差异。“


    Of course Lula will need any and all votes of confidence as he tries to manage the burden of public debt, the current-account deficit and the constraints imposed by the IMF. These are real dangers, but they need not reach crisis proportions. Says Paul Krugman, a professor of economics at Princeton University and a columnist for The New York Times: "Brazil faces a serious risk of a self-fulfilling fiscal crisis, and it doesn't have to happen. If the Lula administration can convince people it is sensible, it wouldn't take much to turn the dynamic into a good dynamic."

    巴西新政府掌舵人的男子在该国东北塞特塞尔塔斯特洛的绝望贫困中居住了他的前七年。作为一只年轻的人,卢拉曾担任车床运营商和联盟组织者;in 1976, at age 31, he was elected president of the metalworkers union.

    四年后,他创立了Partido Dos Trabalhodores,很快成为拉丁美洲最大的左翼派对。自巴西军事独裁统治于1989年以来,PT逐渐增加了其普及。它已经远离其激进的根源 - 早期谴责外债并威胁到对金融利润的税收更高的税收 - 采用更多的中间人职位,包括拒绝债务的拒绝。“这是一个邮政编码和博士生民主党,”PT的创始人之一和党的国际关系的长期负责人表示。

    近年来,在180个市政当局和三个州主席的圣保罗基金会和前金融部长的经济学家Luiz Carlos Berresser Pereira和前财政部长的经济学家“已经相当保守保守。他们知道财政赤字意味着削弱政府。“

    在最近的总统竞选期间,卢拉将他的言论和他的平台搬到了中心。他通过倡导建议提出促进生产和出口税收的建议,同时刺激进口替代和住房建设。除了命名纺织品巨头JoséAlencarGomesda Silva作为他的奔跑的伴侣,卢拉经常与银行家和经纪人相遇。他参观该国主席团的主要证券交易所的Bovespa地板,使头条新闻和镀锌商业界。“这就像柏林墙的崩溃一样,”交易所总统雷蒙多·摩扬省·雷姆·摩扬省·罗马诺(Raymundo Mogliano Filho)说,他认为卢拉与他的激进过去果断地破坏了。


    Still, the radicals in his party, who represent perhaps 30 percent of the membership, may soon be clamoring for a voice in his administration. Among the extremists are members of Movimento dos Sem-Terra, the landless rural workers movement, who invade country estates as a form of political protest.





    美国,当然,是一个重要的贸易伙伴, 和Lula has made it clear that he will continue Brazil's ongoing efforts to persuade Washington to eliminate trade barriers that impose tariffs on Brazilian orange juice and steel. The "good atmosphere" currently surrounding U.S.-Brazil relations should help at the negotiating table, says Lula adviser Garcia, an academic who spent ten years as Lula's international relations adviser. "The U.S. government realizes that we are not trying to take any ideological problem to the government-to-government relationship," Garcia says.

    卢拉的过渡团队会见了美国官员,包括奥托里希,现在是西半球的特使,于11月21日在布拉西利亚。莱科描述了会议作为“非常有建设性,非常积极”。他补充说,“我们期待与卢拉政府合作。”卢拉和总统乔治布什计划于12月10日第一次见面 - 雷奇说,“美国与巴西关系的特别重要”。

    On the domestic front, Lula supports a "mini" tax reform that would ease levies on production and exports. Says Luciano Dias, an analyst with de Goes e Consultores Associados, a political consulting firm in Brasília: "Forming a majority is not a formal problem in Brazil. It's a problem of how much it costs." The PT's coalition with at least eight other parties falls short of a simple majority in Congress and lags even further behind the three-fifths supermajority Lula needs for constitutional amendments, which would be necessary for social security, labor and major tax reforms.

    Even more politically fraught is Lula's ambition to reform the government pension system. An entrenched presence in Brazilian society since 1962, the pay-as-you-go system mandates generous government pensions for 2.5 million public workers and runs at a deficit of more than $10 billion a year (Institutional Investor, September 2002).

    虽然外国投资者会赞赏任何真正的养老金改革,但它们似乎更加关注央行的地位。在Cardoso DependeeArmínioFraga下,银行既有效独立,货币克制的力量,投资者希望卢拉命名为替代碎片。

    回想起80年代晚期和90年代初期,巴西人的利润率,每一堂课都希望价格保持在控制下。但许多迫切需要更多的工作,更好的工资和更公平的收入分配。在圣保罗金融区的Avenida Paulista咖啡酒吧,女仆Regina Mireilles Mutera,44,声音普通克制:“我们投票获得更多的工作和更好的教育。我们投票为希望 - 和改变。”