


    给他他们的标签较小。The 56-year-old advertising legend is asking the likes of Nestlé, Unilever, H.J. Heinz and Procter & Gamble to partner with his newest venture, Saatchiinvest, a quasiprivate equity fund that will use Saatchi's creative team "to revive and reposition" lagging brands.

    “我们将花费大多数赌注,随着合作伙伴为我们提供制造和分销的消费商品公司,”巴格达出生的萨姆斯说,他的口号“工党不工作”帮助选出玛格丽特·撒切尔。Saatchiinvest将依靠Maurice,His Brother Charles,59和他们的伦敦广告代理商,M&C Saatchi的专业知识。安德鲁·莱克从炼金术合作伙伴带来了基金。

    公司可以保留其品牌未来成功的股份。“销售品牌到竞争对手的一个问题是,如果他们结果有一个伟大的新想法,你就可以令人尴尬,”Lord Saatchi说。

    Saatchiinvest did its first deal last month: It's buying 51 percent of two H.J. Heinz products -- Complan, a nutrition drink, and Casilan, a protein supplement for athletes -- sold in the U.K. Heinz will keep 34 percent of the companies, while management gets a 15 percent stake. "This will be the model for many future investments," says Maurice.