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专栏作家Ashby Monk一直在进行流动性,现金流预测和风险工具的研究 - 发现几乎所有的巨头都被妥善了。

在支付退休时,我正在展示我销售一些艺术品,几个小银勺和一个古老的僧侣家庭花瓶(发音为“Vahz”)的能力。Throw some baseball cards, obscure stamps, and a really old coin into the mix, and I’ll be living the high life — that is, if I can find somebody to actually buy these things at a price that matches what I think they’re worth.

The good news for me is that it’s getting easier to convert all sorts of illiquid assets into liquid cash. For example, there’s now a platform that allows people to sell fractions of classic cars, which means an investor can build a diversified portfolio of cars that don’t work. I also just saw a new hedge fund focused exclusively on buying small batches of Kentucky bourbon and reselling them opportunistically to people who prefer their whiskey when it’s liquid. (I’ll be here all night.) The world seems intent on bringing more liquidity to the world of highly illiquid assets.

And there’s good reason for this: Illiquid investments such as timberland, agriculture, infrastructure, and real estate do, in fact, outperform traditional asset classes, such as stocks and bonds. Recent research by Francesco Franzoni, Eric Nowak, and Ludovic Phalippou shows that the unconditional illiquidity risk premium, at least for private equity, is 3 percent annually — meaning that if your private equity manager isn’t earning 3 percent above public markets every year, then he’s literally doing nothing of value. Other research by BlackRock’s Andrew Ang indicates lock-ups should be associated with a specific premium: If you are locked up for a year, you should earn an extra percent per year. If it’s a decade lock-up, you should get an additional 6 percent per year.

面对飞涨的退休和其他成本social obligations, as well as lower future expected returns, allocator Giants are moving aggressively into illiquid assets to capture these higher returns. The portion of illiquid and alternative assets held by American pensions increased from 5 percent in 1995 to 20 percent in 2011, and is probably well above 25 percent today. At last count, a quarter of the assets held by sovereign funds are illiquid; today there’s close to



这是摩擦:虽然巨头应该完全能够加强这种过度,但大多数人都有弊病,准备管理这种风险。我知道这似乎是奇怪的,因为金融服务行业的其他部分 - 像银行和保险公司一样 - 看待流动资金风险的管理对他们的运营至关重要。但是,让我们不要忘记,Altiquity推动了2008年的金融危机。谦卑的斯坦福和哈佛!显然,它应该是巨人的头脑,特别是因为他们升起了暴露于非挑战资产。




流动性管理 - 预测现金流入和流出 - 非常重要。应监测和重新评估假设和预测,应当委派特定人员监督和更新这些假设。应追究允许自动化和同行协作的新技术。


Unfortunately, institutional investors don’t have that luxury.