

三大对冲基金正带领一群谁打算起诉凯撒娱乐公司,他们声称是试图避免其债务偿还债权人初中的。阿帕卢萨管理由大卫·泰珀,谁领导居首Alpha的连续第二年的富豪榜,2013年收入$ 3.5十亿之后,是基金之一。峡谷资本和橡树资本管理有限公司也带头努力防止凯撒出售其赌场为$ 2.2十亿另一凯撒拥有实体的四个利用所得收益减少近20十亿的债务$,根据纽约邮政对冲基金要求赌场运营商,这是红色的,必须使用所得款项出售给偿付债权人,认为既然是几近破产,这是资产的非法转移。据报道,凯撒认为它可以使用一些收益来减少债务。“很多[债权人]有位置,由$ 27日十亿在优秀的信用违约掉期,这促使他们反对其未来成功的赌注证明,”一凯撒发言人告诉邮政




Taconic Capital Advisors披露了WPX能源公司5.9%的被动股份,该公司从事天然气、液化天然气和石油的生产。


Credit Suisse raised its rating on Monzelez International to Outperform from Neutral and hiked its target price to $42 per share from $35 following the company’s sale of its coffee business to a joint venture that will be known as Jacobs Douwe Egberts and run by JAB Holding Co. The investment bank’s analysts called the move “as a master stroke toward creating shareholder value as it generates cash for share repurchase while maintaining a stake in a much stronger European entity fully scaled and under the control of a highly respected operator JAB.” Credit Suisse analysts also said in a note to clients Thursday that they are “positively surprised” by the speed at which the company is instituting zero-based budgeting practices “to eliminate the inefficiencies that have caused operations to underperform its peer group for several years.” Not coincidentally, Mondelez is a core holding of aggressive activist hedge fund Trian Partners, led by Nelson Peltz, who ranked number 19 on the Rich List after earning $375 million in 2013.


摩根士丹利提出的两个高知名度的互联网类股的评级。它升级Yelp的,网上的商业上市和审查公司增持,指出其目前的风险/回报提供了一个有吸引力的切入点。摩根士丹利的分析师认为,30%的上升空间,其$ 69的目标价。“我们积极地看待Yelp的竞争定位,一致的执行,且可预测的基于订阅的收入来源,这为投资者提供了较高的知名度,”该投资银行周四公布的对网络股的投资者报告称。“我们也看到了Yelp的显著机会,拓展新的收入产品,因为它旨在捕捉到它能够离线交易的更大的份额。”
