
Collaboration Achieves Best Execution

As the securities trading market demands new levels of transparency and control, and regulators require more accountability, innovations in trading technology are creating new, more collaborative relationships among market participants.

By Howard Moore

随着电子贸易技术的发展,市场采用了增加的功能,监管机构提高了响应标准。特别是,MIFID II的实施显着改变了买边和销售方面正在寻求执行质量的方式。因此,强调更多的合作,对新方法的需求越来越大,并考虑到整个交易流程。作为资产业主,资产管理人员及其经纪人认识到最佳执行积极影响其各自的企业,有两个主题出现:透明度和控制。

In addition, there is a greater emphasis on benchmarking, analytics, and risk control. According to a2017 Greenwich Associates学习, the responsibilities of a buy-side trader have changed dramatically – and far beyond trading. With trading platforms having evolved to provide a new level of control, the buy side seems to want even more. Asset owners have heightened expectation levels for transparency as well, and many have long sought best execution practices. As result, traders must oversee due diligence on each broker’s suite of algorithms, transaction cost analysis (TCA), venue analysis, market centers and their order types, research budgets, and settlement oversight. However, venue analysis, for example, is a functionality that is found lacking in many TCA products, according to the 2016 Trading Desk Optimization study by Greenwich. This would seem to indicate traders need new tools beyond what they already have – and soon.


这种对控制和透明度的需求促使交易工作流动的转变。在2017年由塔博集团的2017年调查中,83%的美国买方交易头称他们专门制定了这些变化。优先级是提高执行质量 - 并更好地了解路由何处以实现和测量最佳执行基准。该调查表明,他们还希望微调交易成本分析,审查和定制代理算法,以及更好的源流动性。

For example, many on the buy side have upgraded internal TCA inputs, from custodian-based information to time-stamped trade data uploaded directly from in-house order management systems. This provides more actionable information by matching actual trade decisions with suitable benchmarks, like volume-weighted average price, which allows better assessment of trading decisions and broker quality. As a result, it’s possible to monitor the performance of trading relationships, and refine processes, if necessary, by assessing routing statistics to direct any changes, and to evaluate and source new relationships. Indeed, the buy side is reassessing how they select brokers. Execution quality is the most important factor, according to the Greenwich Associates study, followed by access to liquidity, venue analysis, and TCA reporting.

Holding up under scrutiny

“Venue analysis and TCA are a really important tool, not only to achieve best execution, but also to meet regulatory standards of accountability,” says Joe Wald, CEO of Clearpool Group. The process that demonstrates accountable order routing management is now a shared responsibility between the buy side and the sell side. In the past, brokers provided basic data on trading volume and pricing that indicated whether a particular venue – a dark pool or exchange – was an acceptable or unacceptable place to trade. “But that’s not the world we currently live in,” Wald says. “What they really need to know is how the venue performed based on the intent of the order. The way we do venue analysis is deeply rooted in intent.”

Were the fill rates, latencies, and reversion, for example, at a particular venue positive for the type of trade being executed? For a given trade, would a particular venue go to the top of a routing queue or not? Perhaps it would if it does well at the midpoint, has respectable trade sizes, and good reversion. “But if I’m looking for passive liquidity, that venue could be on the bottom,” says Wald. Those answers hadn’t been available with the previous generation of venue analysis tools, but newer technology provides them nearly instantly.

Not long ago, a majority of electronic trades went through only two or three brokers, Greenwich Associates notes in its survey that execution quality is becoming more important than the algorithms used, and traders are more willing to try new electronic brokers if they can demonstrate better execution performance. Top selection criteria include ease of system use, reliability, and quality of technical support.

Brokers are required to outline their execution provisions and the quality of execution achieved in published reports, thus it’s critical for them to embrace the transparency and control of new technology so that robust best execution policies and scrupulous monitoring on a regular basis consistently produce the best result. For buy-side firms, this means having the right tools to capture all the relevant information and making best use of it when executing trades. It also means they must share it with brokers and venues to verify that they are, in fact, achieving the best results. “It’s not a standardized process,” Wald says. “Ultimately, there needs to be more collaboration among everyone in the market to achieve best execution for each client.”

Watch the video, Control and Transparency: Validating Best Executions

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