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在90年代的牛市中,很少有基金公司能像普特南(Putnam)那样飙升,也很少有高管能比拉里•拉瑟(Larry Lasser)更出名。但今天普特南自由落体,拉瑟承受着压力。

拉里拉瑟开始失去耐心了。普特南投资公司(Putnam Investments)的首席执行官坐在洛克菲勒中心彩虹室的讲台上,看着美国一些顶级机构投资者,包括对冲基金传奇人物乔治·索罗斯(George Soros)和时任TIAA-CREF首席执行官的约翰·比格斯(John Biggs)。大约100名男女参加了10月下旬由高管招聘人员斯宾塞•斯图尔特(Spencer 亚博赞助欧冠Stuart)主办的会议,就公司治理问题展开辩论。一位投资者问,普特南首席执行官对过去两年困扰美国企业的连环金融丑闻有何看法?


Next question?


Few fund companies soared as high as Putnam did during the '90s bull market, and few executives earned greater renown than Lasser. But today Putnam is in free fall, and Lasser is under pressure. Putnam's assets have plunged 43 percent in the past three years, to $241 billion as of March 31. The 60-year-old CEO -- 34-year company man, famously demanding boss, widely respected industry leader -- must now wage the toughest fight of his career to restore Putnam's good name and his own reputation. Still in the early stages of his campaign to turn Putnam around, Lasser has shaken up his staff and overhauled the investment process.


普特南的经验在资产中并不罕见anagers, but it is severe. Among the biggest fund families, perhaps only Janus Capital Management, the hyperaggressive growth fund shop, has been hit as hard. After Janus assets plunged 65 percent from their peak, a new CEO was named to resurrect the once-powerful brand name (亚博赞助欧冠,February 2003).

All money managers continue to struggle with the grinding bear market. Now they face a new threat in the recent flurry of attention from both the House Committee on Financial Services and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Government investigators are examining a wide range of mutual fund industry practices, including fee schedules and trading practices. More regulation means more costs, which further squeezes margins and intensifies pressure on mutual fund companies to reassess their business.

"The mutual fund industry is going through tough times," says Peter Sundman, head of the mutual fund business at Neuberger Berman. "Everybody has had to retrench and do a fair amount of soul-searching."

搜索Putnam的灵魂,金融服务集团沼泽&MCLINNAN COS的子公司。自1970年以来,您将找到一个跑amok的投资过程。在90年代末和2000年初 - 回顾起初,时间不可能越来越糟糕 - 延期策划零售金钱后,推出Putnam的第一科技基金,介绍或重新开放几项超自然的增长基金,并将基本核心股权投资组合转化为技术- 发布的蜂蜜陷阱。曾经专注于风格纯度的投资组合经理养成压力,以产生巨大的回报,并与Janus和Pilgrim Baxter&Associates这样的增长基金掌握。

拉塞尔拒绝就本文置评,但当时他对该行业的前景仍相当乐观。”我不想显得自满in May 2000, "but I do not see the business's economics deteriorating."


驱动拉塞尔的压力并非全部来自内部。普特南的衰落给马什和麦克伦南带来了沉重打击。1999年,这家公司贡献了母公司一半的利润;去年,它只创造了四分之一的利润。自2000年以来,Marsh Mac的股价下跌了22%,至46美元,长期观察公司的人士说,自2000年5月以来担任董事长的杰弗里•格林伯格(Jeffrey Greenberg)一直密切关注Lasser。


Lasser's most critical response to the pressure was to recruit last October Charles (Ed) Haldeman, the 54-year-old CEO of Philadelphia-based Delaware Investments, to become Putnam's new co-head of investments and help get the firm back on track. He gave Haldeman -- who inside sources tab as Lasser's likely successor (see box, page 52) -- free rein to reorganize the investment process.

Haldeman leads a substantial army. Of Putnam's 5,700 employees, 150 are research analysts -- far more than most comparably sized fund firms -- and 85 are portfolio managers, divided among seven investment groups and covering about 70 products.

