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Dominic Garcia年轻,饥饿,负责新墨西哥州的160亿美元的国家计划。迎接威斯康星州模型的继承人。

Dominic Garcia became a deputy chief investment officer at 24, spent his 30s investing $5 billion into hedge funds, and won the CIO job for his home state’s pension plan at just shy of 40. Now the real test begins.

加西亚已向第一手公告的公共基金任期达成。他的导师和前老板David Villa - 威斯康星州威斯康星州的CIO投资委员会 - 推动纺塞转向全球机构投资者的顶级层面。亚博赞助欧冠内部人士认为,基金作为加拿大和荷兰的精英养老金投资者的同行,如安大略教师的养老计划,加拿大养老金计划投资局,APG和PGGM。只有少数美国组织可能可靠地索赔。

加西亚在聚会上遇见了别墅在2007年的状态CIOs, early in Villa’s tenure and while Garcia was still a young investment deputy at the Public Employees Retirement Association of New Mexico (PERA). Villa had grown up in Albuquerque. Both had left the state for top universities. Neither was much for small talk. “We just started talking about what he wanted to do,” Garcia remembers. “I told him my thoughts about his vision for the fund and my philosophy on portfolios.”

Villa evidently liked what he heard, or at least he liked the young New Mexican bold enough to share his opinions. “Sure enough, a few months later I got a call from a headhunter and that was it,” Garcia remembers. “I moved up to Wisconsin very shortly thereafter. I started off as a portfolio manager for the fixed-income book. Actually, my first day on the job was the week Lehman failed.”




这次Pera受托人和执行主任选择了一个拥有的原住民,他们回家的是一个模特和一个使命:威斯康星州风格投资,以使新的墨西哥人受益。Alpha的Lealna Orr在2月初通过电话与Garcia谈到了他的新办事处。

阿尔法:你在六个月内完成了新墨西哥的CIO。你在这个投资组合上打开引擎盖的经历如何 - 你的新投资组合 - 发现所有这些都在那里?

Dominic Garcia:从去年9月开始,我已经四个月了。

阿尔法:Britt Harris说,他花了一个完整的六个,以牢牢抓住乌米科 - 德克萨斯大学投资管理有限公司 - 他是Britt Harris。


The current-state assessment was not just of the portfolio. I hold up Wisconsin as a model pension system in the U.S. — and frankly, I think over at Wisconsin they would compare themselves against the Canadians and the Dutch and Australians. During my nine years or so there, I was exposed to the best systems in the world and interacting with the Canadians, the Dutch, and what’s going on in Wisconsin.



