



    现在,Merc - 仍然是所有期货市场的最大值 - 正在欧洲的罪行进行防守,在那里它长期存在。Last month the CME dispatched one of its top people, Arman Falsafi, head of electronic trading and data, to the U.K. "Having a senior person in London sends a clear signal that we are committed to Europe and our European clients," declares Merc CEO Craig Donohue. Falsafi, whose new title is managing director for Europe and Asia, has been a key contributor to the Merc's technology push since joining the company in 1999. The 37-year-old Iranian native holds a master's in computer systems engineering from Northeastern University and an MBA in finance from the University of Chicago.


    “2001年,伦敦办事处有三个人 - 现在有12个,”福尔斯法迪说明。“CME的领导力有望认识到期货交易将成为电子邮件。现在我们已经奠定了基础,现在通过从世界各地的严重卷中获得我们的投资是时候了。”