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Why Fund Firms Are Gunning for China


Aries Tung is a numbers guy. The head of strategy and business development for UBS Group’s asset management unit in China, Tung set up a private fund business there last year despite already having a mutual fund company under a Chinese joint venture. Why? His reply can be summed up in a single word: 120.

That’s how many times assets managed by UBS SDIC Fund Management Co. — the joint venture in which the Swiss bank holds a 49 percent stake — multiplied in the past 12 years, explains Tung, in an interview with亚博赞助欧冠在香港。他回顾了他在2005年宣传合资企业首个零售业的首次零售业的首次零售业的开始,以及中国国家发展和投资公司的多数资产在瑞银公司的管理下,每年才立即站在2.5亿美元。


He predicts that UBS’s new private fund business, which targets high-net-worth individuals and corporate clients, can similarly soar 120 times in the next decade, as China has begun welcoming foreign investors without requiring them to set up shop under a joint venture majority-owned by a Chinese company. The market reform has stirred palpable excitement among global asset managers, who see the opening up of the world’s second-largest economy benefiting their own pockets.

A学习released in November by Deloitte’s Casey Quirk research unit said that nearly half of the net new money added to the global asset management industry will flow into China by 2019, when the country will overtake the U.K. as the world’s second-largest market for fund firms. Assets under management in China will top $17 trillion到2030年根据该报告,与美国市场在20世纪90年代初期站立的地方相当。

主要的全球基金公司长期以来一直秉承中国市场的潜力和他们提供的商机 - 如果只有那么多政府限制。

Z-Ben Advisors是一家以来中国政府2016年6月以来寻求全国外资企业许可的机会,至少有30家公司跳跃了一家基于上海的咨询公司公告资产管理公司能操作它endently. Previously, foreign fund managers had to operate through joint ventures under which they were restricted to a maximum equity stake of 49 percent. In November vice finance minister Zhu Guangyao said China would remove limits on foreign ownership for local banks and asset managers, according to a Reutersreport.

市场开放措施意味着外国公司将不受限制地访问中国4000亿美元的市场,包括高净值和机构投资者。亚博赞助欧冠资产管理人员正在使用不同的策略来追逐这些资产,最近,Z-Ben数据显示,只有四家拥有完全外资许可证的公司在中国推出了新的资金:富达国际,alternative manager Man Group, UBS, and Hong Kong–based hedge fund价值合作伙伴组.根据Z-Ben的说法,富达一直是大门中最具侵略性的大门,今年有三个新资金,包括股权基金和投资固定收入的股票。

“我们对中国非常看涨 - 这将是第二大资产管理市场,肯定的是,中国忠诚国际国家负责人杰克逊李在香港公司办事处采访时表示。“我们不能说它是多大的,但它将成为未来几年的增长市场。我们很长。“

与瑞银不同,富达国际未在市场上设立合资企业,重点关注建立独立业务。Fidelity’s new China Equity No. 1 Private Fund and China Bond Opportunity Private Funds No. 1 and No. 2 are a breakthrough for the firm in that they were raised from Chinese clients, according to Daisy Ho, the firm’s managing director in charge of operations in Asia ex-Japan. Previously, Fidelity’s business in China primarily assisted global investors who wanted exposure to Chinese equity.

该公司通过所谓的外国机构投资者,这是中国市场的大道,允许大型外国投资者购买众多陆上股票的批准配额,以众所周知的外国机构投资者计划管理大约12亿美元。亚博赞助欧冠富达国际also has a 460 million-renminbi (about $72 million) onshore investment pool through a separate program that permits managers to raise renminbi-denominated funds in Hong Kong for international investors seeking exposure to China’s fixed-income markets or stocks listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges.






With such a large staff, Fidelity’s service center is well equipped to assist future clients in China, notes Ho. “The three new funds are just the beginning of our road map for China,” she says. “We also want to serve Chinese investors’ retirement and wealth management needs.”

富达国际’s new private funds business is based in Shanghai, where in 2004 the firm opened an office run by the same team that manages funds on behalf of its global clients. The head count in Shanghai is about 20, mostly analysts and portfolio managers, according to Ho.



Moving the Needle

基金经理正在采取不同的方法在中国开展业务。例如,JPMORGAN Chase&Co.的资产管理部门于二零一六年九月九月获得全资企业许可,成为第一位持有一个国外经理。但该公司尚未推出单一基金。

Michael Falcon, J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s CEO of the Asia-Pacific region, says China is a long-term strategy and the firm is still preparing to set up a new fund through its wholly owned operations there. “Both as a global economy and as an asset management market, China is poised to take center stage,” Hong Kong–based Falcon writes in an email. “Powerful growth drivers such as the emergence of institutional investors and households’ evolution from saving to investing suggest that China’s long-term prospects for investment growth may exceed the U.S. and European markets.”

