

在所有关于芬芬的负面头条新闻中,鲍勃·埃斯纳(Bob Essner)悄悄地、彻底地重组了这家制药公司的运营,并增加了收益。股市会注意到吗?



    一个潜在的收购候选人是惠氏,前身是美国家庭用品公司的惠氏Ayerst实验室部门。就全球销售额而言,惠氏在该行业排名第11位。1989年,罗伯特·埃斯纳(Robert Essner)加入惠氏(Wyeth)时,该公司是一家企业集团的一部分,在食品制造、农药、医疗器械和家用产品领域拥有股份。自从2001年成为首席执行官以来,埃斯纳已经转移了惠氏的注意力。如今,该公司80%的年收入来自于销售处方药,如Effexor(抗抑郁药)、Enbrel(治疗类风湿性关节炎)、Prevnar(肺炎球菌疫苗)和Protonix(治疗胃酸反流)。另外15%的销售额来自非处方药,如阿维地尔和罗比妥新,其余来自动物保健品。

    But during that transformation Wyeth has operated under a cloud of litigation. Its diet drugs Redux and Pondimin, when taken in combination with phentermine, may have caused heart disease and other serious conditions in some 5.8 million people. Wyeth settled a class-action suit over the so-called fen-phen drugs for $16.6 billion in 2002. But claims outside that settlement persist. Late last month a Texas jury awarded $1 billion to the family of a woman who claimed to have contracted a pulmonary ailment from the medication. Wyeth expects the award to be slashed upon appeal and doesn't foresee increasing the remaining $3.5 billion it has reserved against fen-phen claims.

    法律困境掩盖了惠氏的强劲表现。去年销售额增长了近9%,达到159亿美元,营业利润增长了10%。华尔街预计2004年利润将增长12%。由于2008年之前没有重大专利到期,而且还有一批前景看好的新药,该公司在未来的发展前景良好。但其股价在去年夏天接近50美元后,与去年同期持平,每股约40美元。埃斯纳最近在该公司位于新泽西州麦迪逊市的总部与机构投资者撰稿人安德鲁奥斯特兰(Andrew Osterland)讨论了该公司的前景。亚博赞助欧冠

    Institutional Investor: How has Wyeth changed since you joined it?



    We've focused our scientists on making drugs useful to patients and doctors. Some companies are nervous about being overt in this expectation. We aren't. You can do great science, get hundreds of patents and yet not produce drugs that make a difference. Our role is to make drugs that change people's lives.


    Developing blockbuster drugs used to mean targeting a big disease like hypertension, developing a drug and selling millions of units at moderate prices. A lot of companies still define that as their goal. The problem is, those areas of research have been deeply mined over time. So we look at markets that don't exist or maybe exist in a primitive form. A case in point is rheumatoid arthritis, which used to be treated with chemotherapy agents. The side effects were maybe as bad as the disease. Now we have Enbrel, and we think that market is as big as hypertension. We're building enough capacity to sell about $6 billion annually.


    We're insulated for several years from generic competition. Our first major drug to come off patent is Effexor in 2008, and our three other top drugs have patent protection out past 2008.

    Wyeth is considered attractive to acquirers. Is bigger better in the industry?


    What is your strategy regarding alliances and licensing partnerships?





    The problem with Prevnar has less to do with capacity than with the nature of making biological drugs. It's as much an art form as a science, and much more difficult than making small molecular drugs. Like live organisms, they mutate and evolve in ways that are not always predictable. We've added some redundancy to our capacity that we wouldn't have built if everything was working right. FDA standards have changed dramatically in the past five years, and several years ago we probably didn't keep as on top of it as we should have. But since then we've done a lot to bring ourselves up to the highest standards.



    How will the new Medicare drug benefit plan affect Wyeth?

    I don't think it's a big positive. Because of the effect on pricing and margins due to more consolidated buyers, the impact on our sales and profits will probably be slightly negative to neutral.


    Most companies, including Wyeth, have policies to discourage illegal shipments of drugs back into the country. In most countries generic drugs are actually more expensive than in the U.S. That's because governments tend to reward imitation more than innovation. The U.S. government needs to see these price controls as discrimination against U.S.-developed drugs. Other countries need to open up their trade policies and bear their fair share of the cost of drug development.

    Wyeth, along with its peers, has underperformed the market dramatically over the past 18 months. What will get your stock price rising?

    I think the litigation has cast a bit of a shadow over us. Investors shouldn't look at the pharmaceuticals market as a whole but rather at individual companies. We're not all riding the same wave as much as we used to. Some companies have great potential, and others will struggle. We have three major things going for us: a great product line today, one of the strongest pipelines in the industry -- with more than a dozen drugs in Phase III trials -- and no generic competition in the immediate future.

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