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The Morning Brief: Whitney on Platt’s Redemption Threat

Michael Platt的Bluecrest Capital已解决其与梅雷迪斯惠特尼的肯贝尔首都的诉讼。伦敦对冲基金公司同意撤回其诉讼,该诉讼呼吁Kenbelle返回Bluecrest在惠特尼美国复兴基金的5000万美元股权,according to Bloomberg, citing court documents。未披露结算条款。在2013年举办一次赌注的普拉特,曾赌注一次性有影响力的华尔街分析师的对冲基金推出,在肯碧跌至约4600万美元的价值之后,10月份要求他的钱。在网上发布的宣誓书中,惠特尼通过普拉特和他的律师制定了一个积极的尝试,以赎回她的其他投资者的大小。“他的钱比你更多,”她引用了相互朋友的马丁公司,他向她推出了普拉特。“他进一步说,”他可以粉碎我,“”她在宣誓书中说。当她询问到底是什么意思,惠特尼引用了日记:“他会确保你永远无法再筹集或管理资金。”


Richard“Mick”McGuire III的Marcato Capital Managementhas finally resolved its dispute with Sotheby’s. The San Francisco activist said in a regulatory filing Monday that it will drop legal proceeding against the auctioneer, which has agreed to review on a confidential basis redacted portions of a previous settlement with another activist. However, if Sotheby’s continues to redact some pages, Marcato says it may refile its previous challenge or file a new one. We recently reported that Marcato went to Delaware Chancery Court seeking documents under seal from earlier legal proceedings involving the company andDaniel Loeb’s Third Point。米arcato noted that while resolution of that dispute was announced May 5, “completely unredacted versions of certain court filings remain unavailable to the public.” Marcato asserts the information in the documents under seal “does not appear to be the type of proprietary information that would warrant protection from release by the court,” adding, “in any event, sufficient time has passed since the action concluded to warrant unsealing.” Marcato also points to an order dated May 7 whereby the Delaware court granted the hedge fund’s previous request to unseal Third Point’s opening brief, filed April 29, 2014. Marcato notes the brief was subsequently released to the court file in unredacted form.


金登资本管理is apparently growing more bullish on biotech. On Monday alone, it disclosed in two separate regulatory filings that it significantly boosted its stake in two companies within this sector. The New York hedge fund firm headed by Mark Kingdon said it roughly quadrupled its stake in Heron Therapeutics to more than 2.8 million shares, or 9.56 percent of the company’s total shares outstanding. Separately, the New York hedge fund firm boosted its stake in Xoma to more than 10.8 million shares, or 9.19 percent of the total from 7.6 million shares at the end of the first quarter. Both positions are passive. Three weeks ago, Kingdon also upped its stake in Fate Therapeutics, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, by 60 percent. At the end of the first quarter, Kingdon had a 15 percent net exposure to the health care sector in general, which along with cyclicals was the largest bet in its portfolio, according to the firm’s first-quarter letter. Kingdon Global Long/Short Equity (Composite) rose 4.69 percent in May and is now up 12.19 percent year-to-date. Kingdon Credit rose 1.38 percent in May and is now up 6.22 percent for the year. Kingdon had $2.1 billion in its long-short strategy as of April 1.


On Monday Credit Suisse raised its price target on Mondelez International from $42 to $48, noting its recent meetings with management “increased our conviction that the company has more room for operating-margin expansion.” The bank also raised its earnings estimates for 2016 and 2017 and its operating-margin estimate for 2018 and cited as positive the fact that Nelson Peltz is on the board of directors. Peltz is a founder ofTrian Fund Management,这是Mondelez的第四大股东。在第一季度结束时,Mondelez是10个Trian控股之一,也是其三大投资之一。


瑞布周一将其价格目标降低了对冲基金最受欢迎的微米技术,从38美元到35美元,引用其在Windows的推出之前对其半导体的软需求。它为客户的一个注释增加了它预期动态随机存取记忆基础的“保持软”直到渠道库存填写在第四季度假日建立季节开始于“认真”。因此,瑞银预计将在未来几个月内交易微米的股票,直到盈利改善。在第一季度结束时,三名前九个股东的三个是纽约的Greenlight Capital.,这有一段时间在其最大的位置,格林威治,基于康涅狄格州的股票Viking Global Investorsand Boston-basedBaupost组