

沙特阿拉伯的皇冠王子在周末在广泛的反腐败镇压中被拘留 - 令人惊讶的是全球金融界,并提出关于接下来发生的事情的问题。

After hosting a huge global conference of financial market leaders last month at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Riyadh to promote his ambitious economic agenda, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud made headlines again over the weekend when he summarily ordered the detention of dozens of princes, ministers and other senior government officials. The arrests were described as part of a new anti-corruption agenda, but the reality is more nuanced — and the scale of the purge hints at the likelihood that the crown prince’s father, King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, 81, may soon abdicate the throne in favor of his brash 32-year-old son.

逮捕显然没有警告。星期六晚上,国王萨尔曼致辞创建由王储的反腐败委员会,他的首字母MBS已知。几个小时内,根据国有电视网络Al Arabiya,委员会拘留了最少的王子,包括亿万富翁风险资本主义王子Al-Waleed Bin Talal,投资公司王国举行的所有者,以及Miteb Bin Abdullah王子,负责人国民警卫队,以及众多部长。The highest-ranking detainees are reportedly being held at the Ritz-Carlton, where — in late October — 3,500 invitees from around the world, including BlackRock CEO Larry Fink and IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, gathered to discuss Saudi Arabia’s ambitious economic development program, known as Vision 2030.


“我们肯定认为它是一个持续到巩固力量的举措,以便国王获得了高利于MBS,”一位拒绝在议事敏感性上拒绝发言的新兴市场专家。“Like most of these events, it’s about a lot of things — there’s a whole list of domestic and geopolitical issues in play, including hostilities with Yemen and the standoff with Qatar — but first and foremost it appears to be a shift to consolidate power because many of MBS’s initiatives are problematic for the powers-that-be in Saudi Arabia.”


怎么有问题?皇冠王子在未来15年内,沙特阿拉伯的经济和社会转型奠定了阶段。At last month’s global financial conference, the Future Investment Initiative, MBS took to the podium in his role as chairman of the Public Investment Fund (PIF), Saudi Arabia’s $224 billion sovereign wealth fund, to showcase the kingdom’s ambitious plans to move away from its dependence on oil revenue.

在定时序列与巨大的事件中,PIF对主要新项目进行了一系列公告 - 最重要的是政府创造一个庞大的13,000平方英里经济区,称为Neom,俯瞰红海。此类努力将不可避免地要求共投资资本和直接参与一系列全球同行和资产管理人员:估计仅需要至少5000亿美元的新人。


“如果您想解决腐败,您可能希望首先培养一个深思熟虑的政策,并通过适当的机构实施它,”地理管理的创始人和董事总经理,基于政治风险研究和咨询公司Sven Behrendt在日内瓦。“但是要在一次打击中,把这些人带走他们的办公室,把它们放在丽思卡尔顿?我不确定这是[反财务组织]透明度国际希望看到的事情。“

然而,皇冠王子的野心远远超出了经济和金融改革。在10月24日最近对监护人采访时,MBS还揭示了他将沙特阿拉伯归还“中等伊斯兰教”的雄心。在一个不成比例的年轻人的国家 - 70%的人口未满30岁,根据国际货币基金组织的经济增长和为年轻沙特的新机会提供新的机会,失业率约为12%critical to the country’s future political stability, on which the young prince depends.

然而,MBS自由化野心的难题是,在开始实施他最雄心勃勃的计划之前,他感到迫使杂草出现任何政治反对。目前,鉴于他提出的雄心勃勃的提案的范围,很难判断这种最新决定是否会加强他的手或削弱它。但它澄清了家里敌人的队伍 - 他有高级别的对手。沙特阿拉伯的政治面料“长期以来一直基于共识,”观察Behrendt“,”这一举动肯定代表了与潜在哲学的急剧偏差。“