


认识技术解决方案公司宣布与MultStrategy公司合作协议,这可能是其活动家投资的最为罕见的。认识到IT咨询和服务公司,同意将三名新董事纳入其董事会,今年年度会议和2018年会议上的一个新董事。三名现有董事会成员不会代表重新选择。根据协议,艾略特has also agreed to certain customary standstill provisions. Late last November Elliott announced a new position in Cognizant. Shares of Cognizant jumped about 5 percent, to close at $56.45.


Separately, First Pacific Advisors reportedly said it plans to support Elliott in its proxy fight with Arconic, the aerospace and automotive-parts maker. In late January Elliott bought about three million shares of Arconic, boosting its stake in the Alcoa spinoff from 9.6 percent to 10.3 percent. Elliott also said it would nominate five directors to the board and urged CEO Klaus Kleinfeld to be replaced. In the past week, Elliott has stirred up controversy after filing two different estimates for valuing Arconic. Its latest revision reduced its estimate for its value of the stock to $46 from as high as $54. In a February 7 press release, Arconic asserted that Elliott posted “no fewer than five versions of its shareholder presentations — each with significantly restated calculations, industry data sources and valuation analyses — during the first week of Elliott’s campaign to change management at Arconic.”



右舷价值Jeffrey Smith是三个人中的三个人之一,他们将在激进的对冲基金和基于爱尔兰制药商之间的协议中加入Perrigo公司的董事会。根据协议,拥有6.7%的股份的右舷还将推荐两名额外的独立董事将添加到Perrigo董事会。四名现任董事也从董事会踩下,立即生效。另一委员会成员将在委任右天的第二个额外董事后辞职。9月中旬,右舷披露了4.6%的位置,并呼吁公司呼吁改变“逆转经营和财务绩效的轨迹”。Perrigo的股票略微升级至77.93美元。


丹勒布的合作伙伴Keri Findley第三点,上周留下了多渠道经纪的公司BusinessInsider.com.抓住了熟悉此事的人。她是该公司的四个合作伙伴之一,该公司设定了大约150亿美元。自2009年以来,她一直在第三点,最初担任结构性信贷的分析师。



巴西股票投资的比恩维尔巴西机会基金 - 大多数中型公司 - 1月份上涨了9%,自2016年8月开始以来增长了12.9%。

Bienville在2008年由Cullen Thompson,Billy Stimpson和Ralph Reynolds发起了19亿美元。


Shares of布法罗野生翅膀飙升5%左右,收于7.60美元,尽管在专业用餐连锁店大幅下挫后,几家投资银行削减了其价格目标。例如,瑞银,从180美元到170美元的目标,但保留其对库存的购买评级,而瑞士信贷从165美元削减价格目标,并保持其中立评级。

在给客户的报告中,信用是se says the company “still has a long ways to go to regain stability and visibility.” It also fears that 2017 guidance “could prove optimistic amidst a backdrop of rising labor costs, elevated wing costs, intense competition, and limited pricing power.”

本周早些时候和本公司报告其财务业绩之前,活动家对冲基金公司Marcato Carement Management提名为水牛野草委员会的四个人,包括Mick McGuire III,他抬起旧金山的公司。