

Wellington and Kensington Global Strategies, two multi-strategy funds run by Kenneth Griffin’s Chicago-based hedge fund firm堡垒,6月份发布了1.50%的收益。因此,他们上半年的上半年升级了6.95%。根据熟悉的结果,资金在其股票,商品和活动驱动策略中享有强大的表现。威盛战术贸易基金在6月份上涨0.75%,今年增长了8.80%,而全球股市上涨1.10%上涨1.10%,将年内推出至8.20%。该公司的全球固定收益基金据称,6月大致持平,但今年的6.6%。

威廉阿克曼潘兴广场资本管理announced its slate of six directors for the board of Allergan. The New York–based activist hedge fund firm, which is teaming up with Valeant Pharmaceuticals in a hostile bid for the Botox maker, is seeking to call a special meeting of Allergan shareholders in an attempt to change the board. Pershing Square’s nominees are Betsy Atkins, Cathleen Black, Fredric Eshelman, Steven Shulman, David Wilson and John Zillmer.

“If Allergan shareholders agree that our offer is compelling enough to warrant further discussion, they should vote to hold the special meeting where they will have an opportunity to remove incumbent directors,” Valeant commented in a statement. “As owners of the company, Allergan’s shareholders deserve the right to make such a decision.”

PetSmart, Inc. on Monday responded toJana Partners'从周五提交给监管机构的文件,呼吁possible sale or some other shareholder enhancing measure for the pet products retailer. In a regulatory filing, PetSmart said it has been reviewing potential changes to its capital structure, with a “focus on” returning capital to shareholders. “The evaluation is ongoing and is consistent with the company’s commitment to driving shareholder value,” it added. “There is no assurance any new initiatives will be undertaken, and if so, the amount and timing of any such initiatives.” On Monday, Stifel Nicolaus told clients that calling on PetSmart to explore strategic options “does make sense and could open up a few possibilities.”

重复其在股票上的“持有”评级的投资银行,在这方面向客户思考的客户中添加了“多年来可能受到影响,将过剩的资金归还股东,但在城市地点和电子商务渠道的同行后滞后。“它断言,私人可以使公司能够重新投资和重置业务“具有更小,更多的全部通道足迹。”然而,Stifel Nicolaus已经警告说,一般的大型零售商“探索战略机会”近年来的“有点低的成功率”指向百思买,Barnes&Noble和Advance汽车零件作为示例。

在进一步的评论后,BAE系统正在提前撤销对冲基金是网络接收的主要受害者。CNBCinitially aired the report in an interview with Paul Henninger, the global product director for BAE Systems Applied Intelligence. But BAE company spokesperson Natasha Davies now tells the network that the executive “incorrectly presented” the anecdote. Davies says the actual cyberattack Henninger described on CNBC was in reality a “scenario” used by cyber experts inside BAE Systems.



Tiger Global Management’s venture capital arm led a $5 million fund-raising for Reviews42, described as an India-based product reviews platform, according tolivemint.com。根据CrunchBase.com的说法,由孤独的科技解决方案拥有的评论42,由唯一的科技解决方案拥有,从移动应用中获取大约60%的流量。据报道,它计划利用这笔钱来改善其产品,增加招聘,并扩大其对印度的存在。

文艺复兴的技术创始人James Simons及其妻子玛丽莲为寒春港实验室提供了5000万美元,以建立Simons的定量生物中心,以支持研究和教育计划。根据独立生物医学研究机构的公告,该中心将对癌症,自闭症,双相情感障碍和抑郁症进行研究。

“Jim Simons使用了他的数学专长来改变世界对金融市场的看法,他现在通过慈善事业来改变科学世界,”CSHL董事长杰米·尼科尔斯说,曾经是国王街首都有限公司的妻子- o. francis biondi Jr. - 在一份声明中。“Jim和Marilyn Simons”对科学研究的长期支持在寒春港实验室及以后能够赋予突破性的发现。“西蒙斯是唯一有资格获得alpha年度的对冲基金经理Rich Listin all 13 years, earning more than $20 billion over that period. In 2013, he earned $2.2 billion, ranking number four.