Haldeman is moving quickly to improve communication among the firm's investment groups, better integrate Putnam's analysts into the stock picking process and bolster the status of Putnam's portfolio managers, who have traditionally taken a backseat to marketers at the firm. Formerly president of United Asset Management, Haldeman plans to revamp Putnam's compensation system for portfolio managers and last month made a key hire, recruiting Joshua Brooks, Delaware Investment's CIO for value funds, to become Putnam's new head of research.

费城共同基金顾问伯顿•格林沃尔德(Burton Greenwald)表示:“埃德•哈尔德曼是拉瑟可能找到的最有可能让公司朝着正确方向发展的人。”他是为数不多的战略思想者之一,他也能非常好地管理人员,并实际管理了资金。”



"Larry Lasser is probably one of the single most successful executives in the history of the money management business," says John Casey, an industry veteran and the co-founder of Casey, Quirk & Acito, a Darien, Connecticut, consulting firm. "He may not be the most popular guy in Boston, but in terms of sheer knowledge and vision, there are few who rival him."


THE RARE EXECUTIVE NOWADAYS WHO HAS worked for just one company, Lasser grew up in the New York City suburb of Scarsdale, the eldest son of a garment industry business owner and a housewife. He graduated from Antioch College and earned his MBA at Harvard Business School.

Lasser didn't begin his working life in money management. While still in business school, he bought and sold modern art out of his apartment. After graduation Lasser opened Graphics 1 & Graphics 2, an art gallery on tony Newbury Street. "I sublet Larry's apartment just after he graduated and people would still come knock on the door looking to buy lithographs," recalls Stephen Timbers, now president of Northern Trust Global Investments.

拉瑟在继续经营自己的画廊的同时(他从未打算将画廊作为自己毕生的事业,并最终卖掉了这家公司),他还在哈佛商学院(Harvard business School)担任了两年的研究助理。1969年秋,拉瑟通过一位在普特南商学院担任分析师的同学获得了面试机会。他采访了时任Putnam研究主管的Norton Reamer,后者为Lasser提供了一份消费品分析师的工作。当时,由首席执行官罗伯特赖利(Robert Riley)领导的普特南(Putnam)管理着少数几只股票共同基金,其中包括旗舰型普特南投资者基金(Putnam Investors fund)和1937年成立的波士顿乔治普特南基金(George Putnam fund of Boston),后者是业界第一只平衡型基金。

The young analyst rapidly made his mark for being a quick study and well organized. In 1973 Reamer, then the firm's new chief investment officer, promoted Lasser to assistant director of research. Four years later Lasser got the top research job, reporting directly to Reamer, who was named CEO that year. Reamer replaced Riley, who became head of a new holding company, Marsh & McLennan Asset Management.



Marsh Mac chairman Jack Regan eventually replaced Riley with Martin Hale, a popular portfolio manager who had been running the retail mutual fund business. As president of MMAM, Hale would act as Putnam CEO until a successor to Reamer could be chosen. Hale's new assignment created an opening for Lasser, who stepped up to become head of the mutual funds in late 1981, when he was just 38.

"It was a chaotic time," recalls Walter Oechsle, who was then managing Putnam's international equity group. "There was no strong leadership at the firm."

At the time, the firm was divided into two groups: Putnam Management, with $2.5 billion in retail assets in 1982, and Putnam Advisory, the institutional arm, with $5 billion in assets. Lasser, president of Putnam Management, and John Sommers, his counterpart at Putnam Advisory, emerged as the top candidates to become the next Putnam CEO.


Putnam's retail surge partly reflected the early years of the historic bull market, but it also testified to Lasser's determination to turn the money manager into a marketing machine. Lasser set up an in-house creative division that produced marketing and advertising materials, an operation widely admired both inside and outside the firm. Charging the highest sales loads permitted -- 8.25 percent in the early 1980s -- Putnam won over wire house brokers, who sold the funds aggressively.


From the outset, Lasser pushed Putnam to excel as a full-service, multiproduct firm, with a strong presence in both retail and institutional markets, fixed income and equities. When he took over, retail eclipsed institutional and assets were mostly in fixed income. Shoring up institutional marketing was one of his first orders of business.




