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2018: Little to Gain and Lots to Lose? Or Vice Versa?

This communication is intended for investors categorised either as “Eligible Counterparties” or “Professional Clients” within the meaning of Markets In Financial Instruments Directive 2004/39/EC.

After an exuberant 2017 for the markets, can they rise further? Growth momentum seems strong – and synchronised – yet everything is feeling a bit “toppish”, especially with central banks heading for the QE exit doors.


On the valuation front, most metrics are higher than during the dot-com boom and the lead up to the sub-prime crisis. At Lyxor, we’re not calling a crash – not yet, anyway – but with liquidity infusions set to grind to a halt there’s no room for complacency. While we expect a positive start to the year, regional and asset class returns could diverge during 2018.







Lyxor ETF相关资金:

Lyxor S&P500ETF

Lyxor Commodities Thomson Reuters/CoreCommodity CRB ex-agriculture ETF

Lyxor MSCI世界信息技术ETF

Lyxor MSCI世界金融ETF


2QE exits and valuations





Lyxor ETF相关资金:

Lyxor iBoxx $ Treasuries 7-10Y ETF


Lyxor FTSE USA Minimum Variance ETF

Lyxor TOPIX (Japan) ETF

Lyxor SG Japan Quality Income ETF

三。Bond yields to rise...eventually


In such an environment, we recommend reducing duration. We favour equities over fixed income, but if you have to hold sovereign bonds, countries where inflation (or growth) is less likely to be better than expected, such as Japan and the UK, look the best option.

We also like inflation break even stories, starting with the US early in the year, and eurozone exposures later in 2018.


Lyxor ETF相关资金:

Lyxor EuroMTS 1-3Y Investment Grade ETF

Lyxor US$ 10Y Inflation Expectations ETF

Lyxor EUR 2-10Y Inflation Expectations ETF

Lyxor $ Floating Rate Note ETF


4.Asia advances


What’s more, an improving structural story keeps us positive on Japan – especially given the likelihood of another four years of Prime Minister Abe’s loose policy mix.

Is running with the bull too risky when central banks are heading for the QE exit?

In China, there’s value to be found in the reform of state-owned enterprises and the focus on the environment, while the country’s economic concentration in IT is a long-term trump card. Shorter-term, Chinese equities look unlikely to repeat their stellar 2017: monetary tightening is underway and excesses are being tempered.

一旦我们亚洲新兴市场应该会受益dollar resumes its downward trend. We favour Korea on valuation grounds, surging earnings growth, and signs of improving governance. We also like ASEAN markets, especially Malaysia.

Lyxor ETF相关资金:

Lyxor MSCI AC亚洲(日本除外)ETF

Lyxor JPX日经400 ETF


Lyxor Thailand (SET50) ETF

Lyxor MSCI Malaysia ETF

5.Exploit a two-speed Europe

The days of doubting the eurozone economy seem to be over, but with European equity valuations well above their long-term averages, a selective approach will be key in 2018.

We like French stocks given the general recovery and the progress of “Macronomic” reforms. German stocks have some appeal, especially if a Grand Coalition leads to increased government spending. That said, we prefer to take our exposure to Germany via bunds.

Conversely, the ECB’s gradual withdrawal of QE and a number of political hurdles cloud the outlook for Italy and Spain. The Catalan crisis is far from over, while Italian general elections loom large. Greece could also hit the headlines in 2018, albeit more positively. With its third bailout package coming to an end in August, it will need renewed access to the bond markets. Debt forgiveness appears to be on the Eurogroup’s agenda.

Meanwhile, UK equities continue to face Brexit battles. The agreed-upon divorce deal should bring some hope, but trade treaty deliberations complicate the outlook.

Lyxor ETF相关资金:

Lyxor Euro STOXX 50 ETF

Lyxor CAC 40 ETF

Lyxor CAC中60 ETF


Lyxor IBEX 35 Inverso Diario ETF

Take a better path in 2018.



All opinions/data sourced from Lyxor & SG Cross Asset Research teams. Opinions expressed are as at 05 January 2018.


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