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Using recent mortality estimates, the average 65-year-old man can expect to live until 84, while a woman of the same age should live until about 86. If we average these numbers, we’re looking at about 20 years of retirement to fund. And the mean American household income for those aged 60 to 64 is $50,000 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. So, funding roughly 20 years of $50,000 is the challenge.

多年来,许多顾问已经实施了通常被称为退休计划的“三足粪便”方法 - 养老金,社会保障和个人储蓄。让我们快速看看每条腿。

根据投资公司研究所的最新研究,今年第二季度,美国退休资产达到26.6万亿美元。二十年前,界定的福利资产超出了界定缴费资产。这不再是案件 - 今天的养老金资产总额约为8.7万亿美元,而IRA和401(k)资产合并为15.9万亿美元。

In 1975, 55 percent of American workers had a pension. By 2017, this number had fallen to roughly 25 percent. For those 25 percent, the average annual benefit is somewhere around $20,000. However, it’s estimated that defined benefit plans — public and private combined — are underfunded by $3 trillion dollars. The first leg of the stool might not be there for many Americans 20 or 30 years down the road.



更糟糕的是每三个符合条件的参与者中的一个都没有保存。根据美国经济分析局,1967年7月,个人储蓄率为12.5%。2017年6月,它跌至3.8% - 社会保障捐款发生的情况确切反向。许多人可能不会储蓄,特别是那些没有养老金的人。


幸运的是,许多创新在定义的贡献计划空间有助于这些问题;例如,自动注册和自动升级选择贡献率。合格的违约投资替代品(QDIAS) - 例如选择适当的目标日期基金,以自动投资于托管账户选项,帮助缓解投资决策的负担。



Hybrid plans, which share some elements of defined contribution and defined benefit structures, can solve some of these problems, although they have not been widely adopted. For beneficiaries, these plans provide a lifetime monthly check in retirement instead of a pool of assets and the benefits of professional investment management, such as low fees, economies of scale, and access to the illiquidity premium. For plan sponsors, they have the advantage of some sharing of market risk across stakeholders, and improved cost predictability.

Blackstone Group president Tony James and labor economist Teresa Ghilarducci recently published a book titled Rescuing Retirement, which introduces a federal proposal that has many of these features. But a similar model has already existed in the public sector for nearly 70 years. Although I’m clearly talking my own book, this model is the Texas Municipal Retirement System, and perhaps, for once, the sleepy public sector can serve as prototype for the private sector, helping to prop up an otherwise wobbly stool before its other legs come off.