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Moral victory



    One glaring deficiency was the lack of a comprehensive clearing and settlement system. Europe did not have a centralized processing entity akin to the U.S.'s Depository Trust & Clearing Corp. to facilitate cross-border trades, possibly leading to the creation of a single stock market.

    The DTCC, a utility jointly owned by major U.S. exchanges and financial institutions, offered to help. It published a white paper in October 2000 promoting the idea of a European central counterparty, or CCP. By interposing itself in each transaction -- as a buyer to every seller and a seller to every buyer -- a CCP assumes settlement risk, freeing trading firms to put their resources into maintaining a liquid market.


    Despite all this, the DTCC's concept survived. CCPs have been sprouting up all over Europe. In the past year Euronext and its archrival, Deutsche Börse, have launched major CCP initiatives with pan-European and even global ambitions. Other exchanges, including Milan's Borsa Italiana, started CCPs with a more regional scope.

    “美国市场需要15至20年,以发展进入其目前的集中模式,”DTCC发言人Stuart Goldstein说明。“欧洲在短期内取得了重大进展。”



    However, securities industry officials differ over whether CCPs are best operated as mutually owned, DTCC-like utilities or as for-profit competitive ventures. A successful profit-making CCP with sufficient economies of scale tends to devour its competition and could grow into a monopoly, requiring regulatory controls, some experts warn.


    Diana Chan, London-based director of Citigroup Global Transaction Services, agrees that bigger, more consolidated CCPs are better but adds, "In the public interest, for-profit monopolies are not a good idea."

    No monopoly or single utility has emerged as yet, but the number of competitors has started to dwindle: The London Clearing House merged in December with Euronext's Paris-based affiliate, Clearnet, to form LCH.Clearnet Group. It's competing on a for-profit basis against Deutsche Börse affiliate Eurex Clearing and other regional clearinghouses.

    CCPs appeared first in the futures markets -- the Chicago Board of Trade formed its Clearing Corp. in 1925 -- where traders participate in complex transactions that may take weeks or months to be paid and settled. CCPs carry the risk that either party might be unable to cover its settlement obligation.

    对CCP的需求也在现金证券市场中发展,以及更多交易卷产生的风险以及越来越自动的交易匹配。“现在有一个非常重要的可能性,公司正在处理他们从未听说过的交易对手,因此不知道其风险简介,”伦敦咨询公司的创始人 - 咨询的创始人林顿琼斯。

    CCPs further reduce settlement risk by netting out the end-of-day credit and debit positions of market participants, lowering the amount of money that has to move within the clearinghouse.


    这有助于解释为什么CCP已经增强。罗宋斯塔利亚国于2003年5月开设了一项现金证券,一年后开设了一个衍生品。此外,瑞士清算室Sis Segaintersettle为基于伦敦的VIST-X的SIS X-Clear,SIS X-Clear,SIS X-Clear-x,SWX拥有的电子交流。西班牙期货和期权市场Meff随着9月与Mefdclear遵循。


    A CCP will be in place at the inception of the Dubai International Financial Exchange, which Bourse-Consult's Jones will run. Scheduled to open in the first quarter of 2005, the fully electronic exchange will use LCH.Clearnet as its CCP. "In Dubai we want to trade a variety of products, such as equities, derivatives, funds and bonds," Jones explains. "In this environment traders can net products out, which will be very useful. Moreover, Western banks may be reluctant to trade with Middle Eastern banks because they do not know them. If you insert a CCP, you remove the risk element and encourage trading on both sides."

    Mirroring the rivalry between Euronext and Deutsche Börse, LCH.Clearnet and Eurex are taking their CCP battle global. LCH.Clearnet won the first big victory in November, retaining the London Stock Exchange's business after agreeing to cut its clearing fees by 25 percent. The deal will remain exclusive for no more than three years, the LSE says, to "perpetuate competitive tension between for-profit clearing organizations in the best interests of the U.K. equity market and the exchange's strategic flexibility."

    LCH.ClearNet已经拥有广泛的多程序客户群,包括Euroonext和其子公司之一,伦敦国际金融期货和期权交流,以及洲际交流,伦敦金属交换和在线市场Brokertec,MTS组和Virt-x(其成员可以选择使用SIS X-Clear)。

    Because of regulatory differences between the U.K. and France, LCH.Clearnet operates a discrete CCP in each country. The clearinghouse plans to integrate the two CCPs gradually and expects to have a common set of membership criteria, single-user accounts across all product lines and a fully consolidated technology platform in place within three to four years. As a "virtual single CCP," LCH.Clearnet offers firms trading a wide range of products on exchanges and over-the-counter markets the ability to choose where they consolidate their posttrade processing and position-holding -- a key competitive advantage, says company CEO David Hardy. Those choices will widen with additional clearing centers; the company has applied to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to extend its derivatives clearing to the U.S., where it will compete with Eurex US.

    从其最近的指令草案,欧盟的t about to set restrictions on CCPs. It favors "an integrated, barrier-free environment . . . in full conformity with the European Union's competition rules."

    But competition among CCPs can't last, predicts consultant Lee, because "once one begins to net most of the transactions in a particular asset class, it will be in the interests of everyone else to send transactions through the same netting machine." Even a new entrant with lower fees would be unlikely to take business away from a CCP that has achieved critical mass, says Lee.


    "The market is still a long way from that," allows Chan. But if institutions and exchanges agree that they have much to gain from a consolidated European CCP, then they now have every opportunity to vote for it with their feet.