

Hymans Robertson对U.K.的主信托定义贡献市场的结论是,风险拨款不是他们应该的。


这正是投资咨询公司周一发布的报告的结论Hymans Robertson.那which assessed the Master Trust defined contribution market. Master Trusts, which account for 35 percent of U.K. workplace pensions, are multi-employer schemes in which company retirement funds are outsourced to a team of skilled trustees and assets are aggregated with other company pensions. The consultant projected the size of the Master Trust market would hit £300 billion ($394 billion) in assets by the year 2026.

For the study, Hymans Robertson assessed 15 Master Trusts over three phases: growth, or managing assets for members who are 30 years from retirement; consolidation, for members who are five years from retirement; and pre-retirement, for members who are one year from retirement.



“我们相信这是一个必要的组件时有限公司mparing relative value, which we believe is the report’s objective,” he said.



在接受采访中亚博赞助欧冠那Anthony Ellis, head of DC investment proposition at Hymans Robertson, said fund allocations for members likely to be with the scheme for 30 years or more should have a lesser focus on short-term volatility management.



“但是,在长期 - 在增长阶段,你绝对看长期 - 你会骑,”他说。


“Taking the right amount of risk at the right time is the foundation of a well-designed investment default,” she said, explaining that investors in BlackRock’s LifePath Flexible funds will have approximately 40 percent of their portfolio invested in equities at the time of retirement. “Our research shows that this is the optimal allocation given the need for DC pensions to continue to grow post-retirement in light of increasing longevity,” she added.

在Hymans Robertson对退休前阶段的评估中,咨询公司得出结论,大多数提供者仍然对退休几个月的成员带来了太多风险。埃利斯表示,最近市场的绩效已经宽容,导致某些情况下超过10%,但如果持续更高的通货膨胀导致“合理”的兴趣增长,这些回报可能很容易获得负10%费率。



Mercer领导该公司的直流和金融健康团队的合伙人Brian Henderson表示,他的公司“不仅仅是幸福”,就发布了Mercer工作场所储蓄硕士信任的赛道记录,他说他所说的“良好的表现”。亨德森表示,美克竭尽全力努力与退休前大约七至八年开始的计划成员。他说,正是在此时,成员应该根据如何在退休时使用金钱来选择基金的轨迹。通常,成员可以将他们的罐移至年金,逐渐降低投资,或者占用一次性。

The remaining Master Trusts cited in the report did not respond to a request for comment in time for publication.