Ordinary investors and high-net-worth individuals “will power China’s growth,” accounting for more than half of the nation’s assets under management by 2030, according to the Casey Quirk report.


根据Falcon的说法,J.P. Morgan资产管理通过依靠香港,上海和台北的18名投资专业人士队伍来说,在中国视为独立的陆上市场。他们管理跨境投资策略,最重要的是国内中国投资者的利益。

The firm has three strategic approaches to China. First, there’s “China for China,” in which there will be funds with specific themes for Chinese investors seeking to invest onshore; “China for the World,” with fund themes for global investors targeting the country; and “World for China,” which will offer global opportunities for Chinese investors, according to Falcon. As part of this effort, Falcon says J.P. Morgan Asset Management is expanding its trading and research capabilities while hiring more risk officers to prepare for a “massive buildout” in the months ahead.

“China is the only new market in the world that can move the AUM needle,” says张磊德Z-Ben Advisor董事总经理,在电话面试中。“如果Blackrock想要成长,那就不会去马来西亚或阿根廷进行增长,而是对中国而言,因为这是让你的AUM成长的地方。”


Winning Market Share


亚历山大表示,大多数全国外商企业都为全国4000亿美元的私人基金市场充斥,其资产与高净值个人和企业客户联系在一起。但是,当中国当局允许外国人可以获得零售共同基金市场的零售价为1.8万亿美元,这是一个更大的市场等待着它们的几年。据亚历山大人称,到2022年,将允许在他们在中国设立的125个合资企业中购买他们的中国合作伙伴 - 或者开始自己的基金业务。


【二】深潜:Man Group Forms First Onshore Fund in China]

总部位于约翰内斯堡的银行和资产管理公司天达(Investec)是尚未在中国获得外商独资企业许可证的公司之一,但这并不意味着其分析师或投资组合经理对市场潜力的兴趣有所减弱。”中国并非对全球市场免疫,但它与全球市场的关联性并不是那么高,”总部位于香港的股票分析师、天达全中国股票基金(Investec All China equity Fund)投资组合经理助理马文昌(Wenchang Ma)表示它为全球投资者提供了多样化的好处。”

MA指出,中国有自己的市场周期,最近的熊市是2015年底和2016年初的大规模更正,看到了上海深圳沪深300指数plummet by as much as 45 percent. The CSI, which was at 4,337 on January 22, had gained 46 percent from the trough of 2,964, in February 2016.


China’s economy增长6.9%数据显示,2017年,年GDP 7年来首次加速增长路透社.MA说,最重要的因素是供应方改革,并指出他们是由中央政府决定遏制钢铁,煤炭和其他老经济产业的超额产量的决定。“旧经济公司正在康复,”她说。“我们看到现金流程改进。我们看到更多有更多钱的公司偿还债务。“


Since 2015 foreign investors have had direct access to Chinese equity markets through an equity trading program known asStock Connect将香港证券交易所与上海和深圳交易所联系起来。这使得他们可以通过香港交易所交易香港股票,反过来,中国投资者可以在上海和深圳交易美国股票。类似的香港中国债券连接项目允许外国投资者进入中国。固定收入市场Stratton Street Capital估计为10万亿美元,仅次于美国和日本,居世界第三。

所有这些改革都受到全球的欢迎。摩根士丹利资本国际,股票指数公司,宣布last year that it would include Chinese equities, known as A shares, in its emerging markets indices. And Citigroup’s emerging markets indices and regional government bond indices announced inMarch 2017他们将增加中国债券。

MSCI’s upcoming inclusion of Chinese A shares has prompted hedge fund manager Value Partners Group — which recently launched an onshore fund for Chinese investors — to consider opening an office in the U.S., according to Value Partners CEO欧景伦.“美国是世界上最大的资本市场,”澳大利亚在一封电子邮件中说。“随着待定的MSCI股票纳入,我们预计对中国投资暴露的需求的不断增加。”

澳大利亚may be prescient. There is no question that China’s financial market reforms will help investors gain traction in the Chinese markets, which for so long have been so difficult to conquer. Conversely, China-based asset managers, like Value Partners, may find the reforms to be a catapult for their global ambitions.