债券基金的崩溃给了拉瑟一个古老的教训:零售资金可以瞬间消失。”我们被烧了一次,我们不会被烧两次,”他后来说The Boston Globe. 为了改善与经纪人的关系,拉瑟在1990年秋天聘请了迪安·维特·雷诺兹共同基金主管威廉·希伯勒(William Shiebler)管理普特南的共同基金。

当拉塞尔将注意力从零售转向机构时,他比大多数同行更早地精明地断定,401(k)基金市场将很快起飞。为了瞄准这一新领域,他指派理查德·帕兰(richardpallan)启动这项业务。理查德·帕兰与拉瑟同年加入普特南(Putnam)担任分析师。拉瑟还聘请了波士顿公司(Boston Co.)资产管理销售主管托马斯•鲁西(Thomas Lucey)担任公司新的机构营销主管。鲁西曾是IBM公司(IBM Corp.)的一名极具魅力的销售员。Lucey建立了一个快速增长的固定收益业务,并帮助Putnam赢得了许多新的授权。

Lasser's next key move came two years later when he lured Peter Carman, the respected CIO of Sanford C. Bernstein & Co., to replace retiring equity chief Francis Kelly. Putnam's investment process reflected Lasser's management style: The CEO liked to keep his portfolio managers on a short leash compared with their counterparts at rival firms. Equities chief Carman executed Lasser's vision for an investment process that discouraged prima donna portfolio managers -- Lasser wasn't looking for another Peter Lynch -- and relied instead on a quantitative system of stock picking. Carman created a series of proprietary screens that narrowed a universe of 5,000 stocks into groups of 100 to 200 acceptable companies for any given style category. Research analysts were assigned to cover names on the list, and portfolio managers were not permitted to stray from the roster.


"Larry always liked to have two or three guys slugging it out at his feet," says a former Putnam executive. "No one ever really knew where they stood."

Lasser's approach worked. Putnam's investment pros delivered superior performance, enabling the money manager to grow faster than its rivals. Assets hit $126 billion in 1995, up from $44 billion at the start of the decade. During that five-year period, 401(k) assets grew from zero to $8 billion and institutional assets increased from $14 billion to $54 billion. During the next two years, as the bull market began to roar, Putnam's assets nearly doubled, to $235 billion.


Putnam的节奏在1997年5月可能已经停滞不前,当时被尊敬的卡曼离开Putnam成为Citigroup资产管理的CIO,但Lasser用他的离开作为重组投资司的机会。他将Putnam的国内和国际股权集团巩固到一个部门,由国际股权主席Timothy Ferguson领导,他于1996年加入了HSBC资产管理,他总统。

起初,这一举措获得了巨大的回报,但长期来看却适得其反。弗格森带领普特南更深入地参与了动量增长的游戏,吸引了越来越多的现金。资深价值投资组合经理安东尼·克雷塞尔(Anthony Kreisel)管理着一只大盘股价值股票基金,他被迫离职。普特南价值股权团队的长期负责人托马斯·雷利(Thomas Reilley)被调任一位前投资组合经理表示:“追逐成长股的压力是巨大的。”。

福格森将普特南的一些核心股票投资组合推进了科技型增长基金。1994年,Putnam聘请了Kemper金融服务投资组合经理C.Beth Cotner,领导运营Putnam Investors(一种大型核心产品)的团队,并将其转变为增长型产品。她在接下来的几年里获得了丰厚的回报。

在弗格森的领导下,1998年,New Opportunities和Voyager基金都发生了类似的风格转变,它们从小盘成长股转向大盘成长股。增长在1999年得到了回报,当时许多Putnam基金获得了超凡的回报。旅行者号返回了56%。当年,普特南表现最佳的科技股普特南OTC新兴增长基金(Putnam OTC Emerging Growth fund)飙升127%。



Indeed. In early 2000 Putnam launched an all-out assault on the retail front. In January the firm introduced Putnam New Century Growth Fund, an aggressive-growth product with a strong emphasis on New Economy companies. It grew to $1 billion within a few weeks. In June, three months after Nasdaq peaked, Putnam launched its first pure technology fund.

The cash started to flow. Putnam reported $17.5 billion in net mutual fund sales for 2000, trailing only Janus and Vanguard. Overall, the firm's assets peaked at $420 billion in August, up from $391 billion at the start of the year.


