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新加坡的货币权威使金融技术的创新推进了一大推动 - 现在监管机构警告金融技术内部的风险,它有助于创造。

新加坡的货币权威更积极地推动了金融技术创新 - 而不是其他国家的监管机构。它可能是时候调整啦啦队。

Beginning in 2015, with its S$225 million (about $167 million) Financial Sector Technology and Innovation initiative, MAS established the city-state as a global research and development hub. Basking in the glow of its commercial success, MAS has taken a front-row seat to the risks fintech poses to financial stability globally.

超过400 fintech企业,以及更多than 30 innovation centers and research labs of multinational companies, have set up shop in the country, MAS managing director Ravi Menon said in a November 14 speech at the second annual Singapore FinTech Festival. The multiday event was attended by 25,000 people from 100 nations. Menon said the central bank has signed 16 cooperation and information-sharing agreements with government authorities globally, including the U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority, which, like MAS, operates a “sandbox” where start-ups can experiment with a minimum of red tape.

MAS, which commands a 100,000-square-foot financial district building in Singapore as a collaborative workspace, joined in November the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab to explore such frontiers as cryptocurrencies and quantum computing. The central bank has also started a S$27 million artificial intelligence and data analytics grant to cofund as much as 50 percent of project costs for Singapore-based financial firms, according to a November 15 statement from MAS.

The rationale, as stated by Menon at the festival: “If Singapore is to maintain its position as one of the top financial centers in the world, it must embrace fintech — maximizing its benefits, minimizing its risks.”

Oh yes, risks. For all the fanfare, MAS remains a watchdog, with systemic, supervisory, and surveillance responsibilities. That means “being alert to potential risks, while taking care not to stifle innovation,” Menon said, before adding, “Easier said than done!”

如果这相当于金融气节型富裕的回火,那么Menon符合瑞士巴塞尔的金融稳定委员会的曲调。由英格兰州长Mark Carney银行主持的国际咨询小组表示,关于FINTECH的举报,管理来自第三方服务提供商(如云计算公司)的运营风险是最优先事项。网络安全和监测Macrofinancial风险,包括对金融化贷款平台的资金增长,在其优先事项列表中也很高。

11月,FSB随访了一份关于人工智能或AI和机器学习如何有益的报告 - 或威胁 - 金融稳定。虽然本组织在报告中承认技术可以更有效地帮助地处理信用决策,金融市场和保险合同中的信息,但它也指出可能出现超出看门狗的风险。






