
The Morning Brief: Philip Falcone’s Stunning Severance Package

菲利普·福尔科may no longer work on Wall Street, but he still enjoyed a huge payday. Harbinger Group announced that Falcone resigned as chief executive officer and chairman of the board and will be replaced as chairman by Joseph Steinberg, an independent director. Under the deal, Falcone will receive $40.3 million, including a $20.5 million one-time payment, $16.5 million related to Falcone’s 2014 bonus and $3.3 million as a pro-rata bonus for fiscal 2015. Harbinger also said warrants to acquire common stock that were previously awarded to Falcone will continue to vest.

Falcone的对冲基金于2009年接管了Harbinger Group,并使用了公开交易的车辆投资于公司组合。2013年8月,猎鹰及其对冲基金公司,Harbinger Capital Partners.同意支付超过1800万美元,英国航空公司rred from the securities industry for at least five years as part of a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission stemming from enforcement actions in June 2012. Falcone was accused of improperly using $113 million in fund assets to pay his personal taxes, secretly favoring certain customer redemption requests at the expense of other investors, and conducting an improper “short squeeze” in bonds issued by a Canadian manufacturing company. He also was required to liquidate his hedge funds.


芝加哥对冲基金巨头的前分析师堡垒告诉联邦调查人员,他使用内幕信息来交易戴尔的股票在公司工作的同时在公司工作时进行交易彭博报告。理查德农民分析师于2011年12月告诉当局,他收到了戴尔员工,罗克雷,2008年和2009年的关键信息,在一个案例中,在被告知计算机公司会报告令人失望的收益后股票将落下。根据Bloomberg的说法,纽带员工在戴尔的股票下降超过10%之后,欧洲人员工将500万美元达到600万美元。In return for the confidential information, the Citadel analyst helped the Dell employee look for a job on Wall Street, in what federal agents called an ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’” relationship, according to the report, citing a summary written by agents of a January 4, 2012, interview with the analyst. Neither individual was sued by regulators or prosecuted because federal authorities did not have enough evidence. Bloomberg stresses that Citadel, headed by Kenneth Griffin, was not accused of wrongdoing.

杰弗里史密斯右舷价值raised its stake in chemical maker LSB Industries to 7.2 percent. Back in early April, the company agreed to name three individuals to its board of directors as part of a settlement and standstill agreement with the New York–based hedge fund firm. In its latest regulatory filing, Starboard said it continues to believe the company “has several viable alternatives available to create substantial value for stockholders.” It then used boiler-plate language to indicate it may take future actions.




老虎全球管理participated in a $600 million, Series H financing for Flipkart, the largest online retailer in India. This is at least the seventh investment the New York investment firm has made in the company, according to crunchbase.com. The most recent investment was made in July, when Tiger Global participated in a $1 billion financing.


Deutsche Bank cut its price target on hedge fund activist favoriteHertz Global Holdings.,从24美元到22美元。它还保持其保持评分。“我们感觉到这一点上烘焙到股票的公平乐观,并认为HTZ的恢复道路仍然具有许多不确定性和潜在的陷阱,”银行在一个纸条中告诉客户。上周的汽车租赁巨头名为John Tague作为其新首席执行官和总裁。

它最近宣布将其重建其2012年和2013年度和季度财务报表,以纠正会计错误,以前宣布计划2011财务计划。9月,赫兹同意与Carl Icahn的协议交易,他在董事会上有三个席位。一个月后,巴里罗森斯坦的Jana Partners.boosted its stake in Hertz to 7 percent of the total outstanding.


与此同时,德意志银行还将对冲基金最受欢迎的工作日削减其目标目标从100美元到90美元,并指出该软件公司最近报告了第三财财政区的“混合”成果。它还保持其对库存的持有评分。在第三季度结束时,工作日的第十大股东是斯蒂芬·曼德尔,JR.的孤牌资本。其他重要持有人包括Kenneth Griffin的城堡,John Griffin的Blue Ridge Capital和丹尼尔本顿的安多斯人资本管理那who counts the stock as his seventh largest holding in his concentrated portfolio.


D.E. Shaw & Co.据说它拥有5.1%的自由宽带公司,其主要资产是对宪章通信的兴趣,其子公司Trueposition和时代华纳电缆的投资。
