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经验最不丰富的对冲基金经理再次超越了整个行业的同行。芝加哥数据追踪机构对冲基金研究公司(hedgefund Research)的一项最新研究显示,在截至6月的12个月内,新兴对冲基金经理平均上涨11.3%。相比之下,HFRI基金加权综合收益为9.1%。当然,没有办法事先知道哪些新基金经理会做得好或差。不管怎样,最近的一些研究已经证实,过去几年流入对冲基金的大部分新资金都流向了规模最大的公司——那些管理规模超过50亿美元的公司。与此同时,跟踪女性和少数民族拥有的对冲基金的HFRI多样性指数同期上升了11.1%。

Separately, HFR reports that 285 new hedge funds were launched in the second quarter. This is virtually the same number that was trotted out in the first quarter (289) and the second quarter of 2013 (288). More encouraging is that 189 hedge funds were liquidated in the second quarter, way down from 272 in the previous quarter. However, the 979 funds that were liquidated in the trailing 12 months exceeded the liquidations in each of the prior four calendar years and were the highest since 2009, right after the financial crisis and global market meltdown.



“他的欺诈,因为即没有都没有被发现internal controls to limit Cooper’s ability to withdraw excessive amounts from the fund,” says Marshall Sprung, co-chief of the SEC Enforcement Division’s Asset Management Unit, in a press release. WestEnd Capital Management, which managed $105 million at the end of 2013, agreed to cease and desist from committing future violations without admitting or denying the findings. The settlement also requires the firm to retain a compliance consultant. Cooper worked at WestEnd from 2002 through 2012.



“我们的董事会在外部顾问和顾问的协助下,对Dollar General投标报价的各个方面进行了审查,并一致认为,这一具有高度条件的报价是虚幻的,因为正如Dollar General所知,该报价不能按提议的条件成交,美国家庭美元董事长兼首席执行官霍华德莱文在新闻稿中说。他补充说,美元树“以直接预付现金和“在合并实体中”的上行参与以及收盘确定性的形式提供有吸引力的价值。”

In the announcement, Edward Garden, a Family Dollar director and co-founder and chief investment officer of activist hedge fund特里安基金管理公司一位大股东说,美元树交易为家庭美元股东提供了“确定的最高价值”,并补充说,“我们仍然完全致力于美元树交易。”


谈到Trian,杜邦公司股价上涨5.20%《华尔街日报》reported that the activist investor sent a letter to DuPont’s board urging the chemical giant to break up into two separate companies: one focused on its faster-growing segments such as agriculture and nutrition and another that would include its specialty chemical products, such as Kevlar body armor, which generate strong cash flows. Trian owns nearly 3 percent of the stock, according to the report.


Nearly one-third of directors say their board has had some sort of interaction with an activist shareholder “and held extensive board discussions about activism” during the last 12 months, according to a survey conducted by PwC. The report also found that the boards of the largest companies are twice as likely to interact with activists as boards of very small companies. Although more hedge funds have entered the activist arena and have raised large sums over the past several years, it is still somewhat surprising to learn that such a high percentage of companies have had some sort of engagement with activists. Given that activists only pursue one or two targets at any given time, the survey underscores how much communication takes place behind the scenes that the public probably never learns about.


另一项调查也得出了一些令人惊讶的结果。根据对冲基金尽职调查公司Corgentum Consulting的数据,37%参与对冲基金审核的人表示,他们不会对基金经理进行详细的背景调查。调查对象包括运营尽职调查分析师和对冲基金投资者(包括基金公司、家族理财办公室的基金)以及机构投资者(包括养老金、捐赠基金、基金会和保险公司)。此外,86%的受访者承认,他们在进行背景调查时可以做得更多,特别是在刑事调查、诉讼搜查和税收留置权方面。亚博赞助欧冠


Eurekahedge is the latest hedge fund scorekeeper to weigh in with August results. The Singapore-based data provider calculates that the average hedge fund was up 4.16 percent for the first eight months of the year. Asia ex-Japan hedge funds rose 7.26 percent year-to-date, it adds. Total assets under management increased by $12.7 billion to $2.14 trillion.
