
早上简介:Allergan竞争William Ackman的选民数量

周二allergan是Botox皮肤注射的制造商,宣布它设定了日期 - 12月18日 - 为特殊股东大会。这就是康契方资本管理首席执行官会议威廉·阿克曼,通过诉讼要求,他可以举行代理投票并试图与将支持allergan的敌对投标的人填充董事会。但是,虽然Allergan同意举行会议,同时该公司将与美国中部地区向加利福尼亚州中央区提出议案,以获得对缬草和歌舞广场的初步禁令。Yesterday Pershing Square and Valeant issued a statement of their own in response, saying: “We are confident that Allergan’s desperate attempts to delay or prevent a Special Meeting of Stockholders will not succeed, and that the Special Meeting will be held not later than December 18. It is apparent that Allergan fears letting its stockholders have a voice, and we believe that its transparent efforts to prevent that will not stand.”
事实证明,在Paul Singer的战斗中获得他的阿根廷债券回报,他在寒冷中离开乔治索罗斯和凯尔巴斯。Quantum Partners, a fund that Soros’s family office manages, and Bass’s Hayman Capital are part of a group of investors who have filed a suit in London against the trustee, Bank of New York Mellon Corp., to collect on some $298 million in interest payments on euro-denominated Argentine debt,彭博报告。A U.S. court order instigated by Paul Singer’s Elliott Management Corporation prohibits BNY Mellon from paying off the debt until Argentina reaches a deal to compensate Elliott and other investors who didn’t agree to the payment terms when the country defaulted on its debt in 2001. But Bass told Reuters he doesn’t think the court order should apply to the money due the investors holding euro-denominated debt because their payments are governed by U.K. law.
第二次对史蒂文科恩的民事案件已被推迟一年,是华尔街日报报告。SAC Capital的前任首席执行官现在通过Point72资产管理投入自己的财富,正面临着民事审判,他被指控未能充分监督在内幕交易上被定罪的员工。
Conservative Brazilian presidential candidate Aecio Neves says he has tapped Arminio Fraga, a founder of JPMorgan’s Brazilian hedge fund and private equity group, Gávea Investments, to be his finance minister if he wins the election on October 5. Fraga, an economist, was also the president of Brazil’s central bank from 1999 to 2003, during the presidential administration of Fernando Henrique Cardoso.