

Here are the 93 analysts working at 13 brokerage firms whom investors award a triple-A rating.


    European investors regained their appetite for credit risk in 2003. From a high of 1,398 basis points late in 2002, junk-bond option-adjusted yield spreads narrowed to 392 basis points by the end of 2003. The diciest part of Citigroup's bond index -- CCC-rated credits -- returned a whopping 46 percent for the year, besting the overall corporate market's solid 8 percent return. Bolstered by stronger economic growth in the U.S., Asia and parts of Europe, emerging-markets sovereign debt issues on average provided a robust total return of 26 percent. Perhaps the clearest signal that the market was comfortable with risk: Russia's sovereign debt returned 22 percent; in the fall, Moody's Investors Service deemed the country an investment-grade credit.

    “In 2003 if you went long on the credit market you would have made money," says Katherine McCormick, head of corporate credit research at J.P. Morgan. "In fact, the worse the credit, the more it tightened."

    然而,现在,在高产债务上盛宴的投资者想知道是时候推回桌面。美国和U.K.利率从历史的低点升起,威胁要增加借贷成本和慢速业务增长,特别是在行业或国家 - 仍然债务。今年迄今为止,新兴市场债务已经失去了4.4%。然而,欧洲的高收益债券继续优于2004年初的返回率为3.87%,比5月初,比期间匹配的政府证券更好地为2.70个百分点。因此,对可比政府证券传播进一步缩小至322个基点。


    “去年,我们投入了很多努力进入合适的部门。今年的部门赌注值得较少,”BNP Paribas投资组合信用策略负责人Alan Capper解释道。相反,卡波珀正在重点关注储蓄供应之间的长期关系,这将随着欧洲涉及其养老金危机以及公司债券的供应而上升。除非速度急剧上升,除非额外的节省应帮助吸收债券发行,并对盖玻片保持下行压力。

    Analysts must rejigger their strategies even as they come under close scrutiny themselves. Beginning next month U.K. regulator Financial Services Authority will require brokerage firms to guarantee that their fixed-income research is "objective." It has left the exact details to the brokerages, but most firms have had to devote considerable energy in the past year to figuring out how to separate their client-supported research from their proprietary trading. "Morgan Stanley has spent a lot of time thinking about conflicts of interest at the very highest levels of our firm," says Catherine Gronquist, the firm's director of international credit research. Part of the solution: Morgan Stanley's credit analysts are being segregated from the rest of the trading room to help comply with the new FSA policy.

    Regardless of from where it emanates, authoritative fixed-income research is vital to investors, particularly in times, like these, when the markets appear to be changing course. And for the second year in a row, investors point to J.P. Morgan as the source of the most insightful analysis; the U.S. bank secures 13 positions to place first in Institutional Investor's All-Europe Fixed-Income Research Team, nosing out Deutsche Bank, which repeats in second with 12 team slots. Citigroup climbs five places to third this year, gaining six team slots for a total of ten, while Morgan Stanley eases from third last year to fourth, even as it adds one team position for a total of nine.

    自2002年10月以来,这些和其他公司在垃圾债券市场中发现了他们最好的投资思想,该公司在2001年和2002年的恒星市场延迟了其他类型的欧洲债券.Sven Olson,他以高收益率领先德意志银行的排名第一队制造/普通工业,推荐于2002年8月推荐瑞典炼油厂普雷斯石油的债券,这是由于记录低精炼利润率沉没到63。奥尔森认为公司拥有高质量的资产和充分的流动性,以跑出艰难时期。去年4月,随着潜在的精炼市场改善,债券靠近公允价值,奥尔森去了;他建议的投资者享受了66%的总回报;2004年5月初,债券在101至102岁时变为102。


    一些欧洲最大和最着名的公司去年落入垃圾类的事实只加剧了市场上诉。总之,14个堕落的天使债务总额为2003年的高收益问题。其中包括瑞士工程巨头ABB,以及其德国同行龙舌兰,英国航空公司,海德堡和法国化学品公司Rhodia。“很多人都有舒适,因为巨大的市场上限被介绍给该行业,”花旗集团欧洲信贷研究总经理和联席主任David Newman说。他说,关键是“发现哪些公司被强调 - 他们对他们之前的评分有点过于巨大债务 - 这是哪些陷入困境 - 即,存在严重的问题,涉及重组。“


    一般工业公司,推荐在首席执行官JürgenDormann后推荐ABB纸张通过减少成本,减少杠杆,销售业务并管理美国子公司,燃烧工程的石棉责任,将公司恢复金融健康。ABB实现了许多这些目标,2003年7月的美国法院裁决向预先包装的破产计划进行了初步批准,将其石棉负债覆盖为13亿美元。ABB 2008年以2002年11月的价值为2002年11月的价值增加了​​一倍于2003年5月至114日,总收益率为140%。


    帕玛拉特高管初始掩饰的problems also produced one of the year's best calls. Thomas Mazarakis and his team at Goldman Sachs International put out a report on October 10, 2003, a full month before the irregularities surfaced. After a Parmalat analysts' meeting at the end of September, Mazarakis grew suspicious. In his follow-up report the analyst wondered why the company's accounts showed a big cash balance that wasn't being used to pay down debt. "We came away feeling very skeptical about the financial management of the company. They had very weak justification for maintaining all that cash," says Mazarakis, whose team retains second place in Investment-Grade Consumer Products. "At the end of the report, we wrote that we were 'not comfortable recommending Parmalat bonds to investors.' That's not the sort of language we normally use."



    Next month, many researchers will begin evaluating the markets from a whole new vantage point -- far away from the bond trading desk. In response to the tainted research scandals in the U.S. -- and the new U.S. regulations governing impartiality of research -- securities dealers in Britain must take responsibility for ensuring that research advertised as objective is in fact impartial. As outlined by the FSA, potential conflicts of interest could include having analysts participate in new-issue marketing, having the trading desk take a position to benefit from an upcoming research report or having an analyst issue a report to favor an existing trading position. The firms have been left to craft their own responses -- for now.




    If so, the sell-side analysts have reason for optimism. II asked the buy-siders who voted in our All-Europe Fixed-Income Research Team survey to rate overall research quality. In 2004, 34 percent of those expressing an opinion were "very satisfied" with brokerage research, compared with 19 percent in 2003. Investors, of course, may feel a little more charitable after a long bull market. There's no assurance that will continue.


    排名由机构投资者编制的,由研究刘易斯·诺克斯和高级编辑Jan亚博赞助欧冠e B. Kenney的助理管理编辑的方向编制,高级助理编辑Tucker Ewing。