


    即便是对一家软件公司来说,上合组织集团也是一个微不足道的小集团。但正如其首席执行官达尔•麦克布莱德(Darl McBride)喜欢指出的那样,“我们的足迹比我们4000万美元的收入所显示的要大得多。”

    That's an understatement. For starters, this bigfoot, though it has just 200 employees, distributes and delivers its products through 11,000 resellers in 82 countries. Lindon, Utahbased SCO's customers include McDonald's Corp. and Samsung Corp. They, along with thousands of small and medium-size businesses, use SCO's software to power servers that run on Intel Corp. chips and the Unix operating system.


    In March 2003, SCO filed a suit against Linux promoter IBM Corp. in U.S. District Court in Salt Lake City seeking at least $1 billion in compensation for alleged licensing violations. Victory would strike a blow for fairness, McBride believes -- and also give him the capital to build SCO into a world-class systems developer.


    in November 2005. Meanwhile, SCO has filed suit against Linux users AutoZone and DaimlerChrysler for alleged copyright infringement and breach of contract, respectively. The company has also taken action against Novell, the networking software company that happens to be SCO's former owner and likewise proclaims itself the owner of Unix.

    The technology establishment is solidly in IBM's corner. Beaverton, Oregonbased Open Source Development Labs, a consortium backed by Hewlett-Packard Co., IBM, Intel and others, has formed a fund to fight claims like those SCO is pressing. Linux's revered inventor, Linus Torvalds, who works at OSDL, has called SCO "the most despised company in technology."

    在9月份的听证会上,IBM律师万豪(David Marriott)指责上合组织没有提供支持性证据,因为“简单地说,上合组织没有证据”




    现年45岁的麦克布莱德(McBride)成为了上合组织(SCO)的首席执行官,上合组织是“圣克鲁斯行动”(Santa Cruz Operation)的缩写,其前身是上合组织的一个开发基地所在的加利福尼亚市,当时上合组织是一个麻烦重重的Novell分支机构,名为“卡尔德拉国际”(Caldera International)。他很快决定,如果公司要生存下去,就必须强制执行Unix许可权。

    McBride最近与机构投资者助理总编辑Jeffrey Kutler讨论了上海合作组织的法律和商业战略。亚博赞助欧冠


    McBride:It was like a sleeping giant. Unix, which Novell had once bought for hundreds of millions of dollars, was just sitting there -- not merely underutilized, but not utilized. The company had burned through $100 million in cash, and the tank was pretty much empty. Six months after I arrived, we launched a plan to protect the value of the Unix intellectual property.


    我曾在Novell担任主管Novell Japan的高管,在四年内,Novell Japan的收入从零增长到1.2亿美元。在那期间,在1994年,我帮助旋转火山口出诺维尔。后来我中断了业务,做了几家初创公司,最著名的是SBI Group,它对Razorfish、Scient和Viant等[技术咨询公司]进行了整合。【SBI于7月被互联网营销公司AQuantive收购。】当Caldera董事会找我做这份工作时,我正准备再创业一次。


    There are two big operating systems in the world, Unix and Windows, and we happen to own one of them. The intellectual property ownership of Unix is one aspect of our business and is the subject of the legal wrangling. That gets most of the press these days, even though we have some exciting things going on in the other part of our business, which involves taking one of our own branches of the Unix tree and developing it around the Intel chip architecture. We have an installed base of 2 million servers divided into two segments: small and medium-size businesses and large chains, including CVS, Costco and McDonald's. These companies buy our Intel-based system because it's reliable and cheap. Our mean time between failures is three and a half years, while our competition's is measured in weeks or months.


    Thousands of companies each quarter are buying software from us. We also have an initiative within the company called Renovation through Innovation, which focuses on new ideas for launching server-based software in the Internet age -- moving toward a Web services approach, as opposed to a pure client-server model.

    How do you divide your time?


    So the future business strategy is closely tied to what happens in court?

    It really is. Our revenue line has been going south since 2001, when IBM pulled the plug on a joint development project with us [which began in 1998] and Linux began to take off. We feel that we got pushed into a corner. We either lie down and die or fight back and defend our rights. We believe those IP rights have significant value. Since taking that fight into the judicial system, we have come under extreme attack. We just want our case to be heard, and we are confident that we will prevail. At one time, we had a $250 million revenue stream, and we're capable of scaling back up to that size relatively quickly once we can focus on growth again.



    How exposed are corporate users to Linux actions?

    We have some companies coming in asking for licenses to run Linux. We do not offer or sell a license to run Linux; it's for the right to use our intellectual property, which others have improperly put into Linux. Our license thus provides safety to the end user from any issues we have. Other companies are taking a wait-and-see approach with respect to the litigation. In terms of direct action, we have filed an illustrative lawsuit against AutoZone for copyright infringement for their use of Linux, and pending further developments in that action, we are not actively addressing these issues with companies.

    Has the notoriety helped SCO, all in all?