例如,Putnam OTC新兴增长基金(Emerging Growth fund)在2001年全年对JDS Uniphase等光纤公司的投资一直在翻番。”我们在舞会上呆得太久了,因为我们的技术权重太大了,”一位前普特南高管感叹道。

到2001年底,年轻的技术基金已经失去了40%。新的机会下降了30%,普南奥茨新兴增长基金陷入了46%,进入晨星排名540增长基金。那一年的投资者将45亿美元的价格从Putnam中拉了45亿美元。只有Janus和Morgan Stanley看到更大的流出。




10月,拉塞尔将弗格森降职,让他成为一个无定形的“战略和行政”角色。随后,拉塞尔将霍尔德曼与曾任弗格森(Ferguson)副首席信息官的史蒂芬•奥里斯塔格里奥(Stephen Oristaglio)一起任命为投资联席主管。虽然两人一直在密切合作,霍尔德曼,从一开始就很清楚,将是拉塞尔的得力助手,在他的运动,以挽救普特南。



在另一个关键举措中,霍尔德曼处理了投资团队中受损最严重的领域——专业增长,该领域管理进取型和小盘股产品。在过去十年的大部分时间里,团队由丹尼尔·米勒和埃里克·韦特劳夫领导,他们在表现恶化的情况下仍享有相当大的自主权。Haldeman将specialty growth置于Justin Scott的监管之下,他曾担任核心股权的首席信息官。


After interviewing key employees, Haldeman realized that as the New Economy bubble grew larger, portfolio managers were too often ignoring their own analysts' research. So last month he replaced William Landes as head of research and brought in Joshua Brooks, the value equity CIO at his old firm, Delaware Investments. Brooks takes on a clear mandate to improve communication between analysts and portfolio managers.


当然,并非只有普特南一家在熊市遭遇“罪过”。在如今艰难的市场环境下,许多共同基金公司正在重新思考自己的经营方式。但很少有人比78岁的普特南投资公司(Putnam Investments)及其60岁的首席执行官更感到紧迫感。


普特南投资公司(Putnam Investments)新任投资联席主管埃德•哈尔德曼(Ed Haldeman)一直担任首席执行官拉里•拉瑟(Larry Lasser)的得力助手。他也可能是拉塞尔的继任者。

两人都拒绝了采访要求。拉瑟通过一位发言人指出,他的合同将延长到2005年底。这位发言人补充说,他没有向霍尔德曼提供首席执行官的头衔。但内部消息告诉我们亚博赞助欧冠that Haldeman and Lasser have an understanding: The top job at Putnam is Haldeman's to lose. The 17-person board of Marsh & McLennan Cos., led by chairman and CEO Jeffrey Greenberg, will make the final decision.

哈尔德曼是费城人,毕业于达特茅斯学院,他在哈佛大学获得工商管理硕士和法学博士学位,在这两所研究生院都名列全班前10%。1972年,他加入了总部位于费城的价值股票精品公司Cooke&Bieler,担任分析师。”Ed Haldeman有正直和真正的职业道德,”Robert Arthur说,他是Cooke&Bieler执行委员会的联合主席,Cooke&Bieler于1994年成为联合资产管理公司的附属公司。1998年,霍尔德曼出任UAM总裁兼首席执行官诺顿•雷默(Norton Reamer)的副手。

然后在2000年1月,霍尔德曼跳槽成为陷入困境的特拉华投资公司(Delaware Investments)的首席执行官,在美国历史上最大的牛市期间,特拉华投资公司不知何故在流失资产。由于糟糕的投资组合表现,特拉华州的资产总额在1996年底达到400亿美元,1997年至2000年间净流出140亿美元。

On the job for just a few months, Haldeman recruited a 24-person fixed-income team, a contrarian gambit when Nasdaq was riding high. That decision, along with some staff changes, has paid off handsomely. Delaware attracted $2 billion in net inflows in 2002.

当Lasser首次接近Haldeman Joining Putnam时,Haldeman抵抗,主要是因为他不想离开他的家乡。最终,首席执行官发出了太甜蜜的抗拒。根据可靠的来源,在未来18个月内,Haldeman的赔偿套餐可在未来18个月内达到2500万美元。--R.B。