将总统希拉里·克林顿试图废料进行利息优惠的税收待遇?她似乎意味着她的第三天,作为一个正式的总统candidat - 或者是吗?Clinton appeared to take a swipe at hedge funds and carried interest during a well-choreographed sit-down with Iowa college students open to the media: “There’s something wrong when hedge fund managers pay lower tax rates than nurses or the truckers I saw on I-80 as I drove here the past few days.” Clinton was alluding to the carried interest rule, which allows hedge fund managers and others who run private partnerships to treat the bulk of their income as long-term capital gains and not ordinary income, which is subject to a higher tax rate. Of course, we’ll see whether she officially calls for the end of this tax benefit when she passes the hat at fundraisers full of hedge funders.
The New Jersey Division of Investment reported that its hedge fund portfolio was up 6.85 percent in 2014. While this was roughly half the return of the Standard & Poor’s 500, it was double the performance of the HFRI Fund Weighted Composite Index, which rose 3.3 percent last year.