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    As the bull market raged in the late 1990s, more than a few value managers threw caution to the wind and chased Nasdaq highfliers. Not Jeremy Grantham. Just a few weeks after the market peaked in March 2000, Grantham, a co-founder and chairman of Boston-based money manager Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co., publicly predicted that the Nasdaq composite index would fall from 5,000 to 1,250 and that the Standard & Poor's 500 index would drop from 1,500 to 750.


    GMO nearly unraveled. From a peak of $31 billion in mid-1998, assets shrank to $20 billion in mid-2001, a roughly 35 percent decline, as long-time clients dismissed GMO as hopelessly out-of-date. "It was a grim time to be knocking on the doors of potential clients," says Anthony Ryan, the partner in charge of marketing.

    GMO遭受了大多数有价值的经理,而且该公司 - 一个26岁的私人伙伴关系 - 也更加剧烈地反弹,赢得了旧客户,吸引了新的客户。5月底,GMO报告的资产为350亿美元,如果格兰德汉不能抵抗触及Schadenfreude,那么谁可以责怪他?即使是Janus Capital Group和Putnam投资这样的较大竞争对手,他的公司也在增长。“我想我并不是很多人想到的一半,”他说。



    "As a firm, we were very early into international markets and very early into quantitative investing," says Grantham. "We have always believed in diversification, for the benefit of the clients and the business. Today, with U.S. assets so unattractive, that is more important than ever."

    这位64岁的Grantham和他的合作伙伴都希望出售GMO,现在现金进入,股票市场显示生命迹象?“独立是迄今为止为我们提供的策略。随着更多的货币管理人员成为不了解这项业务的巨型金融服务的武器,肯定是未来的竞争优势,”格兰特汉说。事实上,去年GMO GMO的40个合作伙伴 - 从200名员工 - 拒绝从BNP Paribas提供的提议购买20%的股权,以期权增加份额,以获得未披露的价格。(另外两个创始伙伴,Dick Mayo于2001年12月离开了与他的儿子的对冲基金,虽然是一名活跃的董事会成员,但自1996年以来尚未拥有日常的金钱管理角色。)

    Says Grantham: "As a money manager, you live for moments like the huge dislocation created by the bubble. It is a tremendously exciting, tremendously entertaining time to be in this job. Why would I want to do anything else?"

    当然,他有值得庆祝。GMO reported record net new account gains of $5 billion in 2002. For the first five months of 2003, it gathered assets at an even faster pace, adding some $4 billion. Among its more high-profile mandates: $200 million in international equities from the Nebraska Public Employees' Retirement System, an $80 million emerging-markets equity account from International Paper Co. and a E50 million ($53 million) emerging-markets equity account from the ABB Foundation.

    In the long term GMO's core portfolios have handily beaten their benchmarks. Over the past ten years, the firm's U.S. Core equity product has beaten the S&P 500 by 1.23 percentage points on an annualized basis. GMO's international active product -- benchmarked against the MSCI Europe, Australasia and Far East index -- has outperformed by an annualized 5.34 percentage points.

    "Apart from market conditions, which have obviously brought its style back into favor, GMO's attitude to servicing institutional clients has evolved. It has brought people in from outside who understand the needs of institutional investors," says Jeffrey Nipp, director of investment manager research at Watson Wyatt Worldwide in Atlanta. "There has always been much to like about GMO, but in the past they haven't gotten to grips with what sophisticated institutions want."

    GMO remains an American operation. Though it has had a London office since 1987 (it opened a Sydney outpost in 1995 and a Zurich branch in 2002), some 85 percent of GMO assets come from U.S. institutions.

    作为一名土木工程师的儿子,格兰瑟姆在英国约克郡的唐卡斯特镇长大。他获得了谢菲尔德大学经济学学士学位和哈佛商学院工商管理硕士学位。格兰瑟姆曾在荷兰皇家壳牌公司(Royal Dutch Shell)担任经济学家,并在Keystone托管基金(Keystone cortification Funds)担任投资组合经理。Keystone托管基金是总部位于波士顿的共同基金集团,现为常青基金的一部分。

    Then in 1969, Grantham and Dean LeBaron co-founded Batterymarch Financial Management, a Boston-based quantitative money manager that made its name by avoiding the Nifty Fifty before they nose-dived in 1973'74. Several years later Grantham had a falling-out with LeBaron, and in 1977 he joined forces with Boston portfolio managers Mayo, Van Otterloo and King Durant. They launched their firm as a conservative, value-oriented money management shop.

    Through the 1980s and 1990s, GMO's U.S. and international funds outperformed their peers. One of Grantham's shrewdest moves: cutting the Japanese exposure of GMO's international funds in 1986, well before the Nikkei cracked in 1989.

