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A widely followed hedge fund index posted a 1.8 percent drop last month.



HFRI宏(总计)指数是HFR广泛定义指数中最糟糕的表现者,2月下降了3.9%。这是自1994年2月起最大的跌幅。2月份HFRI宏观指数(资产加权)损失了2.8%。在次策策略中,1月份上涨2.8%后,系统多元化指数下跌6.5%。股权对冲基金也在上个月的红色中。HFRI股票对冲(总计)指数下降1.5%,将其收益降至1.4%。“长期潜在的全球股权市场波动飙升和美国利率增加,通过波动飙升,一定令人印象深刻的对冲基金次战略,通过波动飙升,”肯尼斯·赫尼茨(HFR总裁Kenneth Heinz)在周三的一份声明中说。


Tiger Global Management促进了一款售票员售后市场的制造商的Transdigm股权,据A R映象归档. However, the Tiger Seed still owns about 15 percent fewer shares than it did at the end of the third quarter. “The company occupies an attractive niche in the aerospace and defense industry,” Tiger Global stated in its second quarter 2017 letter to investors. “TransDigm consistently achieves high margins while also providing attractive value for airplane manufacturers, airlines and defensive contractors who rely on the company for complex engineering solutions, on-time delivery and quality-made parts.”

这是一个有争议的股票。2017年1月Citron Research发布了一份标题:“TransDigm可以成为航空航天行业的缬草,呢?”负面的Spiel基本上,TransDigm已经赚取了几十个收购,随后随后大幅提高了价格。Citron目前在Transdigm收购了50多家飞机零件公司,然后发射员工“并令人震惊地”提高价格。“虽然波音和洛克希德的马丁是这项政策倡议的”海报儿童“,航空航天业的每个人都知道,一家公司在政府上涨的令人震惊的价格上涨时脱颖而出:转换率,”Citron在报告中表示。“Transdigm的商业模式是缬草航天缬草是制药行业。”1月底,跨度股票的股票从他们的峰值升级超过9%,但从3月下旬的低点升高了近37%。


在唐纳德特朗普总统宣布计划在钢铁和铝的征收征收中,Carl Icahn否认倾销起重机制造商Manitowoc股票。在他网站上的帖子中一般,他说:“我们不评论传闻,but the recent media speculation regarding our sale of Manitowoc stock calls for a response. We state for the record: Any suggestion that we had prior knowledge of the Trump administration’s announcement of new tariffs on steel imports is categorically untrue. We reduced our position in Manitowoc for legitimate investment reasons having nothing to do with that announcement.” Icahn funds sold roughly 940,000 shares of Manitowoc, a big user of steel, from February 12 through February 22, for between roughly $32 and $34 per share, according to a regulatory filing. On February 16 Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross issued a report calling for heavy tariffs and quotas on steel and aluminum imports. Trump announced his plans for tariffs last Thursday.