    By 1998 Grantham had become very leery of stock valuations. Applying a quantitative measure known as Tobin's Q ratio, which calculates the replacement value of corporate assets, Grantham and Ben Inker, then head of GMO's asset allocation, determined that the S&P 500 at the start of 1998 would be fairly valued at a price-earnings ratio of around 16.

    In 1999, as the S&P 500 soared to 30 times earnings and beyond, GMO began positioning portfolios more defensively. Grantham had no doubt that he was witnessing a stock market bubble of historic proportions. One sure sign, in his view: the curious behavior of small-cap stocks. Between March 1998 and March 1999, he noted, U.S. small caps were down 18 percent and large caps were up 25 percent.





    GMO's first hedge fund, a long-short strategy in emerging-market debt, debuted in 1996. Since then it has returned an impressive 17 percent annualized net of fees. Then in July 2000 GMO rolled out a U.S. equity market-neutral hedge fund, followed that September by an aggressive U.S. long-short equity fund. In the next two years, GMO launched five more hedge funds as well as a fund of funds whose assets are invested only in GMO hedge funds. Its aggressive U.S. long-short equity fund returned an impressive 28.2 percent net of fees last year; the market-neutral hedge fund returned 1.93 net of fees over the same period.


    With some $3 billion in hedge funds, GMO's alternative business is roughly comparable in size to that of far bigger institutional rivals such as Barclays Global Investors, which has $5.2 billion in hedge funds, and Alliance Capital Management, with $2.6 billion.

    Naturally, GMO has been doing more than pitching alternative products. After the bubble burst the money manager began to make a more forceful case for its skepticism, to solidify its existing client relationships. In early 2001 GMO set up a client service department dedicated to getting its message out. Though most money managers GMO's size already had such a function, it was a first for GMO, which now has eight full-timers handling clients and an additional four staffers working with consultants.


    To bolster its presence outside the U.S., GMO's three foreign outposts, in London, Sydney and Zurich, have been working more closely with the Boston headquarters, selling GMO's full range of products rather than just local equity strategies. To lead the European marketing push, the firm last year hired Alex Orus, who was running the Swiss office of State Street Global Advisors.

    GMO will need to continue to expand internationally and in the U.S. if it is to retain and attract talent. The firm already boasts a strong bench: quantitative chief Chris Darnell, who joined GMO in 1979; head of emerging markets Arjun Divecha, who joined in 1993; and chief investment officer Inker, who joined straight from Yale University in 1992.

    格兰特汉仍然是该公司的精神和智力。虽然他仔细称重销售了少数民族的股份,但他认为,转基因的独立性是一个真正的力量。他引用了最近的决定,关闭了两次高性能的策略 - 新兴市场债务和股票 - 对于新投资者,如果该公司是一个更大的金融集团的一部分,可能会受到挑战的决定。


    在1999年和2000年他的远见,格兰瑟姆s by no means complacent. His single -- or single greatest -- insight, he says, is that markets revert to the mean. The painful fact for Grantham -- indeed, for every investor -- is that no one can know when that reversion will occur. "There is no joy in being right and being out of business," Grantham says. "Fortunately, we have avoided that fate." i


    Grantham's take on the markets and money managers

    64岁的Jeremy Grantham仍然是一个精明的投资实践观察员的行业的长老兄弟们。他对当今金钱管理业务的许多公约也非常批评。


    "No one has the job of moving the money around anymore," says Grantham. "And with a handful of honorable exceptions, most policy benchmarks are inherited by investment committees. If they do change them, they look at what the peer group is doing. As the manager's ability to arbitrage is dissipated by these tightly defined mandates, deviations of asset prices will get worse. If you have any doubt, look at the bubble. This is no accident or quirk of history. It is a reflection of how weak the arbitrage mechanism has become."


    "Hedge funds have the freedom to act on their best ideas, and that will attract talent," notes Grantham, whose firm runs $3 billion in hedge fund strategies. "A disturbingly large number of the best people are being drawn into hedge funds. Let's face it: There is nothing on earth more supremely useless than a mediocre fund manager."




    Grantham expects the Standard & Poor's 500 index to hit 680 by next spring and then generate average real annual returns of about 1 percent for the next seven years as the market shakes off the lingering effects of the bubble. Then U.S. stocks should revert to their long-run mean return of 6 percent.


    Grantham believes that the continuing slide of the dollar will give a further boost to unhedged dollar-denominated portfolios.

    "Emerging markets are capable of outperforming the S&P 500 by 20 percentage points a year. There is a decent chance that when the S&P hits its low, emerging markets will be up in absolute terms."

    这是什么自然的逆向日本?格兰特汉认为,日经的13年熊市可能已经结束。因此,GMO在日本有一个小的超重位置。"To be underweight is a big, scary bet. Being underweight the U.S. is far easier. Japan is the most dangerous market in the world, because there will be a period in the not-too-distant future when Japan is up 40 percent and the rest of the world is flat or down."-- A.C.